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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. The only person I can think of right off the bat in all my years of hiring that I actually ended up hiring who wouldn’t give me his personal info and wanted to make the reservations himself was Steven Draker. That probably should have been a warning sign that I shouldn’t have done it. As for emailing the tickets, I usually cut and pasted the pertinent info and then emailed the ticket to the escort myself. If I had the airline send the email, it often had some of my personal information that I preferred not sending to the escort-things like my name and possibly my address. I usually had a nom-de-hiring name that I used with the escort prior to hiring. Once we actually met, I had no problems with telling them my name, but I was careful beforehand. Gman
  2. In my experience, flights with layovers can sometimes cost as much or more as direct flights. As for whether you should book a layover, sometimes it’s necessary depending on where you live. For example, I once lived in Corpus Christi, Texas. Unless I was bringing someone to me from Texas, there was almost always going to be stopover in either Dallas or Houston. As for whether you should book a flight with a stopover when you could, book a non-stop, you have to gauge the expense vs the escort’s comfort. I certainly wouldn’t book a stopover of two hours or more unless I had to. Remember flying all day can be exhausting. If the escort is all tired out because of an arduous flight schedule, you are adding factors that might lead to a less than successful meeting. Take an average weekend hire. The escort comes in on a Friday and leaves on a Sunday. You are going to have less than 48 hours of actual face time due to flight schedules. If the escort is exhausted by the flights, that’s just less quality time you have to spend with them. Gman
  3. Who is that? I’m so, so jealous for multiple reasons!!! Gman
  4. I used to try to book flights on Southwest as if the guy didn’t show up, I could either use the tickets myself or get a refund. It’s more difficult even on Southwest now as if you don’t cancel the trip before the flight leaves, you lose the money. So I don’t know that there’s a good solution nowadays other than to use well-known guys-or to travel to them rather than bring them to you. Gman
  5. Gar1eth

    Multi Tasking

    When do you think he moved? A few years back he was advertising an house/condo/ apt for rent in Vancouver. Gman
  6. From what he’s said, no it wasn’t. Gman
  7. Is Mike still filming? I haven’t seen any new articles on him for a while. Gman
  8. I apologize. I hadn’t seen your thread. Gman
  9. You might be surprised how many long time members have troubles posting links, gifs, videos, and etc. Gman
  10. I know what he said on his website. But that didn’t necessarily have to be the truth. Gman
  11. It could’ve been an SNL ad. Gman
  12. I always thought Alec might be more on the bisexual or g4pay. So if this is true, it’s nice to hear about. Gman
  13. He’s also a bit too pouty. On the other hand, once we are a couple, I’m sure after a few months I won’t notice it at all Gman
  14. Gar1eth

    FLL or PR

    I always thought the Atlantic was colder than the Pacific. Have I been wrong all these years? Gman
  15. Those pictures look reasonably familiar to me. I haven’t met the young man. But I wonder if maybe he escorted under another name. Gman
  16. I think I used to wonder what people thought when I took my college-age niece out for a meal. She is quite pretty. Gman
  17. You could always be extended family-like his mother’s brother-in-law. I’m not sure I understand. If discretion is important, why are you going to places where eyebrows might be raised or where someone might wonder about an intimate dinner? Gman
  18. I feel sad for him. I know from being a bit undersized myself that it can often be difficult topping. And even when you can top, I have a tendency to fall out when I don’t want to. Gman
  19. May I assume M Day was when Australia became metric? Gman
  20. I first noted him on HBO’s 1st & 10 in 1984. I thought he was extremely hunky. Gman
  21. I really only have people around to eat it once a year at Thanksgiving. If I were to experiment at other times, I’d most likely be eating them all myself. And I definitely don’t need that. I’m not a baker. So take my words with a teaspoon of salt . Is there a raspberry extract that would dissolve the way mint does? What about looking up some recipes and figuring out how to add a raspberry layer? How much will you pay me not to tell your rabbi? As for leftovers, you should make a casserole- combine the leftover turkey, dressing, green beans, and (whisper) bacon with added mushroom soup and bake. He’s looking a bit chunky. You must have really stuffed him!! Gman
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