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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Because if it weren’t for heterosexuality, we wouldn’t have survived as a species. Gman
  2. I’m not much in the mood this year. But as ‘tis the season. So I’m wishing all of my Forum Family the best!!! http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/dcruz6hd5m2g3ew/File%20Dec%2012%2C%204%2050%2009%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  3. I’m the third child and second born son. The force must have been strong with my brother as I believe the previous research has said that the more older brothers you have the more likely subsequent brothers are to be gay. I only have one brother. So he must have really stimulated whatever is supposed to go on in the Mothers. However my father was the second of two boys, and he wasn’t gay-as far as I know. He even liked looking at Playboys. One time when I was away at school, he ordered them in my name, so the Postman and others wouldn’t know they were for him. Also I have some double 1st cousins. Two boys are in that family. My younger cousin, the second boy is straight also. I’m sure it can’t be all this simple. Lots of things probably impact whether or not you are gay. To paraphrase the motto at the top of the Horoscope Page in my hometown newspaper growing up, “Having older brothers may impel but does not compel being gay!!” Gman
  4. Yes, @Mikegaite always caught for me too. In this picture he doesn’t look like he’s quite sure whether he likes Luke down there. Gman
  5. @FreshFluff I missed the announcement you were having the harvesting done!! I wish you the best of luck!! Gman
  6. Wow!! I’ll bet he’s popular with the girls (or maybe the boys). Gman
  7. I hadn’t had sex yet-was about 2 years away from my 1st time -and at the time I didn’t think I would ever have sex. They really turned the sound up on that sex scene. They were trying to shock, and I’m sure they did. Even though I was a virgin and thought I’d most likely never have sex, I knew I would be, if I ever had sex, a strict top. The sounds of Brian knowing Justin biblically for the first time made me queasy. I couldn’t watch the complete scene. I had to turn the TV off. Gman
  8. You’re a shining example of self-control to us all!! Gman
  9. You’ve never heard of zip code + 1? I didn’t say-or didn’t mean to say I thought it was a zip code. It just made me think of a zip code. Gman
  10. Can you blame it? If his tallywacker had gotten erect immediately, he probably would have fainted from lack of blood to his brain. Gman
  11. While not being a computer guy, I still think I’m fairly savvy. The ‘9’ plus mail icon led my mind down a garden path. I went immediately to Beverly Hills 90214 even though I never really watched the program. Gman
  12. Thanks. I was trying to make it into a zip code. Gman
  13. I’m not much on performing oral. I’m glad most escorts performed on me even though I didn’t often perform oral on them. For some it may be that kissing is too personal. I know I talked or read about escorts who said that was something special they reserved for their boyfriend. Gman
  14. My hiring experience encompasses the years 2002 to 2015. I’m not sure about the abbreviation BFE. But I know the term was certainly there since 2012 and really even before. I’m pretty sure I used that kind of description whether I used the actual words or not when I described to an escort what I was looking for. And obviously there is no set definition of BFE. But there is also no real life Mr. Average. And yet if we speak about average or usual type of behavior, most people have an idea what it means. In like manner, if you say boyfriend experience, I’d think most people have a general gestalt of what it means to be a boyfriend. . Of course you’d always need to discuss specifics. Now whether the escort is actually willing to act like a boyfriend, even if they advertise it, is another point entirely. The majority of my hires were fairly good kissers over the years. Since I usually hired for two hours or a weekend, they had more time to get to know me. So that probably helped (I hope). I also noticed that even if they were tentative or not so great at kissing to begin with, once we started and a bit of physical stimulation was thrown into the mix, they became a lot more passionate. There were several guys over the years that I really wanted to hire, but they indicated they weren’t into kissing, so I ended up refraining from hiring. There were also a few who said they were into kissing, and whether they weren’t really or weren’t into it with me specifically, I never hired again. A case of a guy I wanted to hire, but he said he didn’t like to kiss (I think he told me he didn’t even like to kiss with a boyfriend) was Jason Land http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_3GsDVD4bQfw/Rc1AOv1y1yI/AAAAAAAAAAw/JrwMLxRxEsc/s400/JA63Pumps.jpg A guy I ended up hiring whom I think I asked about kissing-or maybe I assumed he did-but in any case when we met said he only deep kissed his boyfriend was Tony Serrano. I never hired him again. http://www.friskyfans.org/catphotos/models/TonySerrano/Tony-Serrano.jpg Gman
  15. If it’s not being too impertinent, how old were you? And was it comfortable? I’m picturing dirt and rocks. Gman
  16. Unfortunately money-wise I can’t afford it. Plus getting away for several hours at night from my Mom would be extremely difficult. You know all the euphemisms seem vaguely disgusting to me. And creampie-I’m not really a fan of cum. An escort I was once with asked me if I wanted to cum on his face. I said I would if he wanted. But it didn’t really do a lot for me. And those scenes in porn where a guy’s face is dripping or has it leaking out of his derrière, gross me out. Gman
  17. That was why I never met him. I have a vague memory of contacting him and asking whether he would bottom. The answer might have been yes-unless this is just some pipe dream I had-minus the opium as I don’t smoke it. But I think he said he didn’t kiss which would have put the kabosh on any meeting. I realize others don’t feel this way. But it’s almost painful for me to have sex and for the guy not to be into kissing. It’s at the least very frustrating. There is one guy I used to see in Seattle on a semi-routine basis. He didn’t like to kiss. I still liked seeing him because he was a nice guy in every other way-except I never saw him cum (he’s one of those guys who takes forever). He finally started giving me a few lip only pecks. But I would have seen him a lot more often than I did over 6 years if he had been into kissing. Gman
  18. I never would have recognized him. Gman
  19. It wasn’t immediate. It has taken a lot of effort to find even the few guys I have. But what can you expect. Not that many guys like older out of shape guys-or if they do like tummy type, I’m not into them as they are probably my type. And I’m not attracted to my own type. I agree with you. The word/phrase puts me in mind of the kinkiest types of porn films. And I’m more of a vanilla guy. But I don’t know that the word ‘bareback’ sounds much better. Scruff, Grindr, MisterX, Growlr (but I don’t usually find many guys on that one at all because they are too similar to me. And while guys don’t have to be rail thin for me, I’m not usually into bears unless they are muscle bears or athletic chasers), and Bear411 (which has a lot of the same problems for me as Growlr). In my experience in both Washington State and Texas, Grindr and Scruff have the best looking guys. Gman
  20. It’s not unsual for me not to be able to find anyone. I normally have this problem when I’m at home in Washington. But currently I’m visiting relatives in my real home in Texas. There have been many might have beens. But so many guys on the apps say they can’t host. And I’m staying with a relative and definitely can’t. There were two guys that were possible. But they both wanted me to ‘breed them’. The problems with that-on a personal basis I’d prefer not to breed if I have the choice. In addition, I have an occasional f-ckbuddy in Washington state. I think I’m the only one he’s seeing. And while we don’t see each other often, I do go bare with him. I’ve also promised him that I won’t go bare with anyone but him. (I’m on PrEP-but even before I made this agreement with my buddy, I didn’t feel that PrEP gave me the carte blanche ability to go bare with any and everyone I met. ) My feelings about PrEP have always been that it gives me some leeway/insurance for the occasional times when I have gone bare. Prior to this promise, I only occasionally went bare with one or two longterm buddies -that I almost never see as they live in Texas, or when I had trouble staying hard inside a condom. So now one guy when I explained about my promise, decided by non-communication that he didn’t want to meet. The other guy when I explained-and I had met him a year ago and we had had a fairly nice time together-actually blocked me on the app. So now I can feel good because I have the moral high road of having kept my promise to not go bare with anyone but my Washington buddy. But I also have to deal with the thought that I could have been with two different cute guys if not for my promise. Plus the blocking really p-sses me off. And yes I could jerk off-probably will-but it hasn’t been that satisfying lately. Gman
  21. In my experience I don’t think most escorts-at least escorts who list BFE-have problems with kissing. The ones who seem to have the most problem usually are the ones who advertise as straight, bisexuals who are strict tops-a good chance they are really almost completely straight and only g4pay-and the straight muscle worship guys. But then again those might be the guys you like to hire. And really unless there is an active herpes sore, it’s ridiculous as you can have asymptomatic virus shedding. That also means someone could get a genital herpes infection from receiving oral from someone with asymptomatic viral shedding. As an added bonus, condoms don’t necessarily prevent passage of the herpes virus. Gman
  22. From the pictures he has very nice biceps and pits. If I were still hiring, I’d like to nibble on them for a while. Gman
  23. As g-dless as the northeast were (are), I’m not sure y’all can hold a candle to the unchurched Pacific Northwest. Gman
  24. In this more ‘enlightened’ age, I think the dorms at my Alma Mater decide visiting hours for themselves which I’m betting that probably the all-male dorms (if there are any left) and the coed dorms are 24/7. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the all female dorms still have restricted hours. I think Baylor University-the world’s largest Baptist University-probably still has strict visiting hours. Gman
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