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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j12/itsallos/96D6B477-67E1-496C-996C-2A5C24C25201.png_zps3gcia41n.jpeg Gman
  2. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m11jsbAw5l1qewacoo1_500.jpg Gman
  3. Is it just me or does Ronald look more like The Joker in this picture? Who's Marc? What hatchet? Gman
  4. These three are just wrong. Gman
  5. Oh, I'm sorry. This should have gone into the Politics Category. Gman
  6. http://cdn.meme.am/instances/45753545.jpg Gman
  7. I apologize for being a day late on this. But here goes Gman
  8. Gar1eth


    I wish I had started much earlier than I did on trying to accept being gay. For years and years I said I wanted either a pill or the wave of a magic wand to make me straight. Actually who am I kidding, I still want that. As you can see, accepting being gay is still a major work in progress for me. Instead of working on it, I tried not to think about being gay even though I thought about it all the time. As a corollary, I wish if I could have done it without being one of the casualties of the 1980's and 1990's that I had had sex long before I was 41. On the other hand, maybe if it meant I would have found love, being a casualty would have been better. When you are 55 and never have had a relationship, the odds don't seem very high of having one. I don't know if I was ever capable of 'falling in love', but I doubt I can now at my age. Gman
  9. Me too!!! You're a Boomer after my own heart. My tastes are eclectic but are dominated by Top 40-although probably not the Top 40 of today's music. Did I mention I like harmony? (My uncle has been a member of SPEBSQSA for years. I prefer a harmony on 1, 3, and 5th notes. I think they more commonly use 2, 4, and 6. But I like some of their songs.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hjjVeU2kik ...and (watch to the end) BEEFCAKE!! Gman
  10. They were from my late teenagehood. Here's another you might like. It's a few years newer than those I listed above. My one time at Mardi Gras-some friends and I sang this and Frank Sinatra's "New York! New York!" down Bourbon Street!! Not really, Boomer. There were often only two or three good songs on the album at most, and those were the songs being played on the radio. Without the radio, I wouldn't have known what albums or cassettes to buy. Did I mention I'm a sucker for harmony. It's why I like the early Beatles. This song while not the Beatles has harmony, and the video has BEEFCAKE!! And here is some harmony without much beefcake. But it's still a good song. Gman
  11. Ok so here are four favorites. I'm sure I'll come up with more. I heard this one during lunch today. It's not the original version. But it's still pretty darn good. It's from a TV special. You might want to skip ahead to about the 1:00 marker as that's where the song starts. Considering your song pick, I think you'll like this @tyro # 2. This one was off one of the first albums I bought for my new combined stereo turntable/cassette track player when I was about 19. #3. This was another new album I got for my stereo. I really love the intro on this song before the words start. #4. This last song is an incredibly scary one because it's one of the few that really make me want to dance. And believe me- no one wants to see that!!! Gman
  12. I'm so happy I know about a cool indie rock band that although this is not my favorite song, I offer it to @dutchmuch and the rest of y'all out there in Forum Land for your delectation. In the meantime, I'll try to think of my favorite song. It will only be an 'a' favorite song rather than 'my' numero uno favorite as there are just too many songs I like. But now without further delay, here is the Decemberists' "Make You Better." The video features Nick Offerman. Gman
  13. Took me a few seconds and a few re-readings to get it. Gman
  14. @AdamSmith is that Rick Santorum? @geminibear, Steve Martin feels your pain!! Gman
  15. Gotcha!! That's right in my alley. Gman
  16. Did someone @FreshFluff delete a post? Gman
  17. I can only hope I don't ruin the aura of devil-may-care effortless masculinity I've cultivated for years here on the Forum when I reveal I let out a short snort and giggle when I saw this a second ago on a friend's Facebook page. Corgi Butt or Loaf of Bread Gman
  18. Boy, Dad is really kinky!!! Gman
  19. Let the Grammar Wars recommence!!! Gman
  20. http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j12/itsallos/BDCFF503-715C-485F-A7F0-9AA3F3347C4A_zpstnbfz7xn.jpg Gman
  21. Oh no, I no longer have control of my television set, and it's weirding me out Gman
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