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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. If these are 'normal', I was definitely shortchanged by the Big Kahuna upstairs!!! Gman
  2. @DC Beau thanks for posting. One question I had was how you were able to detect who @DCMonument was. Did he use that name with you? Gman
  3. You obviously have more experience than I do. I think the only European I ever hired was Marco Paris. And that was years ago. The session was fairly good as I remember although he was a little distant. So I'm not trying to say that I disbelieve your experiences. But being a long time member here, and maybe it's memory selection bias on my part, but it seems to me that over the years there have been mentions by many other Forum members that multiple Eastern European guys didn't live up to their ads. Now I'm basically speaking of Eastern Europeans visiting New York. It got to the point that when I was hiring, I was pretty skeptical of any guy advertising as an Eastern European. If I'm remembering correctly, you speak a Slavic language. Do you think possibly that is why your meetings with these guys so well? Gman
  4. Difficult to say. But it's very possible I might. I don't know whether you took the fact that I'm gay into consideration. I'm not trying to be a smart-tuchus here. I think your question really pertains to two different situations. In one situation you ask the question of me, and if we imagine that I am the (stereo)'typical' shallow heterosexual male, then maybe I wouldn't see anything wrong with Sam being 35 and Brittney 23-my thoughts being-'What a stud!! He found himself a hottie!!!' But while I may be stereotypical, I'm not heterosexual. A 23 year old female model type is not my secret fantasy. Being gay (stereotypically) I'd be more on Brittney's side because a young hot male is more my fantasy type. Gman
  5. He's 23. She's 35. That will work out well. Gman
  6. Methinks you and M. France would've most likely agreed with one of my Poli Sci textbooks from college, which has continually had new editions until fairly recently. Gman
  7. I'm going to say this here and now. It's just not fair for some of these guys to be so hung when I can't even sport a measurable crotch bulge unless I have an erection. And sometimes not even then. Gman
  8. It's my new rating scale. Guys I'm attracted to are guys I want to have my babies. The strength of the attraction is measured by the number of babies I'd like to have with him. Gman
  9. As I recall in government class, the best laws try to make things as equitable as they can for the majority of us. People at the fringes sometimes don't get as much of its benefits. Gman
  10. I'm not saying y'all are wrong. But y'all are making assumptions the way that a lot of straight guys would about every gay men. Does every time we hug another guy have to have something sexual involved? If we knew that Andy were straight, we'd just say they were bros. I mean Mr. Recker doesn't look that put out by it. It might be something he even expects from publicity shots. Gman
  11. I'm not sure if it's a VPL or a strategic shadow. But frankly I don't care. I want him to have my babies (i.e. bottom for me). And if a bit of kissing and stroking occurred during our 'connection', I wouldn't mind that either. Gman
  12. I get the vague idea. I'm not sure I want to understand better. Gman
  13. @FreshFluff, please be careful out there. It's hurricane season!!! Gman
  14. Did I mention Jose Canseco? I did but my reply was a long time back. And I don't think the pictures still show up. So... Gman
  15. Facially he looks a bit like @tristanbaldwin. Gman
  16. No there was another guy resembled Russ but was bigger. There was a thread-well I just remembered the guy I'm thinking of -may not be advertising anymore-so probably best not to pursue it. Gman
  17. Do we know who this guy is, or is it a random VPL sighting? Is this guy another random VPL or is he a former escort that's been talked about on the Forum? I quite agree. But this guy that @LoveNDino also posted could definitely come along too. I like his voice-among other things Gman
  18. If you like Nick, here's a video of him. Even if you don't like the music, you should watch it to the end. I promise you'll most likely not be sorry. Gman
  19. PS I don't know if the rumors are true, but Nick is the guy who reportedly was made to put on a hoodie to conceal his physique when Mario Lopez joined A Chorus Line. Gman
  20. Should I mention this or not-ok I will since I think I did once before. When I was about 21, I was driving home from eating lunch. Apparently something I had eaten didn't agree with me, and I was seized with an urgent call from nature. I was several miles from home, but I stupidly decided I wanted to be in the privacy and comfort of my own home bathroom. I was clenching (internally) for all I was worth. Right as I arrived home, my sphincter almost involuntarily opened. I didn't know what had happened. But I thankfully made it to the bathroom without an accident. When I dropped my drawers, I found out that I had cum. And that was what had almost precipitated disaster. That's my only hands free experience. Gman
  21. I had to ask the other day-"Visible Penis Line". By the way, he's gay!! If you'd like to see some nice guns, take a look at this. Gman
  22. Here's one to start Nick Adams Broadway Actor http://images.digitalspy.co.uk/08/40/550w_sf_nickadams2.jpg Gman
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