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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I hate to break this to you. Nothing is 100% safe. Rentmen, however, is a reputable site, but not all who advertise on it are reputable. Unfortunately you can't always trust Rentmen reviews either. The best source of reviews is Daddys-but even that is not 100%. To be as safe as possible - would be to pick a guy who has multiple non-first time reviewers from Daddy-or to pick a guy that several long time Forum members are familiar with. Gman
  2. SCG? I talked to him on the phone once years ago. He was one of those guys who was always vague about what he might be willing to do. As I wanted him for a weekend, I needed more certainty of what I could expect. Gman
  3. So I guess in essence you could say your question, @Westsideguy, boils down to, "What's it all about, Alfie?" Gman PS I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that no one else seems to have even thought of this.
  4. If we don't count the one time I went to IML or the one time I went to the Chicago Forum dinner (same trip), then I think I've seen escorts 3-1/2 times (actually more but I'll explain) 1. Former escort and porn actor Nate Pierce. He lived in Dallas. I was once out at Chili's in Plano (northern suburb of Dallas) with my extended family. I saw him eating with a chubby older guy-but maybe about the same age as me. He wasn't really my type aside from being muscular and handsome as he was pretty alternative-prince Albert, nipple piercings, possibly some piercings behind his scrotum, and lots of tattoos. But I had always vague been interested in him because he was handsome and muscular. So we met shortly after I saw him at Chilis. I asked him about the guy. He said it was his 'daddy'-although the daddy was distinct from his boyfriend (if he had one at the time). Three years after having moved away from the Dallas area and then back to the area for a year I went to the Dallas Eagle occasionally with a friend and saw that he was a bartender there on a frequent basis. I think I only ordered a drink from him once. He gave no sign of recognizing me. But I didn't expect he would as we had only met once three years before. Oh and when I left his apartment after our session,. I left my heavy coat at his place and never managed it to get it back. 2. Adam Faust on a plane from LA to Seattle. 3. A Latin American escort in Dallas-can't think of his name-not the one everyone always talks about fondly. This guy escorted on and off. I saw him at The Round-Up in Dallas (gay country and western bar) 3.5 I don't know whether this counts as being in public and 'off duty' or not. I lived in Cincinnati in 2001-3. Cincinnati's gay scene was not big (very conservative city)! At this time the city council had passed some ordinance that basically said you could be denied a job or housing for being gay without any recourse (the measure has been repealed for years now). I was in the closet much deeper than I am now (I'm more on the threshold now. My close family knows. I wouldn't usually deny it if someone asked me. Multiple people know I'm gay. I just haven't really made a big declaration for the entire family or come out on my Facebook page). In any case compared to Cincinnati, Louisville, Ky was like a gay wonderland. The bars-on the weekend at least-could stay open until 4 AM serving alcohol. There was a large gay club there-the name escapes me-it had an affiliate bar in Atlanta. I drove down for the evening- probably to be anonymous. This was a Friday. Cameron Fox was going to perform on Saturday. Anyway I was in part of the bar Friday night and Cameron was dancing and shaking his hiney on the bar along with the occasional pulling the front of his jeans/underwear teasing us with partial views of the shaft of his large tallywacker. But his scheduled appearance wasn't until the next night. I'm betting he was probably just bored of being in his hotel. He was almost my first hire. I talked with him at this bar. I was going to meet him at his hotel. As I remember, to get to the elevator you had to pass the front desk. I was too scared of being seen, what if some policeman saw me, etc-I was total virgin-had never had fr kissed anyone or had sex-I chickened out. It might have been all to the good-I'm not sure he had the best reputation as an escort. He had at one point been represented by the guy in Colorado on the old Boys Next Door Website. But as bad as that 'agency' was (well-known for the guys to up charge when you met them) in later years they put up a disclaimer saying they no longer were affiliated with Cameron. He had they said been known to defraud clients, and that if someone hired him,it was 'buyer beware'. Gman
  5. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/w5hlgkt6xo4l9uc/File%20May%2019%2C%201%2025%2006%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  6. Is he not straight? Gman
  7. I'm very impressed. I doubt I could. Sometime within the last year I was able to cum by masturbation three times in two days. But that was very unusual. I've told this story before about Skye Woods. I was with him for a not great weekend-we just weren't good match and he didn't like kissing that much. But he would lie there in bed edging himself. He would pre-cum large amounts continuously, and then on top of that could still orgasm and produce a large amount of cum. I wondered if it had to do with any supplements he might be taking. I took testosterone for about a year at 200 mg every other week. Probably because that isn't that high a dose-but I never saw any change in number of ejaculations or the amount I produced. Gman
  8. #1. Membership is free. So there's no reason not to join if you occasionally need to look at the site. #2. I signed in. It said that the member did not exist. So you weren't missing anything. Gman
  9. Do you have a link to his ad? Gman
  10. I was always interested in John. But he used the same pictures for years and years on his old ad. So I was very wary. Now if I still were hiring, I might consider it. But the earrings are a definite turn off. Gman
  11. 'Tis the season https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153808824003470 Gman
  12. So a related question-how long does it take you to masturbate and cum? I was never one who prolonged the experience. It probably took me less than 5 minutes on average. Gman
  13. I on average masturbated/ejaculated once a day from around the time I was 16 and learned how to around the age of 47. There were periods where I tried to hold off because I thought I was doing it too much or multiple occasions where I had prostatitis and it hurt to cum. Now at 56 I very rarely cum unless I'm 'playing'. Over the last several years I've often gone weeks and weeks without cuming. Gman
  14. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6qmgsegop283ld8/File%20May%2011%2C%202%2025%2018%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  15. Really-there's not a place for smokers? I hadn't realized that. Gman
  16. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1568620216484065 Gman
  17. "At one point in a game, the coach called timeout and called one of his 8 year old players aside and asked, “Do you understand what cooperation is?” The little boy nodded in the affirmative. “Do you understand that what matters is whether we win or lose together as a team? The little boy nodded yes. “So, the coach continued, I’m sure you also know when a foul is called, you shouldn’t argue, curse, attack the referee, or call him bad names. Do you understand that? Again the little boy nodded He continued, “And when I take you out of the game so another boy gets a chance to play, it is not good sportsmanship to call your coach a dumb moron, is it?” The embarrassed little boy dropped his head and nodded. “Good, said the coach… Now go over there and explain all that to your mother.”" Gman
  18. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ekrpmcful1no1lt/File%20May%2003%2C%204%2002%2057%20AM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  19. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/wtvirqhv1p127bl/File%20May%2001%2C%2010%2024%2052%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  20. Aside from the stress of being a plebe and of being at two different schools, it's not an impossible distance between them. I was once staying in Baltimore for a conference and hired an escort from Premiere in Philadelphia. Gman
  21. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/eg5k37j0bn02try/File%20Apr%2026%2C%207%2014%2033%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  22. Well aside from the younger looking comment, I'd say you should look into Andrew Justice. And when I say 'aside from,' I don't mean Andrew looks old, but he doesn't look 22. He's in his 30's. Gman
  23. Yes. If you want suggestions-although I don't know how much it will help in Houston as the escorts there don't seem to have much of a track record-it's better if you list what type of guys you are looking for. The more you tell us about what you are looking for in an escort, top/bottom/versatile, muscular/average, kisser/not, and etc, the better our recommendations will be. Gman
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