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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Ok I know that Fe is 'iron' but other than that is there anything I'm not getting about this? Because I have to tell you, if that's all there is, 'we are not amused.' Gman
  2. http://i.imgur.com/qxEVhvz.jpg Gman
  3. Well it's 'vulgar' Latin. " History of French French is a Romance language (meaning that it is descended primarily from Vulgar Latin) that evolved out of the Gallo-Romance dialects spoken in northern France." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_French Gman
  4. http://www.jeremychin.com/repository/tickled/0574.jpg Gman
  5. Ours (men) is the left door, right? Gman
  6. You mean Lingua Latina Suum (The Latin of Swine) Gman
  7. Ego trēs !!!!! (that's Latin ) Gman
  8. Yuck!!!I've never eaten raw dough or batter----frosting or icing (I'm not really clear on the difference. Sometimes I say one. Sometimes I use the other. ) sure. Give me more. But dough or batter-meh!! Sigh!! This is all wrong. :mad:How many times do I have to explain? The second one from the bottom should be 'amatis'!!! Gman
  9. After I read this, I was wanting an 'emoticon' with tears. @@@@@@@@ On another topic-- http://www.misterx.ca/crop_circles/CropCircleArtistsAliensAtWork.jpg So that's how they do it-the aliens are surprisingly low tech. Gman
  10. Did someone already post this? It was either here or on FB. http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j12/itsallos/326262FC-C571-4F0B-B594-B62D1124658E_zps3nugquiw.gif Gman
  11. The first one actually should be-- You know, Bob, Sue and Greg? HE came to my house. Gman
  12. Is this supposed to be 'The Donald'? Gman
  13. I thought it was just me!!! Gman
  14. What a wordsmith that Charles Schulz was!!! Gman
  15. Apparently David Letterman has turned into Santa Claus!! http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j12/itsallos/6AB82A14-84B0-4DA0-A696-06146D868429_zpseehlfq6u.jpg Gman
  16. I'd say physical ugly/blah-ness really dominates. If it didn't, how could we recognize those who are really stunning. They'd just be us. Gman
  17. That might be due to his PhD in math (I just looked him up. I had heard about him. But didn't know his name). Math professors do not always have reputations (whether true or not) as scintillating conversationalists outside math circles because no one else knows what the heck they are talking about. Gman
  18. Is Pietro someone I should know about? Gman
  19. Those pictures in his ad are at least 8 years old (or older) if they are a day. I wonder what those guys look like now. Gman
  20. http://onpasture.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/TheAgeofAsparagus.jpg Gman
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