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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Interesting how the OP only ever made the one post starting this thread. I wonder if he walks, errr posts, among us still under a different identity. Gman
  2. Congratulations to both you on raising three boys successfully, and to your son for making it into the Naval Academy. This has probably been discussed before. But I don't remember-are your twins identical or fraternal? My family has a set of 5 year old (fraternal) twin boys. As infants and toddlers, I had trouble telling them apart. Looking back at their infant and toddler pictures,I still can't tell. It helped that in posed pictures, their mother always had each twin positioned on the same side. Luckily they definitely have different appearances now. It helps that they have different hairstyles. I can still have trouble when I first see them again after a time away from them (I don't get to see them that often). Their parents put them in separate kindergarten classes this year. This is their first separation although they aren't very separated since the classes aren't located very far apart and have the same break time. Cute story-Twin A did something good in class and had the privilege of bringing in a 'show-n-tell' item. He brought Twin B as his item. Gman
  3. I've certainly been with a plethora of porn stars in the past. The first was probably Jim Slade. He was a great bottom. I'm not sure about his personality (I was awestruck at the time. )-he was probably only about the 5th guy I had hired. Others include Trey Rexx, Diego Vena, Trey Casteel, Ray Stone, Andrew Justice, Tyger, Dean Monroe, Tory Mason, Will West, and Mike Gaite. These are off the top of my head. I'm sure there are more. Most of these I've listed were really nice guys except for Trey Rexx. He was stunningly handsome and knew it. I think it stunted his personality. I also hired Alexander Gustavo once in Seattle before he moved to Vegas. I'm not sure our personalities would have matched for an overnight or a weekend, but he was a nice guy. He certainly lived up to what he promised. I think he was going to come to my hotel on his motorcycle-but then it was either raining or a friend had the keys. In any case I think he ended up getting to me by taxi. I don't remember him charging me for it. But I did drive him back home. I didn't know he had committed suicide until I read it here last week. There have been several escort/porn star suicides (or deaths from other causes) over the years where I have previously contacted the guy to inquire about a meeting. But the meetings never came about for one reason or another. Alexander is the first escort I can think of that I've actually met who has died. I'm very sad. It's awful to think he was hurting, and no one knew how much. Gman
  4. To me Zac is probably one of the closest modern equivalents to Rob Lowe. And actually I think he looks a bit better. Rob didn't have a lot of muscle or an athletic physique (by today's standards). Gman
  5. I think he is very handsome. But his face is getting too thin. I wonder if he's had 'some work' done. Of course he might be too young for that still. Gman
  6. http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/rexmaker/media/608B8C52-6B30-4A95-A169-6DFE706D3FB7_zpsks5o7ujk.jpg.html]http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/608B8C52-6B30-4A95-A169-6DFE706D3FB7_zpsks5o7ujk.jpg'] http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/rexmaker/media/608B8C52-6B30-4A95-A169-6DFE706D3FB7_zpsks5o7ujk.jpg.html]http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/608B8C52-6B30-4A95-A169-6DFE706D3FB7_zpsks5o7ujk.jpg']http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/rexmaker/media/608B8C52-6B30-4A95-A169-6DFE706D3FB7_zpsks5o7ujk.jpg.html]http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/608B8C52-6B30-4A95-A169-6DFE706D3FB7_zpsks5o7ujk.jpg']http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/rexmaker/media/608B8C52-6B30-4A95-A169-6DFE706D3FB7_zpsks5o7ujk.jpg.html]http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/608B8C52-6B30-4A95-A169-6DFE706D3FB7_zpsks5o7ujk.jpg[/url] Gman PS: I didn't intentionally repeat this. For some reason Photobucket is acting up when I try to post images.
  7. Oh-see I thought it was a parody of vegans. It was so over the top. If it's real then, I'm mortified and must apologize. Gman
  8. Is this referring to Bridgegate? Gman
  9. I was of two minds about posting this. If it's offensive, I apologize. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=595056904000330 Gman
  10. Interesting that you say that. I'm not saying you are wrong. But it seems to me that I tried to hire him repeatedly 4 to 5 years ago when I was living in the Dallas area, and he never responded. Gman
  11. I'm not saying that is right obviously. But there is also the problem of escorts treating the client as an object too. Gman
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfxmhZD-IZk Gman
  13. Just say NO!! https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1293852433987941 Gman
  14. That sounds like something to do with poop. I'll pass. Gman
  15. If that's poop, I'm not looking at it. Gman
  16. I'm wondering if they picked their best looking employee to take part. Gman
  17. I appreciate the info-truly I do. Scat grosses me out. :mad:You probably remember my posts about how I hate porn that concentrates on showing anuses-or pictures in escort ads where they show the anus. I appreciate you helping too @azdr0710. But I have no recollection of this video-likewise no recollection of any reaction to something. If it's gross, I don't plan on watching it. So in the words of the great Dionne Warwick, I'm going to let videos concerning scat and poop and cream pies -walk on by. Gman
  18. I know dogs eat poop. But why is there a video of two girls eating poop? Gman
  19. And here goes another of my oft repeated "Hunh"? Gman
  20. I posted this last week or so. It's funny enough to repeat. But don't I deserve attribution credit? Gman
  21. Ah but I am literally dying because pedants think there is that much of a difference in the two meanings. Hopefully that will soon pass. Gman
  22. Say what you will. But this was very well done. Gman
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