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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Real or fake? https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=2942847785762392 Gman
  2. Is that a pogo stick in his hand or is he just happy to see me? Gman
  3. I appreciate the link. But this is one of those pedantic arguments-to me at least. The way my mind works both of these meanings mean literally the same thing. I mean (if I'm understanding the argument correctly) yes, if you are going to be exact, literally means 'exactly' but people often use it more in an ironic sense or to mean 'almost' exactly. To me there isn't much difference between the two meanings. I'm weird that way. I still don't understand the difference between 'less' and 'fewer' either. But please don't trouble yourself. I've read the their meanings multiple times. But they don't really make that much sense to me. Gman
  4. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=577870202402681 Gman
  5. They stopped them after the Rentboy Debacle. Gman
  6. What other meaning does it have? My dictionary lists 'exactly' and 'precisely' as synonyms. Those imply to me that the meaning of 'actually' is not a new usage. Gman
  7. While that might have been true once, I'm going to bet that it might not be true now. When I looked it up on White Pages dot com, it said it was a Google Voice number. Now while not impossible, just getting to the age of 97 is still pretty remarkable. Being 97 and having a Google Voice number seems to stretch reasonable odds to me. Not to mention that when I've done searches like this in the past, I'm pretty sure I've come across people that I'm pretty sure were dead as the search listed them at extremely unlikely ages like 105. My take on that was that once you entered a database like that, unless you are specifically taken out, it increases your age yearly whether you are dead or not. Gman
  8. So it really should have been the Knights Who Go Nith? Gman
  9. Wasn't that a Twilight Zone episode? Gman
  10. They could be taken advantage of the same way an escort could. Offering too much for too little. Gman
  11. Selfies-old school style http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/596DE389-DA93-4C4F-B381-C072635B2209_zpsjcjjvesy.jpg Gman
  12. People, I guess I'm going to have to be a spoilsport here. But if like these last two, nothing immediately comes to me, I'm not going to worry my pretty little head about them. Gman
  13. Does it have to do with the relationship between 'nurse' and 'tend'? Gman
  14. It's called Seeking Arrangements. https://www.seekingarrangement.com/ Gman
  15. Sorry I don't understand what Ms. Martin was trying to say. Speaking of Annie Get Your Gun-at one point I had an album only cast featuring Doris Day. I can't remember who sang Frank Butler. I found the album at a used record store. I'm not sure I ever listened to the entire thing. Gman
  16. @WilliamM thats a good thought. But there actually wasn't that big a crowd. I don't know whether it was due to Cincinnati's well-known conservative streak, bad day/bad time, not being publicized well, or what. As near as I can remember, I was the last audience person still there. I never would have been brave enough to even think about attempting a conversation like that if other Dan Savage fans had still been around. Gman
  17. I talked with Dan Savage at a book signing once at Joseph Beth Books in Cincinnati in 2002. He was pushing his book Skipping to Gomorra: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Pursuit of Happiness in America. It was his response to Bill Bennett's and several others' moral pronouncements. It was back when I was even more closeted than I am now-it might have been before my cherry had been popped-assuming a total virgin having sex for the first but only as a top can still be said to have his cherry popped. (On the other hand if it takes bottoming for your cherry to be popped-I'm still intact). At the time I never planned on coming out at all. I wanted to talk to him about my fears of being gay. I couldn't get out what I wanted to say. I was too afraid. Gman
  18. In similar circumstances my mother would say, "Not funny, McGee," as Fibber's wife Molly from the radio show Fibber McGee and Molly would tell him "Tain't funny, McGee." Gman
  19. Where do you see his repertoire listed? I use the Rentmen mobile app, and it doesn't list specifics like that anymore. It used to before the Rentboy Debacle. As for being limited, those activities are all I usually look for in an escort. Gman
  20. I'll have to think to see if I know any others. But do soap opera stars count? I met Terri Eoff. She played Suzi Wyatt on Search For Tomorrow, Pilar on All My Kids, and was one of the adult hosts on The New Mickey Mouse Club until its last season. She was also Miss Texas in 1980 (in the more scholarly Miss America Pageant not the Miss USA). And she's done lots of commercials. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI6x71ww7dA Gman
  21. I never realized George Takei and Jason Momoa played the twins from Harry Potter. Sorry I couldn't resist. This is one of those cases where even using the Oxford Comma (which I'm a proponent of) the meaning isn't exactly made clear. Gman PS I also hadn't seen @TruHart1's comment when I wrote this.
  22. I didn't get this at all. Gman
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