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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I don't remember enough about the movie. Gman
  2. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/38EC47BC-1337-4375-B746-8CB1BB9091CD_zpscp0b8zhv.jpeg Gman
  3. I've left a few myself. So they can't all be totally useless. The trick/problem is determining which can be trusted like mine or those that can't. Gman
  4. Yes, people at one time could leave actual descriptions. They stopped those after the RB raid. Of course even when thorny had them, they weren't vetted as well as the reviews on this site are. They were just like the reviews on the site associated with M4RN. They could easily be submitted by the actual escort or friends of his. The same thing can happen here of course. But it's more difficult. Gman
  5. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/22AD30B6-D379-435F-A237-3AA215625CED_zpstxcade1w.jpg Gman
  6. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/FF2D7651-6E1C-4AF3-A86C-FF79719536CE_zpsrhohnt7s.jpg Gman
  7. What about instead? '...Tom said as he angrily stamped out of the room. ' Gman
  8. I vaguely remember my Mom's suitcase being taken by someone else when we traveled to Dallas for a funeral once. A woman had accidentally thought my Mom's suitcase was hers. And this was back in the days when Love Field had someone at baggage claim supposedly making sure you had the correct luggage before you could leave the area. Gman
  9. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/73D27259-331D-48A3-85D6-9BBFB9EB0585_zpsqng6v8dx.jpg Gman
  10. The article talks about SW increasing the width of their seats by mid 2016. And the graph doesn't make clear whether it's talking about SW's current seats or the new wider ones. My experience about SW was not in the past 6 months. Last time I was on one about a year ago, I'd still say they lose on padding although American's padding was nothing to write home about either. Gman
  11. I find Southwest's seats to be just a bit narrower than the usual planes of the Legacy carriers (not their puddle jumpers). And while never meaning to denigrate any of your body parts, @rvwnsd, would you be shocked to know that I can feel a pea under my mattress? Gman
  12. Please explain. And if it's something weird about the picture, I can't see it well enough to determine if anything aside from a clown standing in a doorway with the words 'Free Hugs' is weird about it. Gman
  13. It looks a lot like Wonder brioche. Gman
  14. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cpnpf1-VIAAVznA.jpg Gman
  15. You know while normally I'd probably be one the first people you think of bemoaning something past that you can't get back, I'm fine with being circumcised. (Please note my uncharacteristic 'positivity' here, @jjkrkwood). I can barely stand to have someone touching the glans after I cum as it is. I wouldn't want it to be even more sensitive. Plus I prefer the look of cut tallywackers. That doesn't mean I won't play with 'intact' guys. It's just a preference. Gman
  16. Haaa Ha Haa!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOK4q4OcEQc Gman
  17. :confused::confused::confused: Israeli Wrestler Takes Olympic Gold Without Winning Single Match After All Muslim Opponents Forfeit by Danny Nash© Lazyllama | Dreamstime.com - Olympic Rings Gold Medal Athlete Rio De Janeiro Sunrise Photo RIO DE JANEIRO- The Olympics, like Black Friday at Macy’s, are thought of as a place where people fight each other for pieces of jewelry, regardless of their race or ethnicity. But, this normally pure pursuit has been marred by some classic, middle school bullying. So far, Lebanese athletes refused to share a bus with Israelis athletes, and Saudi and Syrian competitors have quit rather than face off against Israeli counterparts. But, as they say, every cloud has a silver Star of David. Israeli wrestler, Dov Nagar, has received a gold medal without having to face a single opponent after each of his scheduled competitors from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Iran, forfeited after allegedly “catching a bit of the Zika”. Despite the excuse, most people believe that given the history of Muslim athletes claiming the dog ate their homework when having to face “Zionist athletes”, the Islamic competitors’ pants are ablaze. So, there will be no silver and no bronze medals awarded when the Israeli national anthem is played with Nagar on the podium. When he spoke to the media, the Israeli told them, “I feel great. Well rested. This is the least anyone has had to work for a medal since Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize!” ******** If you don't get this, PM me, and I'll explain. Gman
  18. "I'm not a Borrower!!" -Ryan Lochte Gman
  19. http://i.imgur.com/nudEtmF.jpg Gman
  20. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/1922AC7D-0A02-4D23-A9FC-91AE1D7A6B57_zps7d6iusul.jpg Gman
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