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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. In America at least, canned ham is still available. It's often labeled as Danish Ham. This picture was from an Amazon ad for it. Gman
  2. Hunh? http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/s8u4ts05nj31bkg/File%20Jun%2009%2C%208%2007%2053%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  3. I don't think I'm jaded. But you might need to ask some other Forum members. What I am is experienced. And the scenario I described above has been seen multiple times on this Forum-either the escort himself has written paeans or friends of him has to counteract a bad review or mention in the Forum. Actually not. @jeepo1 waa only reporting what happened during an encounter with the escort in question. Gman
  4. I'm not saying you are telling falsehoods. But you have to look at it from our (established members of the Forum ) viewpoint. On one hand we have an established member of the Forum reporting on an escort, on the other we have a newbie (welcome to the Forum by the way) who chooses to make his first post defending an escort. It's suspicious just on the face of it. Gman
  5. I don't rim and don't receive rimming often, so I may be wrong here. But have you encountered many untalented tongues between your cheeks? Gman
  6. Looks like everyone is coming out of the closet for Pride Month. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/my4qv2z7neoo7kg/File%20Jun%2005%2C%208%2021%2014%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  7. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/r3pgxka7gvra82c/File%20Jun%2003%2C%205%2054%2038%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  8. I'd say that is it-but only partially. The rest is pretty amusing too. But what is 'Last FM'? I loved the LinkedIn line. Gman
  9. You've certainly picked an unusual (for you) web forum to post these warnings. I'm not sure whether you have quite grasped the raison d'être of this Forum. We are a group of people (for the most part) looking for experiences with escorts. Most of us are well aware of the risks involved and choose to pursue this hobby in spite of them. And really if you aren't in a monogamous relationship, we are all at risk of picking something up. Gman
  10. I've never heard of Last FM. Gman
  11. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ftfk1l6qzf5kjld/File%20May%2031%2C%2011%2032%2001%20AM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  12. I'm not a fan of the 'Ask Me'. While not always true, it seems to me that the guys who advertise as straight use this most. Gman
  13. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I would have preferred Alfie burying his head in my crotch as I seem to have a vague memory of an NYC Adonis dancer doing to me once during a private. Gman
  14. http://images.memes.com/meme/558421 Gman
  15. While it's happened, it's rare. The police are usually more concerned with female and underage escorts. The best you can do would be to stick with well-revieed escorts. Also while it might not help much, during contact with the escort-always pose things hypothetically about what you both might like to do. Don't ask questions like 'what will you do for blank blank amount?' Gman
  16. I could be wrong as I'd never wear a speedo. But if I had such an inclination, me being circumcised would not stop me. Gman
  17. He's much cuter now that he's lost weight. Gman.
  18. I don't see it. Maybe you are noticing something I'm not. But we have several Forum Members who have fairly long histories of being Forum members saying that this young man is a good escort. My inclination would be to trust them if the young man in question is the type of guy you are looking for. Now we have had instances in the past where all of a sudden anywhere from two to four totally new Forum members have started praising an escort to high heaven. Those instances are the ones that most of us feel there is something odd about. Gman
  19. It speaks to experience and possibly how trustworthy his opinion is. Gman
  20. Well this interview was before David Forrest passed away. I wonder how Colin would be as a bottom? Gman
  21. He might be-I used to know a guy from Brazil who didn't look particularly Latin. He very well could have one Latin American parent or his parents could be of European heritage. And if memory serves, I hired a blond guy in NYC years ago who had a Brazilian parent. Gman
  22. I know this is old. But I just came across it. The Advocate asked Paul if he had any man crushes. Paul said he had several. But he mentioned Zach Galafianakis. I thought his reply to the Advocate was funny. http://www.advocate.com/politics/commentary/2007/01/29/big-gay-following-paul-rudd Do you have any man-crushes? I have so many! Like Zach Galifianakis. In fact, my wife always says that I have the biggest crush on him. He’s a comic who usually has this big beard, but he’s so freakin’ funny. Is he good-looking? Not really. I like depth. Anyone can just jump in the sack with Colin Farrell, but you spend your life with Zach Galifianakis. Gman
  23. If you put dark hair on this guy, facially he reminds me of a young Tom Hulce. http://derekwinnert.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/9a.jpg Gman
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