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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. George Carlin was a 'babe' in his younger years!! Gman
  2. But what about the spouses? Gman
  3. Oh, I honestly didn't know. Thank you. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BGCGSe5qwZA/VogJPI79OII/AAAAAAAAHik/8f5i2Q1V0uE/s1600/Mifune.jpg Gman
  4. I don't get it unless those are ben wa balls. Gman
  5. http://media.ifunny.com/results/2013/08/02/3pvcsgfhis.jpg Gman
  6. If I'm correct, that's only because @geminibear placed a 'Sports Forum' tag on each individual thread. But they are all individual threads inside the overarching Lounge Forum. Gman
  7. Have you been following Angus for a long time? Or is he a newly acquired sports hero of yours? Gman
  8. In memoriam: Franklyn Bruce Modell (6 September 1917 – 27 May 2016) Gman
  9. A bit of an explanation on this one. The guy speaking is Greg Davies. He's an English stand up comic. @mike carey probably is familiar with him. Prior to becoming a comedian he was a school teacher. He either has a new British sitcom or a book out where this story is from. The story is amusing. But I want you to look at Ryan Gosling's hands. He has extremely long fingers. I'm making predictions to myself on the basis of his fingers. Gman
  10. I don't understand unless by chance this guy's name is Rome. If it is, I certainly wouldn't mind being in(side) him. Gman
  11. Oh my!!! http://rs843.pbsrc.com/albums/zz352/loaloauk/DLP%20that%20never%20was/disneyonice.jpg?w=480&h=480&fit=clip Gman
  12. That's what I thought it might mean. Gman
  13. For the grammarians among us http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hakaU3WeDQc/VcMee4H7Z9I/AAAAAAAAHdo/K3m56z_GzUM/s1600/Capture.PNG Gman
  14. I don't want to even try to imagine that. Yech!!! Gman
  15. The secret life of dogs outed- Gman
  16. You've got more rhythm than I do. Apparently that spot on the gay gene or chromosome was excised in my makeup. Gman
  17. I have to admit to not liking this one. Gman
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