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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. For as big as Texas is, the large cities have always been a bit iffy for escort selection. Dallas has always been the best. But there have been times when it's been hard to find anyone I like there. Houston has been the second best but never anything like Dallas. It's been years as far as I can tell that Houston has had any long term well-known escorts. The best one I know of, Alan Ladd, retired a few years ago. Austin and San Antonio (except for Benjamin Nicholas now moved to Dallas) have almost never had long term well-known quality escorts. Since the Rentboy Debacle a few years back, it seems to me a lot of escorts who advertised for years are now gone. The only escorts I see on Rentmen who have been escorting for years are the Two Top Daddies. I don't know what they are like as I was not looking for strict tops. However you might be in luck. Andrew Justice is visiting in a few days. If he's your type, I'd contact him immediately as I'll bet his dance card fills up quickly. Gman
  2. It's a childhood picture of @andrewjustice http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/l33sg7g7kl2hd5e/File%20Apr%2024%2C%205%2038%2037%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  3. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3g1gb9b0rp6514x/File%20Apr%2024%2C%205%2038%2001%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  4. Well he lists himself as straight. So he probably does do BFEs -only with women. Gman
  5. A couple of things to note 1). I tried not acting on being gay. I'm not sure that qualifies as leaving. I did do some minor investigating into groups that reportedly could turn you straight. But I doubted they would work with me, so I never looked at them seriously. 2) I'm not claiming all gay men are like that. I had a former therapist who said he knew he was gay early on and was always happy he was gay. I'm not sure I believed him. But maybe he was telling me the exact truth. 3). We still don't know for sure that Aaron Hernandez was either bisexual or actually more gay-but hiding. Yes, he reportedly had a gay prison lover. But it's only rumors at this point that he had a longtime male lover outside prison. And prison is an unusual situation. Isn't it known that men and women who might not ever have looked at a same sex pairing outside can, due to the extreme situation, find same sex partners? Of course there's no way to know if it could happen to a majority of people in a prison situation or whether these people actually were gay/bisexual when not in prison but weren't expressing that side of themselves. 4) At least one recent juror said that she didn't believe Aaron was innocent of the double murder but doesn't believe the prosecution proved their case of 1st degree murder. So while there but for the Grace of G-d might go any of us, remember that Aaron might have killed-been involved with three murders before saying what a good fellow he was. But if all of this occurred because he was trying to prevent being outed, then yes, it's horrible. Gman
  6. Yes but my understanding (which might be faulty) is that you acknowledge some power outside and beyond yourself. But if it's an impersonal power, then why should you put your 'faith' in it, or even think about it, as since it's impersonal, it has no interest in you. And if it's some type of personal/interested power, wouldn't that be G-d no matter what you call it? I mean I'd love to believe my Father is out there somewhere, healthy, and watching over me rather than a total cessation of being. But I don't think I can believe that. As an example-my cousin contributed a beautiful poem at the funeral that my brother read. I don't know the title, but here it is. When I am gone, release me, let me go I have so many things to see and do You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears Be happy that we had so many years. I gave you my love, you can only guess How much you gave to me in happiness I thank you for the love you each have shown But now it's time I traveled on alone. So grieve a while for me if grieve you must Then let your grief be comforted by trust It's only for a while that we must part So bless the memories within your heart. I won't be far away, for life goes on So if you need me, call me and I will come Though you can't see me or touch me I'll be near All of my love around you soft and clear. And then, when you must come this way alone I'll greet you with a smile and say "Welcome Home" It was beautiful. Both my brother and cousin said it had meaning for them. While I thought the poem was pretty, it didn't affect me the same way. The dead aren't traveling. They are gone to exist only in memory. The poem depressed me. If my Father were really out there traveling, then I'd want him to find a map to lead him back here. I am not trying to belittle AA teachings-just saying from my limited understanding, I doubt they'd work for me. Gman
  7. I apologize but I don't understand your second sentence. As for AA, I think I mentioned this in another thread, but I doubt I could do any 12 Step Programs due to their core belief of trusting to a higher power. I'm very ambivalent about my belief in G-d. I'd like there to be a kindly fellow upstairs, and hope it's not a vengeful one. But I have trouble believing in one. I've read about addiction treatment groups that dispense with the higher power tenet. And if, or when, I need such a group, that's the type I'd seek out 1st. Gman
  8. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cavivcwf69k58fd/File%20Apr%2022%2C%203%2024%2057%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  9. Well that's true. But others have also agreed with me about both Dario and Armann. But it wasn't attraction. I was attracted to them. It was their attitudes during our meetings. Armann when I discussed the matter with him told me he does better on subsequent meetings. But as I also stated, this was around 10 years ago. Maybe he has grown more comfortable in his role. Gman
  10. Just look him up. There should be several threads on him. Ten years ago I didn't find him the warmest person. But considering @TruHart1's praises maybe he's changed. Gman
  11. Just look him up. There should be several threads on him. Ten years ago I didn't find him the warmest person. But considering @TruHart1's praises maybe he's changed. Gman
  12. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ymasjfz5obtr0ib/File%20Apr%2013%2C%2011%2004%2030%20AM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  13. And his tallywacker has grown 2.5 inches from his Sean Cody days (although I have to say it looked a bit bigger than 6.5 in the Sean Cody picture). Gman
  14. I've seen that site in the past although I can't remember how to get to it. I'm wondering if it is still being updated as I have a vague memory most of the postings were old when I saw it. Gman
  15. I remember one guy making fun of me for having a few chest hairs in 8th or 9th grade. The funny thing for me unless I'm repressing my memories is that as one of the fat unathletic kids (some things never change-sigh), my main memories of PE showers is that I wanted to avoid them. I think I surreptitiously looked at a few of the guys, but I honestly don't remember ever being worried about getting a stiffy maybe because major embarrassment was a sure-fire boner killer. And while I had to take them occasionally in junior high (almost all the time in 7th grade less in 8th and 9th), I don't ever remember taking them in high school. Gman
  16. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3o4iy8hk40crr16/File%20Apr%2001%2C%2012%2003%2024%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  17. Ahh the magic and the wonder.... https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1521882791158241 Gman
  18. Hart was really handsome. I rented the Video of Apartment Zero years ago so I could stare at him. But he came by it naturally. I had a crush on his father Lloyd as a child. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/coww522zy8ndxqb/File%20Mar%2030%2C%2011%2007%2019%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  19. I could never tell if Hart Bochner was gay/bi or just using his roommate. Gman
  20. I usually go for more comedic/romantic movies-and I've decided I don't like any of them. They show incredibly handsome guys who but for their shyness or due to bad luck-miss out on their soulmate -and then gain him in the end. They make me sad about my life. Gman
  21. Strangely enough -in the past (not sure now with my older metabolism) 25 mg of Benadryl maybe even 50 mg-did nothing to me. Now a few months back I took either a Benadryl or a non-sedating antihistamine, took an alcoholic drink not long enough afterwards, and felt a bit woozy after dinner. Gman
  22. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ieshxrl5i83b5x7/File%20Mar%2026%2C%202%2052%2020%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  23. Sometimes the truth is stranger than the Onion... Our Picks Popular Sections Unclick Man who works from home keeps naming his dog ’employee of the quarter’ David Covucci— Mar 21 at 4:16AM Image via Madison Reed/Twitter Seems fair. If you slept all day, scratched at your office door whenever you needed to take a shit, and ate your lunch off the floor, there’s a pretty good chance you would never be named employee of the month. But over at Accuride, a manufacturing and hardware company, an officemate who does just that has been named “employee of the quarter” for four straight quarters. Meeka, you see, is a dog. Since her owner works from home, she is eligible for the award. And since winning it once, Meeka has yet to relinquish it. Michael Reeg, owner of Meeka and a distribution sales manager with Accuride, spoke with the Dodo after pictures his daughter took of the awards started making the rounds on Twitter. He said that the award really is merit-based, and that Meeka pulls her weight at the office. “There are times that I’ll even talk to her as I work through a problem or map out a customer solution,” Reeg said. “I try out my sales pitches and presentations on her. She’s not easily impressed or swayed. All she hears is ‘blah, blah, blah, Meeka’—but she likes to hear my voice and I love that she pays attention. Having her in my office all day is something that we both look forward to.” Accuride is also onboard with Meeka’s eligibility and winning streak, according to a spokesperson: “Meeka is an outstanding support to Michael and his work. Dogs are the best.” Yes. We should replace all our human coworkers with dogs. ...... Gman
  24. And to that I say both YIKES and never in my bottom. (If it's not TMI, mine is pretty much an exit chute exclusively) Gman
  25. Gosh I hate being overdressed!! http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/r1hygwe7b1gc1zi/File%20Mar%2009%2C%205%2051%2045%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
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