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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. They're both pretty dang hot. Gman
  2. Brought back memories of my 1st time. Gman
  3. I've heard of a woman's water breaking. But this is ridiculous. Gman
  4. I know a story by proxy. This story was told to me by a former escort/porn performer. This performer's mother worked in a office. Something in the office wasn't working -let's say a copier. The repairman comes to repair it. He sees a picture on the woman's desk. The repairman says, "Why do you have a picture of porn actor Zebediah Sweetcheeks (I'm using an alias for the porn star). The woman replies, " That's not Zebadiah Sweetcheeks. That's my son Henry Higgins." (another alias). Mother later web searches for Zebadiah. Can you say http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/g03e4neym12ns7z/File%20Jul%2012%2C%203%2059%2002%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  5. I just remembered one. That makes 4.5 total. The only time I attended Southern Decadence in New Orleans was back in 2012. In case you were wondering, I wasn't very decadent. But wandering around the streets in the French Quarter, I saw Ryan Raz. He's a cute guy but not really my type. Gman
  6. The U.K. being liberal is a fairly recent phenomenon. The laws in many of these Commonwealth and former Commonwealth countries are holdovers from when Great Britain ruled them. Gman
  7. But what if he's a 'Flake'-get it 'Frosted...'. I just slay myself sometimes. Gman
  8. But wasn't Mark Dalton basically straight/gay-4-pay? Gman
  9. Think about it!! http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4brncyq9js5w01m/File%20Jul%2002%2C%205%2052%2029%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  10. @BasketBaller -my fraternal twin nephews are 6 years old. They just completed their 1st year of public schooling (kindergarten). As I mentioned in an earlier post, their parents put them in different classes this year, so this was their 1st minor separation. You make me wonder what the future holds in store for them. Gman
  11. I think if anything it would refer to customers and not employees-but I agree with Kevin. I think it's a reach. Gman
  12. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/j049o5wisw10ab5/File%20Jun%2023%2C%2010%2048%2021%20AM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  13. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1456063911098388 Bison!!! Gman
  14. Yes-and no. In this case we haven't said anything bad about him. We've just discussed his ad. And the fact that he does have a public ad means that his name is out there. IMHO it's one of those heat and kitchen deals. If we had impugned his character, I'd agree with you more wholeheartedly. And they do say that no publicity is bad publicity. Our discussion of him here might drive more business to him if someone who hasn't heard of him before reads this thread, goes to the ad, likes what he sees, and hires him. Gman
  15. I was actually making somewhat of a joke when I added my initial comment to @bigvalboy although probably not completely. But as some have taken my comment a bit more seriously, I guess I should too. Many people do seem to have a more expansive view of sex than I do. And I guess that's ok. But there's also a problem with that. We can't expand things ad infinitum. If we do, no one is ever going to know what anyone else is talking about. There is intimate play/behavior/interactions. But while 'traditional' sex is usually part intimate play /behavior/interactions, not all intimate play/behavior /interactions is sex. Gman
  16. To quote US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart (in a 1964 obscenity trial), "I may not be able to define it, but I know it when I see it. " Gman
  17. He apparently needs some help with his coordinating conjunctions. Gman
  18. Or possibly he bottoms or he doesn't f-ck at all. Gman
  19. I love Cincinnati. I had some of the best friends I ever had in my life there. I'm still Facebook friends with one of them even though we haven't seen each other in 10 years, and due to finances probably won't be back. And while I understand why those people in the video don't want to drive in Over-The Rhine (OTR), I hear it's a lot better than it used to be. Gman
  20. Who are Ron and Elii? Gman
  21. It tastes like some pre-literate child went behind his parent's back while they were making chili and added whatever can of spice they could reach from the pantry into the pot. Unfortunately, in this case the can of spice was powdered chocolate/cocoa. I lived in Cincinnati twice-once for 6 months in 1989 and then for 2-1/2 years from 2001 to 2003. I tried their chili once in 1989 and never again. During my second stint there, I actually considered it once or twice to see if I hated it as much as I remembered. But I couldn't make myself. As for things to do, see if you can find a bar where you can cornhole. I mentioned cornholing in an email to my brother years ago. He was worried I was being perverted until he saw this definition from the Urban Dictionary-- TOP DEFINITION Corn Hole Corn Hole is a serious toss game played in leauges on the West Side of Cincinnati Ohio. The game and targets are very similar to Bag'O, a commercial game from the East Coast U.S.. Ex: My buddies from *Delhi and I get together on the weekends to drink beer and play Corn Hole. * A Cincinnati neighborhood Gman
  22. If only you had been there 18 years ago, I would have met you. Gman
  23. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vf55wl6nzsnofts/File%20Jun%2012%2C%206%2010%2059%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
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