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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Gar1eth


    Slight correction, @mike carey. While there does end up being curry in the mayonnaise, I was actually talking about adding the curry to tuna salad. Gman
  2. Gar1eth


    Well as long as we are giving recipes-mayo, lots of mayo, did I mention the mayo, chopped picked, hard boiled eggs, and onions. For the pièce de résistance, I add curry powder. It's delicious!! Gman
  3. Gar1eth


    My mother would occasionally make tuna salad with mustard when I was growing up. I think she made it mainly for my brother as he didn't like mayonnaise. She said that was the way my grandmother made it. It's not bad. But I prefer mayo. Although thinking about mustard tuna has made me nostalgic. I might mix some up sometime soon They didn't have just a pouch at Walmart. This was the bottle they had at Walmart. As you can see the label says 'sugar free' in the middle at the bottom. Gman
  4. Gar1eth


    Since several of y'all liked Duke's, I thought I'd give it a try. At my Walmart, all the bottles were labeled "sugar-free" although the labels then went on "to say" that it wasn't a low calorie food. My question is-whether Duke's is normally sugar-free, or if that is a special version. To give Duke's a fair chance with me, I want to taste the original version. Gman
  5. Your feelings are understandable. I can't even imagine what it must be like. It's as if we are all in a science fiction movie that we never auditioned for. I recently came across an opinion piece in the NYT that I agree with. The blame that we are in this fix regarding short supplies is due to government and businesses prizing efficiency as the highest good. Unfortunately efficiency doesn't respond well to crisis because surpluses aren't considered efficient. My thoughts are with you and all the first line responders out there. If I end up surviving this, I wonder if I will see changes in business and government so that hopefully we are more prepared next time. Gman
  6. I totally agree with you. With this guy- we started having sex I before PrEP was available-I think-or at least before it was well-known. He promised I was the only one he bottomed bare for. He told me condoms were uncomfortable for him. But I never knew if I could trust him-we didn't have much of a relationship outside f-cking. It used to worry me a lot. The one thing that probably kept me sane in the pre-PrEP Era was that I was the top. And yes I know that tops can be infect by HIV too. I probably shouldn't have given in. Some times I refused and made him settle for oral. The reason I was so weak and gave in is this guy is incredibly handsome. And I think not just to me. He's the one I talked about a few months back that his picture on Grindr is so nice, a lot of people think he is a bot of some type. While not saying he looks anything like Brad Pitt, I'd say he has an equal level of attractiveness. And for a guy like that to be interested in a fat, bald bear-when it was tough for me to find any sex at all-well my desire for sex overrode my sense of self-preservation. Gman
  7. This is all hearsay as I'm a top. But some bottoms like or grow to like the feeling of their anus-and I'm assuming also their rectum being stretched. I had a f-buddy I was exclusively bare with. He loved feeling me ejaculate inside him. He had incredible control and could make himself cum immediately after I did. But the "extreme" pleasure for many is the stimulation of the prostate. [Personally the thought of prostate stimulation gives me the heebie-jeebies. I had fears about bottoming to begin with, and it was one among the thousand things that made me not want to be gay and kept me a virgin until I was 41 as I mentioned in another recent post. But as if my fears on bottoming weren't enough, they were strongly reinforced when I developed some kind of prostatitis (or chronic pelvic pain syndrome) in my early 30's. The pain was in my pelvis/bladder but a burning pain extended down the length of my penis (I normally use tallywacker but this is an important clinical discussion). It wasn't an std as I had never had sex at the time. Plus nothing was ever cultured. Even today they aren't sure what causes this. But at the time and even after for years, a physician performing a prostate exam on me could put me into a week of pain. So I'm not a fan of prostate stimulation. I'm much less symptomatic than I used to be. But I still have mild symptoms-more of an irritative feeling usually than straight out pain. And it usually gets worse the more frequently I ejaculate. It was a worse problem when I could hire as I had sex a lot more frequently. ] But prostate stimulation seems to be what many bottoms like. This may explain it better. After all an excerpt from a movie can sometimes be better than a 1000 words. Gman
  8. I'll have to disagree, respectfully, unless you can provide more proof. I'm not saying that it couldn't be the same guy running both ads, but the pictures are definitely not the same guy or at least not the same guy at the same point in time Spartan Giant (https://rentmen.eu/SpartanGiant) is to my eyes much more muscular than Dmitri (https://rentmen.eu/DimitriXXL). And Spartan has a tattoo just above his groin area that Dmitri doesn't seem to have. Gman
  9. Life imitates fiction sometimes. My place is in an incredible mess at the moment. I've actually thought I need to clean it up in case I should get infected and have to go to the hospital. I'd hate someone having to deal with it if #1 I had to be hospitalized or #2 The worst outcome happens. Gman
  10. So @DaveOrDavid, you are saying that "Xot" is the same as the guy on the right in the "We Are Different" Ad? The MrBlueEyes ad on RM is expired. It shows that he was in Austin. And for some reason he blocked me. I never contacted him. I had to log out to see it. I'm always suspicious that something is not on the up and up when escorts block people for no reason. Gman
  11. Sorry about the above. I tried copying from Friendboy and it screwed up https://friendboy.pro/boys/WeAreDifferent Gman
  12. ajority of other guys on here. We are NOT providing any services‼ We are looking to come back to the main land from Hawaii and to spend virus times somewhere in the deserts. Looking for a new friend who is lonely, wants company and who has a big house READING IS THE KEY. Please do not contact us without reading the profile. We are definitely different than the majority of other guys on here. We are NOT providing any services‼ We are looking to come back to the main land from Hawaii and to spend virus times somewhere in the deserts. Looking for a new friend who is lonely, wants company and who has a big house
  13. If you end up meeting, make sure to ask for a current selfie. I notice the tattoo is much larger in picture 3 than in some of the others. Gman
  14. Did you mind if I ask if you jerked off a lot when you were younger? If you liked that, I would wonder why you didn't also like topping. Gman
  15. You are definitely right. I don't want to taste mine or anyone else's ass. Just the thought makes me... well it's an unappetizing thought. Gman
  16. But that seems to be @TruthBTold 's experience. Guys that say they are versatile mainly want to bottom for him. Now it may just be selection bias in the type of guys TruthB likes. One reason for that may be that he is so talented or aggressive at rimming that it just feels natural for the guys to want to bottom after that. I'm wondering if he picked a real top-although it can be difficult to know whether the guy is telling the truth about that. But maybe he needs to try to find a guy like me-although obviously one in better shape-but a guy who has an absolute fear of bottoming. One (out of the admittedly 100's of reasons) it took me so long to ever have sex was the thought that I'd have to bottom. TruthB should try to find a guy like that. I can't be the only one. Gman
  17. That's interesting. I like the feeling of being rimmed. But I'm not that gung ho on actually having it done to me from a hygiene standpoint. I love deep, passionate kissing. And the thought of kissing someone after they've been rimming-even though it was me that they rimmed-is not attractive at all. And it's even worse if I consider the fact that if they are rimming me, then they are probably also rimming other guys, so I'm kissing that guy's butt also. But while I like the feeling of being rimmed, the few times that I have been rimmed have in no way made me want to bottom. Is it possible you aren't picking the right guys to rim? Gman
  18. Ahh now that you mention it, I did read about it. But why was he flapping his arms into a wind machine? Gman
  19. I'm not sure who Jimmie Levine was or why he was flapping his arms, but strangely enough, considering I'm not into the opera world at all, an acquaintance of mine from my youth just retired, with the 2018-2019 season being his last, from the Chicago Lyric Opéra after being in their chorus for 26 seasons. When I knew him, he was a counter tenor. I don't know if as he grew older he did more tenor parts or not. Gman
  20. The one time I was in a car in New Jersey-I think it was an Uber-we stopped for gas, and I found out that you couldn't self-pump in NJ. But I was surprised that the guy didn't clean the windows or check the oil as the attendants used to do. How much do you usually tip the attendants? Gman
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