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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I'm too overcome to speak!! http://Dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/v5w7ac7kibbrhq4/File%20Sep%2005%2C%206%2057%2009%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  2. And let us not forget these balls... Gman
  3. From having met him, I'm sure technically he's great. But from personal knowledge and from what people have said, my feeling is that Grant doesn't do well with people he is isn't attracted to. Gman
  4. I can't tell you how many times I've told those people on the Agenda Committee not to forget Fajita Friday!!! http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/yb92m9cjc2015ir/File%20Sep%2004%2C%208%2018%2050%20PM.png?dl=0 Gman
  5. That's him all right. Gosh it must be nice to be so handsome. Gman
  6. And speaking of decks (NB: not very pc) Gman
  7. http://Dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/u1r81filb8ddpdj/File%20Sep%2004%2C%204%2013%2057%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Don't be too sure, Teach!!! Gman
  8. Dutch, this entire thread is about the masseur who used to escort under the name Jack Lyons. I don't know whether he has a current massage ad or not as he seems to come and go. Gman
  9. I think I knew that-or at least knew it at the time the skit was first shown. I prefer this Patty Smyth. Gman
  10. Her armpits really grossed me out both back then and now. Gman
  11. For comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G4jnaznUoQ Gman
  12. I agree it could be that. But I took it as a fake review by the escort. I think that's valid too since most of the reviews mentioned they didn't live up to their pictures. Gman
  13. I must be a wonderful friend. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/rpuz9geedqa5vv3/File%20Sep%2003%2C%203%2012%2043%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  14. You can't anymore as far as I know. They stopped publishing those sometime after the Rentboy Raid. Gman
  15. Steve, I remember that 'meal' review. Either the guy was easily satisfied, had a 'meal' fetish, was totally bogus, or all of the above. But I don't think you can write those kind of reviews on Rentmen anymore. Nowadays they are more similar to the Star Reviews on M4RN. Gman
  16. You have more knowledge than I'd say most of us do, BVB. Because if I were still hiring, aside from RM, the only places I would know to look would be M4RN, or the really inferior Hourboy, the massage sites, or Backpage. Gman
  17. What's bad though is I don't think you can tell the expired ads for sure anymore. Gman
  18. When did Antton move away from NYC? Also he really needs some new pictures. At least 75% of those on his ad are from years ago. Gman
  19. I don't remember enough about the movie. Gman
  20. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/38EC47BC-1337-4375-B746-8CB1BB9091CD_zpscp0b8zhv.jpeg Gman
  21. I've left a few myself. So they can't all be totally useless. The trick/problem is determining which can be trusted like mine or those that can't. Gman
  22. Yes, people at one time could leave actual descriptions. They stopped those after the RB raid. Of course even when thorny had them, they weren't vetted as well as the reviews on this site are. They were just like the reviews on the site associated with M4RN. They could easily be submitted by the actual escort or friends of his. The same thing can happen here of course. But it's more difficult. Gman
  23. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/22AD30B6-D379-435F-A237-3AA215625CED_zpstxcade1w.jpg Gman
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