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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Even though though some comments have been redacted by Daddy, you can tell from the pre-redaction responses, that the redacted responses were not complimentary. Gman
  2. Maybe it's my own filthy mind. But I thought a statement like that was talking about inducing fantasies of 'below legal age youths'. Gman
  3. In one picture he looks like a guy that I think I remember advertising on Backpage. I was never sure if that ad was legitimate or not. Gman
  4. Addendum: I had been minorly attracted to him years ago assuming his pictures are accurate. But I was not looking for a hypnosis session/erotic massage which was all I thought he offered. Looking at his Hypnofantasy ad, his 'all ages' legal in fantasy disturbs me. I don't think those kind of fantasies ought to be encouraged Gman
  5. In the past when I saw what I'm sure must have been this guy's ads, it seemed to me he was only offering hypnotic sessions with no 'actual' interaction. I guess it's possible I misinterpreted those ads. Now, at least in the Fantasy Jack ad, it seems he is more willing to indulge in a more 'normal' type of escort experience with or without hypnosis. Gman
  6. I'm almost 100% positive that none of the physicians or dentists I had growing up were gay. So it never happened then. I'm also pretty sure that none of my routine doctors were gay during most of my adult life. When I finally got to the point in my late 40's of looking for gay practitioners because I thought they might understand me better, I was bald and fat. So no it has never happened to me. Gman
  7. If you will only kindly point me to the proper thread, I will give you pearls of such great price that they (along with $4.50) will get you a grande caramel frappachino at Starbucks. Gman
  8. It's really too bad that no one likes this thread. Gman
  9. I think you are reasonably safe as to him being the guy in the ad. @MikeBiDude had a good time with him. The question will be if he shows up. Gman
  10. Did he? The last post I can find from him is in February 2017. Gman
  11. I miss @Truereview and @geminibear. Gman
  12. @purplekow means that it's easy to consider other people's problems that you don't have as not very important or minor. At least that's my take on what @purplekow meant. If I'm wrong, I ask his pardon. Gman
  13. To categorize and to measure is really the only way to know or find out anything. The problem is the opprobrium that some categories have. But on the other hand to deny our feelings about things isn't good either. I'm not the most most masculine guy. But effeminate guys tend to set me on edge (I'm not fond of drag queens), so do 'butch' women, and so do hyper-masculine straight guys-the guys with extreme chips on their shoulders or the ones whose every other word is an expletive. It's a tough subject. I'm not saying my feelings are the guideline on how people should act in their private lives. I know a large part of this is innate. But I most likely would not want any of the above as a sex partner. Now maybe my comfort zone will change over time. I'm not saying any of the above are bad or wrong. But people have preferences. Gman
  14. It's not going to make you feel any better, but being a bald chubby guy who was a fat child, an average non-muscular build teenager and adult into my early 30's thanks to puberty and the metabolism young men possess, and now am a fat bald mid-50's guy, I really envy you. I also envy that while you seem to have some hang-ups, you at least seem to be trying. In my 30's I was determined that if I couldn't be straight I was never going to act on being gay. When I finally decided that I had to have sex, I was 41. I don't know if I could have found a hook-up on my own. I still didn't want to be gay. I chose an escort for my first experience. He had to teach me how to kiss. I am so grateful I picked an escort who turned out to be kind and willing to teach me. But even after that, while I continued hiring escorts, I still didn't want to be gay. In fact I'm better than I used to be, but I still struggle. I'm hoping because you are starting around a decade before me that you'll have more success than I have. So as I said, I know that won't help. But there are a lot of us who probably wish we could say we had your physique and your opportunities. Gman
  15. If there is such a walk, I have to say @FreshFluff, that I don't think this is it. Gman
  16. I think most of us know what he means. He obviously means he doesn't look/act effeminate. If I'm wrong, I hope @nycboi will let us know. Many of us are not attracted to effeminate guys. Some of us are. Maybe it would be better to use the terms effeminate/non-effeminate rather than straight/gay-acting for us men? Gman
  17. Is it just me, or does there seem to be some flopping going on? https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1180888982043168 Gman
  18. I don't know that I'd say always. But, and I guess I'll use me, but since I don't remember your particular likes and dislikes @TruthBTold, we could also use say @Despardo, @azdr0710, @BasketBaller, @TruHart1, or several other long time posters, wouldn't you have a tendency to trust us more than someone fairly new to the Forum, especially if that new person mainly seems to always talk about one specific escort? And I'll go a bit further-especially an escort where some long time posters have indicated that there might be something questionable about an escort? Gman
  19. You may have misunderstood me slightly. I wasn't calling into question your experience with using escorts but your time on the Forum. Not counting your last response to me, if I've counted correctly, you have 17 posts on this Forum. Five (29%) of these posts -again not counting your response to me- have been about Reese. I'm not Daddy or a Moderator. I'm just trying to let you know in a friendly way what that can look like to people who have been posting for a long time. Again I'm not saying this is you-you do have posts on another escort. But those of us who have been around a long time have seen sudden multiple effusive praises of questionable escorts-usually after a bad review or a bad comment in the Forum. These posters are then never heard from again If you continue your association with the Forum, I'm sure over time you'll see these fake comments (which I again emphasize I am not calling your comments on Reese fake) yourself. Gman
  20. What I find disturbing on this thread is that while there are some fairly well established Forum members who say Reese is the real deal, the most ecstatic praises seem to be coming from relative naifs to the Forum. @CraigS and @tikigod I'm not trying to say your comments aren't welcome. But when you haven't posted a lot and then go overboard on one specific escort, it doesn't look good to those of us who have been around a long time. I'm not saying you are faking your feelings about Reese. But we older Forum members have seen time and time again over-the-top praises about a questionable escort from suddenly new Forum Members who are then never heard from again. So I'm not saying you shouldn't tell us whom you like. That's part of the the purpose of the Forum. But be aware that overly praising an escort when you don't have much of a track record here can look very suspicious to all of us oldtimers here. And when I say 'oldtimer' I'm not specifically referring to @azdr0710. Gman
  21. The only way that I know you can do it is if they use the same moniker for the Forum here. Then you can start a Conversation with them. Gman
  22. It's better to include a link so people know whom you are talking about. The only escort I could find in Philadelphia that was near to your description was this guy. But I'm not sure it's the guy you want because his ad seems to indicate that Philadelphia is his home base. Plus his Escort name is 'Twink' and not 'Boy'. https://rent.men/Hotcollege_Twink Gman
  23. I respect RexB's opinion. It's good to know he is real. Unfortunately for Forum members who like muscle guys but want more than muscle worship, someone is still going to have to take Jesse for a test drive unless he is willing to reveal exact limits/prohibitions in pre-meeting discussions. Gman
  24. I guess they don't make cups that big. Gman
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