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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Did Leonardo envision the Enterprise? If not, I'm lost. G
  2. I am not questioning everyone's sexuality. What I am questioning, at times, is something that may be a marketing ploy. If truth were always told in ads, then Hooboy would never have needed to start either the Review Site or the Forum. In fact if ads were always 100% accurate, almost all of The Deli and much of the Ask An Escort Sections would be eliminated. I'm fine if you want to believe all ads 100% of the time. Please be fine with me if there are ads I have questions on. G
  3. Ahh but in my case, I am only gay. So the common classification system models my reality. G
  4. Ah but I don't look at things that way. Evolutionarily we are designed to classify, to discriminate (in its non pejorative sense) one thing from another, one kind from another. We are biologically programmed to determine what is like us and what is different, what is likely harmful, beneficent, or neutral. Without that ability we as a species would never have survived. While in today's world it might not be as helpful in the past, I submit the ability still often serves a useful purpose. While keeping your head when all around you are losing theirs may mean you haven't grasped the situation, the person with the minority view is not always wrong. The Ancient Greeks considered the natural state of a body to be at rest. We in our infinite wisdom take the reverse view that the natural state of a body is to be in motion unless acted on by external forces. My physics teacher taught that the Greeks weren't necessarily wrong. We just look at the situation in a different way now. Sexual attraction/classification is another subject where it is possible to have differences of opinion. While most of the comments currently have been for an opinion different than my own, I know that there are other contributors from previous discussions who have views more like mine. Selah! G
  5. From the Onion: http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/A4914F18-D1A4-485D-BC60-08A1103F2E47_zpsrhfsa3za.jpg New Domino’s App Allows Customer To Track Pizza’s Movement Through Digestive System ANN ARBOR, MI—Giving customers the ability to keep tabs on their order through every step of the process, Domino’s Pizza announced Tuesday the release of a new app that lets users track the progress of their food as it moves through the human digestive system. “After you take that first mouthwatering bite of Domino’s pizza, just log into our app on your smartphone or tablet to get updates on how your meal is progressing from ingestion, to digestion, to absorption, to elimination from the body,” Domino’s CEO J. Patrick Doyle said of the app that can reportedly provide users with real-time alerts when a food item has reached their pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, or anus. “When you order from Domino’s, you don’t have to sit around wondering when your pizza or cheesy bread is going to arrive at its ultimate destination. As soon as you swallow, there’s a timer and a status bar that provides a detailed description of exactly where your food is and what’s happening to it.” According to company officials, Domino’s guarantees its deliveries will pass through you in 30 minutes or less. Gman
  6. http://www.mythornbury.co.uk/images/332-electricityposter.jpg Gman
  7. While I have no plans to ever put that tidbit to personal use, they say that there's no such thing as wasted knowledge. So thank you. Gman
  8. Is it because bisexual individuals being attracted to more genders are more free sexually and so more likely to be attracted to escorting, or is it more of a marketing strategy to say you are bisexual and appeal to more clients? And would you think that most of these escorts are significantly bisexual in their private lives or mainly attracted to one gender? Gman
  9. Do you care if you are in the seat just before or across from the bathroom? I've been in those a time or two. And it wasn't a great experience as breezes from inside the room wafted over me. Gman
  10. Which of course slows the boarding process down. I don't do that. I prefer having my stuff near me. Gman
  11. What a way to make a judgement on a situation when you weren't even there. Not to mention you are just about 100% wrong in your depiction of me. I was already sitting down at the time the flight attendant made the announcement, so obviously she wasn't referring to me. And I think everyone realizes that it can take longer than 10 seconds to put an article in overhead storage. 1st there is the process of taking it off your shoulder or even lifting it up in your hands. Now most people try to do this carefully and without swinging the object wildly as, especially in the tighter quarters these days, it's a lot easier to accidentally hit someone. Then there's the process of trying to make room in the bin in case there is stuff already in it. As for the contention that Zone 4 passengers shouldn't have the right to any bin space:mad:. To paraphrase a famous philosopher-"The airlines were made passengers and not the passengers for the convenience of the airlines." As for us 'simple folk,' sometimes what we do while sitting around and wondering (and during the 15 downtime between sets of our fiery dances ) is express frustration in online Forums. Of course it can open you up to those with feelings of noblesse without any sense of oblige. Yes, that's what we simple folk do (as you might surmise) Gman
  12. Aside from their uncomfortable seats, I hate Southwest's no assigned seating. I don't mind them on a quick flight say from Dallas to Houston or Austin. But they are horrible on long hauls such as Baltimore to Seattle. Gman
  13. The stewardess made the announcement that "as we have a very full flight, we'd like to ask you to step out of the row so people can get by." My response to this is people are standing in the aisle because they are putting luggage and other bags in the overhead storage. Personally I'd like the airline not charge me $50 dollars to check two luggage bags. In addition I'd like a forward seat pocket that is larger than a kitty flap door opening and can actually hold stuff. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/D265D239-89DF-4F7B-9B92-C63E5C8A5E41_zpswptcfsmw.jpg But it looks like neither I nor the stewardesses are going to get what we want. Gman
  14. Are you sure, Phil? http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii612/rexmaker/679B7BF5-31FB-4133-B902-65E18A71861D_zpsrrnvkz09.png Gman
  15. Ok I don't get it. Is he counting the painting looking at his bum as a flirtation? Gman
  16. For those who only shower ... wait for it... periodically!!! Gman
  17. My sincere wishes for a speedy recovery!! Gman
  18. There are usually exceptions that 'prove' the rule. :D:rolleyes: From Wikipedia: "The exception [that] proves the rule” is a saying whose meaning has been interpreted or misinterpreted in various ways. Its true, or at least original, meaning is that the presence of an exception applying to a specific case establishes (“proves”) that a general rule exists. For example, a sign that says “parking prohibited on Sundays” (the exception) “proves” that parking is allowed on the other six days of the week (the rule). A more explicit phrasing might be “the exception that proves the existence of the rule.” An alternative explanation often encountered is that the word "prove" is used in the archaic sense of "test".[1] Thus, the saying does not mean that an exception demonstrates a rule to be true or to exist, but that it tests the rule. In this sense it is usually used when an exception to a rule has been identified:[clarification needed] for example, Mutillidae are wasps without wings, and therefore are an exception that proves (tests) the rule that wasps fly. The explanation that "proves" really means "tests" is, however, considered bogus by some sources.[2][3]" (Note: I had read that this last paragraph was the reason for the saying. Imagine my horror to find out it might be false!!) There's more on this aphorism if you are so inclined- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_that_proves_the_rule Gman PS @Epigonos, Epi, BUDDY, surely as long-time Forum Bros we know each other well enough for you to call me Gman, Hmm? PPS With apologies all around, and now back to your previously scheduled topic of HotFitLatin already in progress. Gman
  19. I am put off by 'Ask Me' Orientations, 'Ask Me' Rates, 'Ask Me' Positions and Total Tops!!! Gman
  20. @jjkrkwood, you should have tagged me in this thread, I almost missed it. Two questions-can you show us a picture of your masterpiece (and of course a picture of the chicken would also be nice:p)? If I'm not a big fan of horseradish, would I still like this? Gman
  21. I have a friend who is married and to some extent considers himself bisexual. In my mind he's basically more gay-somewhere between a 4.5-5.25 on the Kinsey scale. He has multiple children and grandchildren. He tells me he loves his wife. On the other hand he tells me that straight guys are 'screwed' in a not very good way because to have sex they have to put up with women. The gist I got from that is that at least for him, most women are pains. I am describing 'masculine' when I use the term 'normal attitude' but I don't mean that for me they have to be the Marlboro Man-although I wouldn't mind the Old Spice Guy:p. It's a difficult subject for me as I'm not as masculine as I'd like although most escorts, if they haven't been totally lying to me, have told me I'm not particularly effeminate. I do have a high voice. But I can't help it. Maybe the same hormones influencing my larynx had something to do with my brain being gay. As for sexual attraction, I seem to be one of the 6's. (I wonder what percentage of us gay people are 6's). I don't ever remember being aroused by a female. Now it's possible that if I had gotten close and personal with a woman, they might have been able through physical means to arouse me but maybe not as vaginas scared me-they probably still do. As for being able to love someone you aren't sexually attracted to, well obviously that's possible. But it's not the stereotypical being 'in love'/romantic love which includes 'passion' that's enshrined by poets. Gman
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