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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Supposedly a shot of Varitek's butt at about 0:50 in the upper right hand corner. Unfortunately I think nowadays Jason might be out of fighting trim. Gman
  2. But I'm still puzzled by how staring at the sun during an eclipse makes hair grow in the palm of your hands. Gman
  3. Is it too late to ask who the Durells are? Gman
  4. My fraternal twin nephews started 1st grade today. Their parents took a picture to commemorate. Seeing their pictures made me think of your family. I hope you, your midshipman, his twin, and your oldest are doing well. (One of my twins lost a front tooth a week ago. As they did last year for kindergarten, their parents put them in separate classes. ) Gman
  5. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lom7vwaf1d7ywa5/File%20Aug%2021%2C%205%2030%2013%20PM%20%281%29.jpeg?dl=0 I guess this is what they were talking about when they said, "If you don't stop it, you'll go blind!!" Gman
  6. Good thing sex was the last thing on your mind. Gman
  7. He's not quite there yet. But he's approaching twunk status. Gman
  8. Sorry this isn't a better copy. Gman
  9. Totally non effeminate people lisp. I mean look at me-well maybe that's not a great example. But I was told back in high school drama my 's-es' were slightly sibilant. Gman
  10. It's really not fair how incredibly good looking both these guys are and that #1 both these guys are British and #2 that Tom Hopper is married meaning I don't have a very good chance of dating either one of them. However I just heard today that Chris Pratt was breaking up with his wife Anna Faris. He's single now, and we both live on the West Coast. I'm thinking I have a shot if I can come up with a cute diminutive of my 1st name. (Whoosh-there I managed to make the post relevant to the thread:p) Gman PS-Do y'all think he stuffs his shorts with tissues or socks prior to taking selfies?
  11. Thank you @nycguy. I appreciate the help. I'm sorry. It wasn't for me. I'm not a member. But I have the app. There are articles on the app that you don't have to be a paid member to see. Here's a similar but not as in depth article not behind a paywall. https://www.google.com/amp/amp.timeinc.net/fortune/2017/05/11/password-rules/%3Fsource%3Ddam One thing the WSJ article makes more of a point than the Google article is that the 4 words you run together shouldn't be related. I mean redrubberballbounces might be easy to figure out. But if you pick some random 4 word and run them together, I'm not sure I will be able to remember them any better than I do my current passwords. Gman
  12. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-man-who-wrote-those-password-rules-has-a-new-tip-n3v-r-m1-d-1502124118 Gman
  13. I dislike that more than 'daddy'. In the movies it's usually either some twinky, effeminate guy saying it or a woman. I'm not attracted to either . Gman
  14. I'm sorry to veer off topic (considering it's never done:D), but in looking up info on Dickon/Tom Hopper, I found out he was the second actor to play Dickon. The 1st was incredibly hunky too, and if Tom wasn't so uber-hunky himself, this first guy, Freddie Stroma, would have outclassed the average successor. Oh and Freddie also played Cormac McLaggan in tbe Harry Potter films. While many of the guys in them have become hunky, he was hunky to start with. And he has brains. He has a degree (1st class second if anyone is familiar with the British system) in Neurosciences. Here's an article with many more pictures and similar gifs of Freddie in case anyone might be slightly interested. https://www.buzzfeed.com/mattbellassai/why-freddie-stroma-is-officially-the-hottest-former-quidditc?utm_term=.bw5NXMapMy#.whOq0XZQXV Gman
  15. That's an interesting point. My first and last name have 11 letters. In school when we were taking standardized tests, you (and I'm sure many of you remember this) filled in your name in boxes at the top of the page, and then you darkened circles containing the corresponding letter of the alphabet underneath the box. It always seemed to take me longer than everyone I was sitting around to finish. What's the average length of people's first and last names on here? Was 11 letters a lot to blacken, or was I just incredibly slow. http://Dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3orvykpcnctnpta/File%20Aug%2006%2C%209%2009%2056%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  16. I hate 'babe' too. Maybe if I ever had a boyfriend and he wanted to call me that, I'd get used to it. Otherwise yech!! One of the class clowns in my high school used to call our biology teacher 'coach'. Now most of the coaches in my school taught history. Chris knew Mr. Walker wasn't a coach-it was obvious. Mr. Walker finally told Chris-and I can still hear him say it, "Chris, I'm not a coach. I have no desire to be a coach." I quite like the names Mike or Michael. Michael is one of the only names I know how to translate from Hebrew. It means 'Who is like G-d'. I'm not very religious. But I've always found that cool. That's my brother's name. He's pretty much always been Richard. I think I called him Kickie when I was a toddler trying to say Ricky. My grandmother would sometimes call him 'Ricky'. I have some occasional FB who call me that. I don't like it. But it's what they seem to be looking for. It's gotten so sometimes I even use it in the middle of 'play'. It would be worse if Alexandra were the name on his birth certificate. Gman
  17. My name is short and one syllable too. It does have a ready nickname which is longer than my actual name. It might have been used when I was an infant. Other than that it's almost never been used except long ago by a guy I had a very strange relationship with. I also have a rhyming nickname that my older brother used to call me occasionally when I was little (It's not even dirty. My brother loves me.) But it fell out of use quickly But that reminds me of when I was in second or third grade. We had a reading circle. Sometimes the teacher went by last name alphabetical order to decide who was to read 1st, and sometimes she would change it up and go by 1st or middle name. My 1st name letter is in the middle of the alphabet, and the 1st letters of my middle name and last name are towards the end. I was miffed that someone named Robert could go by Bob and get to answer near the front. I went home and asked my Mom whether there were any nicknames for any of my names which would put me nearer the front of the alphabet. Unfortunately there weren't. It's 'Sie/Sie' (sing/pl) for the formal and 'du/ihr' for the informal. I took 3-1/2 years of German in college but have only been to Europe once. So I don't have a good cultural-knowledge sense of the use. Some regions are stricter than others, but I'm betting whom you use which form with is probably similar to Spanish. But as one example, I hear Austria, or at the very least Vienna, is traditionally very formal. I've heard that people who have worked together for years who are at the same level will often still use the Sie form with each other. Gman
  18. I realize it can be annoying to always have to correct people. My last name is often misspelled. And there is an obvious well-known example (I'd think) by most Americans-at least well-known by older Americans-back when we all had more of an identical cultural heritage. But I still frequently have to correct the spelling. Part of the problem in @Epigonos is the name chosen by your parents (pardon my misunderstanding-I couldn't tell from what you posted if your name is actually Bob or whether you were using that as an example). I'm not saying 'Bob' isn't a great name. I like it a lot. But some people are naturally going to assume its short for Robert. Some people may even think they don't know the person well enough to call him 'Bob' and choose what they think is the actual name-Robert. I have a long time acquaintance from elementary school. I can't really say friend because we weren't really although now we are FB friends and interact occasionally that way. He has a fairly unusual family 1st name which he has never used in the 48 years I've known him. Robby is a shortening of his last name. And that's what he's always gone by Or take this- if I'm remembering correctly-I had a friend in high school whose parents named his brother Teddy. Why would you do that? It's a nickname already. I would've assumed his real name was Theodore, and they called him Teddy as a child. Luckily he's always gone by Ted. Gman
  19. I found this just as amusing. Gman
  20. I thought this was amusing. Gman
  21. Does anyone else thing his neck looks awfully skinny to have the rest of that physique? Gman
  22. Gar1eth


    I have a gmail account and their letters go straight -gaily forward-to my junk folder. I didn't even know I was receiving them until I needed to look at my Junk for a possible missed letter. Gman
  23. Just for the record, I tried image searching both these guys, but came up flat. Gman
  24. They're both pretty dang hot. Gman
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