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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I think most of us know what he means. He obviously means he doesn't look/act effeminate. If I'm wrong, I hope @nycboi will let us know. Many of us are not attracted to effeminate guys. Some of us are. Maybe it would be better to use the terms effeminate/non-effeminate rather than straight/gay-acting for us men? Gman
  2. Is it just me, or does there seem to be some flopping going on? https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1180888982043168 Gman
  3. I don't know that I'd say always. But, and I guess I'll use me, but since I don't remember your particular likes and dislikes @TruthBTold, we could also use say @Despardo, @azdr0710, @BasketBaller, @TruHart1, or several other long time posters, wouldn't you have a tendency to trust us more than someone fairly new to the Forum, especially if that new person mainly seems to always talk about one specific escort? And I'll go a bit further-especially an escort where some long time posters have indicated that there might be something questionable about an escort? Gman
  4. You may have misunderstood me slightly. I wasn't calling into question your experience with using escorts but your time on the Forum. Not counting your last response to me, if I've counted correctly, you have 17 posts on this Forum. Five (29%) of these posts -again not counting your response to me- have been about Reese. I'm not Daddy or a Moderator. I'm just trying to let you know in a friendly way what that can look like to people who have been posting for a long time. Again I'm not saying this is you-you do have posts on another escort. But those of us who have been around a long time have seen sudden multiple effusive praises of questionable escorts-usually after a bad review or a bad comment in the Forum. These posters are then never heard from again If you continue your association with the Forum, I'm sure over time you'll see these fake comments (which I again emphasize I am not calling your comments on Reese fake) yourself. Gman
  5. What I find disturbing on this thread is that while there are some fairly well established Forum members who say Reese is the real deal, the most ecstatic praises seem to be coming from relative naifs to the Forum. @CraigS and @tikigod I'm not trying to say your comments aren't welcome. But when you haven't posted a lot and then go overboard on one specific escort, it doesn't look good to those of us who have been around a long time. I'm not saying you are faking your feelings about Reese. But we older Forum members have seen time and time again over-the-top praises about a questionable escort from suddenly new Forum Members who are then never heard from again. So I'm not saying you shouldn't tell us whom you like. That's part of the the purpose of the Forum. But be aware that overly praising an escort when you don't have much of a track record here can look very suspicious to all of us oldtimers here. And when I say 'oldtimer' I'm not specifically referring to @azdr0710. Gman
  6. The only way that I know you can do it is if they use the same moniker for the Forum here. Then you can start a Conversation with them. Gman
  7. It's better to include a link so people know whom you are talking about. The only escort I could find in Philadelphia that was near to your description was this guy. But I'm not sure it's the guy you want because his ad seems to indicate that Philadelphia is his home base. Plus his Escort name is 'Twink' and not 'Boy'. https://rent.men/Hotcollege_Twink Gman
  8. I respect RexB's opinion. It's good to know he is real. Unfortunately for Forum members who like muscle guys but want more than muscle worship, someone is still going to have to take Jesse for a test drive unless he is willing to reveal exact limits/prohibitions in pre-meeting discussions. Gman
  9. I guess they don't make cups that big. Gman
  10. If these are 'normal', I was definitely shortchanged by the Big Kahuna upstairs!!! Gman
  11. @DC Beau thanks for posting. One question I had was how you were able to detect who @DCMonument was. Did he use that name with you? Gman
  12. You obviously have more experience than I do. I think the only European I ever hired was Marco Paris. And that was years ago. The session was fairly good as I remember although he was a little distant. So I'm not trying to say that I disbelieve your experiences. But being a long time member here, and maybe it's memory selection bias on my part, but it seems to me that over the years there have been mentions by many other Forum members that multiple Eastern European guys didn't live up to their ads. Now I'm basically speaking of Eastern Europeans visiting New York. It got to the point that when I was hiring, I was pretty skeptical of any guy advertising as an Eastern European. If I'm remembering correctly, you speak a Slavic language. Do you think possibly that is why your meetings with these guys so well? Gman
  13. Difficult to say. But it's very possible I might. I don't know whether you took the fact that I'm gay into consideration. I'm not trying to be a smart-tuchus here. I think your question really pertains to two different situations. In one situation you ask the question of me, and if we imagine that I am the (stereo)'typical' shallow heterosexual male, then maybe I wouldn't see anything wrong with Sam being 35 and Brittney 23-my thoughts being-'What a stud!! He found himself a hottie!!!' But while I may be stereotypical, I'm not heterosexual. A 23 year old female model type is not my secret fantasy. Being gay (stereotypically) I'd be more on Brittney's side because a young hot male is more my fantasy type. Gman
  14. He's 23. She's 35. That will work out well. Gman
  15. Methinks you and M. France would've most likely agreed with one of my Poli Sci textbooks from college, which has continually had new editions until fairly recently. Gman
  16. I'm going to say this here and now. It's just not fair for some of these guys to be so hung when I can't even sport a measurable crotch bulge unless I have an erection. And sometimes not even then. Gman
  17. It's my new rating scale. Guys I'm attracted to are guys I want to have my babies. The strength of the attraction is measured by the number of babies I'd like to have with him. Gman
  18. As I recall in government class, the best laws try to make things as equitable as they can for the majority of us. People at the fringes sometimes don't get as much of its benefits. Gman
  19. I'm not saying y'all are wrong. But y'all are making assumptions the way that a lot of straight guys would about every gay men. Does every time we hug another guy have to have something sexual involved? If we knew that Andy were straight, we'd just say they were bros. I mean Mr. Recker doesn't look that put out by it. It might be something he even expects from publicity shots. Gman
  20. I'm not sure if it's a VPL or a strategic shadow. But frankly I don't care. I want him to have my babies (i.e. bottom for me). And if a bit of kissing and stroking occurred during our 'connection', I wouldn't mind that either. Gman
  21. I get the vague idea. I'm not sure I want to understand better. Gman
  22. @FreshFluff, please be careful out there. It's hurricane season!!! Gman
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