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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Ignore this advice at your own peril-- http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hwxgd5gdutsy1sb/File%20Mar%2009%2C%204%2046%2053%20AM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  2. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/l5qcubt5gbw9qa3/File%20Mar%2003%2C%206%2057%2012%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  3. Not usually. I'm not saying it might not have been occasionally. But he was more likely to be in California although at one point he traveled frequently. (Not that I paid a lot of attention to his ad;) Ok to be truthful I looked at his ads for years trying to figure out if I wanted to hire him. I thought about it many, many times. But there was always something-his ad came off as him being a smart-ass, and that's not a personality type I like. I wasn't sure if he'd get into a boyfriend/kissing experience. Then I noticed he looked more muscular in some picture than others. Finally when I really thought I might go for it, he started charging extra for bottoming. That along with everything else was a red flag for me. ) Gman
  4. He escorted for years and years. Just as an FYI in August it will be two years since Rentboy was shut down. Gman
  5. You know some of my best friends are straight. But I'd never hire a straight guy intentionally. Unfortunately I hired one unintentionally. It was not a happy experience. Gman
  6. I'll agree with you that it's 'like' a relationship. But in the end it is really more like an extended hiring session. If you mean a 'real' relationship, well in my mind, while money may play a part, it's a very minuscule one. Gman
  7. I've got that covered. In my imagination there's no such thing as an exclusive top* (or for that matter-someone who doesn't kiss). Gman *except for me of course.
  8. He's cute. I would have topped him. Gman
  9. I knew his name was familiar. But I couldn't think who he was until I saw a bit of the video. There was something about him-maybe he stopped escorting for a while and then restarted. What I'm almost sure I remember is that he had two different looks. If my memory isn't failing me, which is not a certainty by any means, at one point he was a bit on the more husky side, but then he also had a period when he was very lean as shown in the video in the link. I can't remember for sure which came first the husky or the lean although I'm leaning toward possibly husky first and then he slimmed down. Gman
  10. So why did the chicken cross the road? SARAH PALIN: The chicken crossed the road because, gosh-darn it, he's a maverick! BARACK OBAMA: Let me be perfectly clear, if the chickens like their eggs they can keep their eggs. No chicken will be required to cross the road to surrender her eggs. Period. JOHN McCAIN: My friends, the chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road. HILLARY CLINTON: What difference at this point does it make why the chicken crossed the road? GEORGE W. BUSH: We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or against us. There is no middle ground here. DICK CHENEY: Where's my gun? BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with that chicken. AL GORE: I invented the chicken.... and the road. JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken's intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it. AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white? DR. PHIL: The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he must first deal with the problem on this side of the road before it goes after the problem on the other side of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he is acting by not taking on his current problems before adding any new problems. OPRAH: Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he wants to cross the road so badly. So instead of having the chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm going to give this chicken a NEW CAR so that he can just drive across the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens. ANDERSON COOPER: We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road. NANCY GRACE: That chicken crossed the road because he's guilty! You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks. PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American. MARTHA STEWART: No one called me to warn me which way the chicken was going. I had a standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider information. DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told. ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain, alone. GRANDPA: In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us. DONALD TRUMP: We should build a wall so the chicken can't cross the road. BARBARA WALTERS: Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heartwarming story of how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its lifelong dream of crossing the road. ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road. BILL GATES: I have just released eChicken2014, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents and balance your checkbook. Internet Explorer is an integral part of eChicken2014. This new platform is much more stable and will never reboot. ALBERT EINSTEIN: Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken? COLONEL SANDERS: Did I miss one? Gman
  11. For the scientifically minded amongst us- So Heisenberg, Schrodinger and Ohm are in a car... They get pulled over. Heisenberg is driving and the cop asks him "Do you know how fast you were going?" "No, but I know exactly where I am" Heisenberg replies. The cop says "You were doing 55 in a 35." Heisenberg throws up his hands and shouts "Great! Now I'm lost!" The cop thinks this is suspicious and orders him to pop open the trunk. He checks it out and says "Do you know you have a dead cat back here?" "We do now, asshole!" shouts Schrodinger. The cop moves to arrest them. Ohm resists. Gman
  12. I'm not sure I get this. Is he lying about that and is wide open? Gman
  13. http://Dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/wbvhg8rt2sioljo/File%20Jan%2023%2C%205%2027%2005%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  14. Ahh-Braeden-he is on my 'Ones That Got Away' List. Gman PS: For clarification that list title means I never met them not that they had to escape from me.
  15. And I think just a few years before that when I started at Texas Tech in 1979 tuition for in-state students was $6 per credit hour with out of state students paying $60 per hour. Now of course that was strictly 'tuition'. There were other fees with the total bill being something like $600 to $800 a semester. Possibly graduate/medical/law school had higher fees. Gman
  16. I realize things have most likely changed over the 30 something years since I was in college. But I was never able to qualify for financial aid because my parents liked having me as a dependent for their federal taxes. So while we weren't rich, my Dad's salary disqualified me from being eligible for aid. Of course 30 years ago, Texas state schools were very (relatively) inexpensive. I don't know how it is now. But back then it was possible that even paying out of state tuition, some students were still able to go to college cheaper in Texas than in their own home state. Gman
  17. Some of these recreated photos are worse than others. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/dlaqsyg3sed2e58/File%20Jan%2019%2C%204%2031%2051%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 You are definitely right. In the pilot, Karen's voice wasn't even that high/cartoonish. If you look at the pilot of All In The Family, Edith's voice wasn't as high and scratchy either. Gman
  18. Maybe it's just me, but I have no idea what the following means - "I resurrected by ex for a time or two, but in hindsight, it was just like digging up an old bone. Somewhat satisfying in the beginning, but too soon afterwards tiresome and tedious. And that happened in an alley..." Gman
  19. I thought I remembered bad things being posted about Scott. I even did a web search to look for possible articles. I didn't find anything. Thank you for reminding me. Seems to me Chance Caldwell didn't have the greatest reputation either-but no reports of violence as with Scott. Gman
  20. I contacted Colby probably around 2009. He was willing to come visit on my dime, but there would not have been any sex involved. As hot as he is, I passed. I wonder what it's like to be him. Gman
  21. I'm glad you had fun. That wouldn't interest me at all. o_OIf there is spanking, then I'm definitely going to be the spank-er and not the spank-ee, and it's going to need to be in a situation where I'm having sex. Gman
  22. The 9th picture reminds me a lot of his old ones. When I met him back in either late 2007 or early 2008, I would have described him as softly muscular. He was muscular but not extremely defined. If these new pictures are accurate, he has done a lot of gym time because he looks more muscular now than he did before. In spite of what his ad says, I think he must be somewhere between mid to late thirties to early 40's considering I saw him in 2007/2008 , and I'm fairly sure he was older than 22 or 23 at the time. I'm not an ageist except I do like knowing someone's actual age. I have a vague memory which might not be accurate that he precums a lot (just a tidbit for those who like that kind of thing). But I might be confusing the precuming with Antton Hari who definitely precummed a lot with the proper stimulation. Gman
  23. We may have touched on this before, but if so, I've forgotten. I'm betting being in a 4 male household that you have already done this. But have you taught your boys how to do laundry? I learned to some extent as a teenager. I can't remember whether I just picked it up or whether my Mom actively showed me at some point. My Aunt (my mother's sister), G-d rest her soul because she was a wonderful woman, never showed her sons or her husband how to do the wash. When the oldest son went away to college (in the same city where we lived), he would show up on the weekends with a lawn bag or two full of clothes reeking of aftershave. He would tell my Mom that he didn't need the clothes until later that afternoon. My Mom eventually told him that she didn't mind doing his clothes, but she'd need more time (or smaller loads). When his younger brother came to town for college several years later, Mom taught him how to do his own laundry (although I'm sure she helped a lot). Gman
  24. You know it's interesting. I've been with Andrew three or four times for overnights and one time for a lunch (at the Olive Garden on Beltline Road in Addison, Texas if anyone is interested). Sadly (for me) I think our last meeting was two, possibly as long as three, years ago. I'm not sure I remember the curve. What I do remember is the length and the incredibly large mushroom head. Gman
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