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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I think a friend of mine saw a touring company of this around 2001. He said that Petula’s voice had gone. Gman
  2. The obituary is wrong about his role on Soap. Maybe the show changed prior to airing. But while he was a butler, the Tates weren’t in politics. Gman
  3. The Partridge Family was one of my favorite shows at the time. I also thought David was cute ( I thought Suzanne Crow was adorable too). But that picture on the cover of Rolling Stone does nothing for me now. And considering the types of guys I remember thinking hunky back then (Ellie Mae’s boyfriend Dash Riprock for example), I don’t think that cover would have attracted me much. I’m not usually into the androgynous type. Gman
  4. In case anyone is interested. The Greek letters of his tattoo are Omega Delta Phi. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega_Delta_Phi Gman PS: I might also mention that the university where ODP started, Texas Tech, is my alma mater. Gman
  5. The last major deaths in my family were my Aunt (my cousin’s grandmother) right around the time of the Boston Marathon Bombing (we had a family member in Boston who was only streets away from the blast, and I think he had a bit of trouble making it to the funeral), and my father last April. I don’t remember with them this feeling of unreality-as though how could my cousin be gone. Maybe it’s just that time does heal wounds eventually, or maybe it’s her age. I don’t want people thinking we were bosom buddies. We weren’t. I’m of her parents’ generation. But I first saw her within a month or two after she was born. I watched her and her siblings grow up. I shared innumerable family dinners with her. I was at her bat mitzvah. She had a ready smile and laugh. And now she is just memories and pictures.... I wish I believed in heaven. It would be a great comfort to think of my Dad, my aunt, and my grandparents being there to welcome her. Three of my grandparents/her great-grandparents she never met. But as much as I’d like to believe, I don’t. Gman
  6. It hasn’t been an extremely great year for my family with my Dad dying in April and my diagnoses of thyroid cancer and myasthenia gravis (which by the way seems to be undergoing somewhat of remission. I still have weak eyelids, but I would probably have never noticed that. It was the speech and swallowing problems that were what I noticed, and they seem much improved.) November is also not a great month for my family. I had two grandparents die in November. One died right before Thanksgiving, and the other died 14 or so years later sometime after Thanksgiving. Yesterday I was woken up with a phone call from my mother to find out one of my younger cousins had died suddenly. To be technical she was a first cousin once removed. When my mother told me, it felt like a gut punch. But after that it didn’t seem real. It still doesn’t. But over the course of the day yesterday and even now, every time I think about her, I start tearing up. I can’t remember the first time I actually saw her after she was born, but I remember buying a baby gift for her. It was a stuffed yellow teddy bear. I don’t think it lasted very long. But I still remember buying it. Facebook doesn’t help with the feeling of unreality. I think I mentioned this in a previous post, but recently two people whom I wasn’t extremely close to, but who were fairly active on Facebook, died suddenly. One, whom again I wasn’t extremely close to, but I had known since 1st grade. So here you have people with recent posts. If their page hasn’t been deactivated yet, you can see their last posts. My cousin last posted on the fifth. That’s only 12 days ago. Yet she is no longer here It’s all so very sad. She has children-all under the age of four-who will never know her. I can’t even imagine what it was like for her husband to wake up and realize something was wrong. It’s ridiculous I know. But after several recent ‘tragedies’ in my family-someone else who also had thyroid cancer and had a recurrence which is not the best prognosis-and this-I keep thinking these kind of things ought to have happened to me. I’m not married. I have no children. I’m not saying my family wouldn’t miss me. But I have no illusions. I might be mentioned occasionally after I’m gone. But I have no children or grandchildren to keep my flame alive. I also don’t really have any close friends who will be devastated by my passing. Please don’t think I’m actively suicidal from saying this. I’m not. I can’t even really imagine offing myself. It’s just my cousin was only in her early thirties. She was such a vibrant and exuberant person. I can hear her voice and her laughter now. I still can’t get it through my head that I’ll never see her at future family gatherings. She was really much too young to be taken from our family. Gman
  7. And if we are going to be honest, y’all put us here in the USA to shame. If my quick perusal of the article is correct, it won resoundingly in all areas of your great country. If it had been put to a vote here, there’s no way we would have achieved results like that. My admiration for the citizens of Australia knows no bounds. Gman
  8. Congratulations @mike carey and to your fellow Australians both on and off the Forum. Let’s hope your representatives now do their duty!! http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/gay-marriage/australia-decides-live-coverage-of-samesex-marriage-survey/news-story/f03c276c28cc9073fefd92bd9bed7f9d Gman
  9. I like this guy. I want to marry him. My idea of a classic VPL is a bit more subtle than some of these where the tallywacker is all but “sticking out” and poking our noses. Gman
  10. That’s not just a ‘line’. It’s the entire kit and kaboodle being shown. Gman
  11. Yes, October 29th. But ours (ie the USA’s) wasn’t until 2 AM on November 5th, and this cartoon wasn’t posted until then for me to see. Gman
  12. It’s gross. But it made me smile. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zn50b5wuxtetja3/File%20Nov%2004%2C%206%2058%2055%20AM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  13. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fazh4l68052c9u5/File%20Nov%2005%2C%201%2007%2022%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Or should they have been moving them backwards? Gman
  14. @peterhung85, I wish I had your libido. Gman
  15. I think that one reason @peterhung85 might have trouble understanding is that when he is off the clock, if he’s not totally tired of sex, he can probably get sex just about anytime he wants it. Many of us who hire can’t. As for the Plan B, that can be very difficult to work out the logistics. I mean say you want to meet at the specific time. Well say the stars align, and Derek actually shows up. How do you cancel on Plan B Person so that it doesn’t hurt his business. I mean you could decide to pay Plan B Person if you have to cancel on him-and that would be fair. But this hobby is expensive, and rates seem to be increasing faster than the cost of living. So a lot of people probably can’t afford to do that. Gman
  16. I think if I were squeamish I never would have had sex. Gman
  17. I’m probably a prude. On second thought there’s no probably about it. I don’t mean to offend any of our members who have one-but vaginas never offered any attraction to me. The idea of inserting -and for the sake of this discussion I’ll use the term-my penis into one grossed me out. On the other hand, if I were to think too much about topping into an asshole-I can do it. But it’s definitely not the most aesthetically pleasing thing I can think of. I do kind of get turned on watching porn where someone is being topped. But I get totally turned off when they show rimming or someone continually fingering themselves or playing with ‘toys’. Now back to @TylerandAce’s recent experience. I think I’ve mentioned that I don’t watch a lot of porn. I was familiar with Tyler before he and Ace became partners but not intimately. However considering he was a former pornstar, I’m going to assume his tallywacker is more than a mouthful. And I know from direct experience (by sight only-I am a top) that Ace’s tallywacker is definitely more than a mouthful or two even. (Ace’ s beginning career as an escort coincided with my last few hires, and I was lucky enough to spend a weekend with him when he was 1st starting out. If I hadn’t been so used to be being ‘outclassed’ in the endowment department by the escorts I hired, looking at the size of his endowment would’ve majorly depressed me.) So with the size(s) of @TylerandAce in mind, I’m going to venture to say that the young man of the couple that they recently entertained had not just occasionally bottomed before but was most likely fairly experienced at it-or was accustomed to using large dildos (?dildoes) frequently because I don’t think either a virgin ass or someone who had only been topped once or twice would have been able to handle them. Gman
  18. http://www.themoviescene.co.uk/reviews/_img/1624-2.jpg That’s Anthony on the left in 1987 -a year or so after the alleged event. He was in the movie Adventures In Babysitting. While he doesn’t look like he’s 6’2”, I’d say he was average sized. Now as to why he didn’t fight back-maybe he thought it was a game. Maybe he was shocked. Maybe he didn’t know what the heck was going on. Who knows what actions went on before. Depending on the party and what happened prior-I could see thinking it might be a game before the attempted humping started. But the main point is, if true, a 26 year old should not have been trying to hump a 14 year old. It doesn’t matter why the 14 year old didn’t resist. Gman
  19. Gar1eth


    There are lots of causes of dementia. There are drug related-either overmedicated or a bad reaction to drugs. You can have multiple mini strokes which over time can have a cumulative effect. You can have brain damage from injury or cancer. Severe vitamin deficiencies. Certain infections. Etc. Gman
  20. I was involved in drama as youngster. When I was 15, the local university was putting on Camelot. There were 3 pages needed and one young Tom. I think I was the oldest. The other guy in my same class at school was 14 or 15, and I think ‘Tom’ and the remaining page were 13-possibly 14 as it was in the spring. Not that it’s important, but I still remember my one line, “Your majesty, the queen is at the stake!!!! Shall I signal the torch? At the end of the production we -the pages- were invited to the cast party held at the director’s house. So here we were 4 adolescents at a party with a few adults-the director, his wife, maybe a few others from the Theater Dept. and a lot of late teenage or early 20’s college students who were about to get drunk. Not everyone did. But the ‘woman’ who played Morgan Le Fay was very drunk and managed to spill beer on two of us while she was returning from getting us the beer. I guess the point of the story is my parents trusted me. Since I drank beer, maybe they shouldn’t. But even at 15 I knew better than to get drunk. I saved that for my college years. And it’s not like I hadn’t ever had liquor before (did I mention I still love Passover wine?) But I guess what I’m getting at is that children and adolescents are around adults all the time. We need to take precautions for their safety. But really assuming Kevin did it, he could just as easily been a next door neighbor and have the same thing happen. Gman
  21. Gar1eth


    They still let you drive in your condition? Gman
  22. Most of the escorts I’ve met over the years as well as most of the hook-ups, I have put in my contact list. But I put a Z in front of their last name. For the escorts if I don’t have a last name, I’ll put the city I met them in as their last name. For hook-ups whether I know a last name or not I’ll often add the app I met them on with a hyphen. For example In my contacts Mike Gaite is Mike ZGaite with his phone number listed. Or if I met Harry Smith on Growlr Harry ZSmith-Growlr That way I have all my escorts and hookups in an easy to find place. If someone converts, from a hook-up to an actual friend, I often take the Z out and they are in the contact list where they would normally fall. Another bit of advice for newbies-and you may already be doing this. But while due to switching of phones I probably don’t have my full 14 years of hiring -in my Contacts List, I do have names from at least 5 years. Some of these guys I may have been interested in, but I never actually contacted. Other guys I may have met only once or twice. Notations like @Trick uses are helpful. I never did that. But I wish I had marked down the ones I had never actually met. Of course I know and remember very well the guys I saw multiple times. But in 14 years of hiring, it’s easy to forget the guys you only saw maybe once or twice 4 years ago. The other suggestion I have is to add an innocuous picture to your contact listing of them. When I started hiring, I had a small non-smartphone t-mobile phone which didn’t have a camera. During my last years of hiring I started adding photos to my contacts but not in a consistent manner. So in many cases I might have a listing such as Steve ZNYC-and unfortunately not know who the heck he is or whether we actually met-or if he was just a possible. To summarize: 1. Z’s to collect them all in one place. 2. Pictures to help you remember them years later. 3. A few notes about them to help you remember. Gman
  23. Facially he looks a bit like @Mikegaite . Physique-wise, Mike has more muscle. Gman
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