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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Looking in the dictionary-a synonym for 'caustic' is 'acid'. Gman
  2. I don't get this one. I mean I understand the words. But I don't understand why it's a Swifty. Gman
  3. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/DD4DD59A-47B0-4C45-82C5-3DACC442A6B6_zpsolt5pfqh.jpg Gman
  4. Actually neither. Tom was answering his sidekick's declamation (was his name Bud?), 'Hey look at that!' Gman
  5. How about 'What that? It's a vat of flesh-eating acid,' Tom averred caustically. Gman
  6. I tried meeting Ducati years ago when he lived in Seattle. I called him several times -different days. He would answer the phone then before I had a chance to speak he would say, 'I can't talk now. I'll call you back," which he never did. When I finally did get to talk to him, he told me he didn't kiss. So considering his fees (expensive), outcalls only (I would have had to get a hotel, so more expense), and the no kissing, it was a no brainer not to hire him-disappointing but a no brainer. Gman
  7. http://ih1.redbubble.net/image.50594823.4365/ra,unisex_tshirt,x1350,101010:01c5ca27c6,front-c,30,60,940,730-bg,f8f8f8.u2.jpg Also available to buy on the web...I mean the shirt-and not, unfortunately, the model. Gman
  8. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/2D20E43F-ED62-4446-925B-28E37848A7FE_zpsfvjpxnde.jpeg (Note: If you like this t-shirt, you can look up 'paranormal distribution' on the web to find out where to buy it. There were several places it was available. ) Gman
  9. It may just be me. But the more I think about it 'came clean' seems to me to be more a synonym of 'admitted' rather than 'said'. Gman
  10. 'I feel well' can also mean that there is nothing wrong with your sense of touch. It's working perfectly. So actually when talking about physical or mental states of being, 'I feel good' is less ambiguous. Gman
  11. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/F4FE28E1-BCE3-417D-BAB3-CD7899EF15B7_zpsfdyw9erc.jpg Followed by a rimshot!! Gman
  12. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/F1B1FD62-40A2-4574-9840-F9918B74A426_zpsww4sqaso.jpg I'm unclear whether the award is for the giver, the receiver, or both. Gman
  13. I know if you have to explain jokes ...yadda, yadda, and a last yadda. But can I assume that is a beaver? Gman
  14. "George Washington Bridge Trial Jury Selection Begins" Gman
  15. Oh, TR!! It's funny but .... Gman
  16. I didn't have a crush on him. I liked Travolta. And I loved Stephen Shortridge who replaced him. But I was sorry when I heard about his death. Gman
  17. You ever seen one this big?" Tom bragged cockily. (I can't tell a lie. This was in Wikipedia's article on Tom Swifties. ) Gman PS In our world we should probably substitute the name Tom with Kevin Slater.
  18. I know what I want for my birthday!! http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y44jtvvmin27uqj/File%20Sep%2006%2C%201%2037%2027%20PM.png?dl=0 Gman
  19. It'll behoove ya....(I didn't even have to watch the clip;)) Gman
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