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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. The first time I drove into Oregon in 2013 or 2014 I didn't know attendants had to pump the gas. I was on fumes and stopped at closed convenience store expecting the pumps to still be on as they are in Texas (I've since come across at least one chain of convenience stores/gas stations in Texas that doesn't leave their pumps on once they've closed, but I hadn't at that time). I couldn't figure out why the pumps weren't working. I then found an open store, and the guy explained it. Oregon passed a law a few years ago that in smaller counties, you can pump your own. But you definitely can't do it around Portland. Gman
  2. Does an employee still have to pump it for you in New Jersey? Gman
  3. I just looked at the first post in this thread. It was made by former escort Talvin Demachio in 2001-so about 19 years ago. I've included his post below. As you can see the prices per gallon that he quotes are near to what I'm seeing now in Texas with the GasBuddy app reporting that the lowest price near me is $1.24 per gallon in Plano, Texas which is cheaper than the price Talvin quoted in 2001. Of course Texas always has cheaper gas than a lot of places. When Talvin was quoting gas as $1.28 in the DC Area in 2001, it was probably below a dollar in Texas. Right now the GasBuddy App reports the price range in my area to be $1.24 at RaceTrac Convenience Store to as high as $1.89 at Super 1 Mart Convenience Store. How are the prices in Australia, @mike carey? Gman
  4. Peas were one of the three vegetables I ate as a child with the other two being (canned) green beans and mashed potatoes (yes I know potatoes are a starch). My palate as an adult has expanded slightly to broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers-oh and if it's in a stew or vegetable soup, I'll eat almost any veggie. Peas are still in my top two-although I prefer the canned very young sweet peas to the frozen. Gman
  5. I've always regretted that @tristanbaldwin and @Rod Hagen weren't versatile. I feel like I missed some special guys. I also regret that the one time I had an opportunity to meet @Benjamin_Nicholas, I gave him the wrong dates. Gman
  6. I'm watching Lucifer on Netflix. I just found it. That Tom Ellis is a hottie!!! And I'm about to go back to Outlander. I had watched a bit too much and got tired of it. But Sam Heughan is calling me back. Gman
  7. Yes, but also no. Doesnt your (I'm using a general "you" here I'm not speaking of "you"- @Keith30309 specifically) right to assess your own risk stops when your assessment that you don't need to do anything can cause (a generalized) me to be harmed? The problem of course is deciding how much what you are doing is a direct risk to me and what the proper response should be. Gman
  8. Interesting. I thought when I looked this morning it said he was in NYC. Gman
  9. Dmitri is a different guy than the one this thread is about. They have a similar look. But Dimitri is shorter by an inch going by the stats in the two ads and is less muscular. This is the guy the thread is about. https://rentmen.eu/SpartanGiant Gman
  10. I believe I remember him-blondish hair. In some of his ads didn't he have a leather harness on? If I'm thinking of the right guy, are you sure he wasn't versatile? I thought I had considered hiring him. But I don't hire strict tops. On the other hand I used to do a lot of window shopping, so maybe he was a top I thought was attractive enough to keep looking at although I would have never hired him. Gman
  11. Carol Burnett as many of you probably remember used to answer questions from the audience before the actual show started There was one episode where a young woman from the audience wanted an autograph or a kiss from Lyle-probably not an uncommon occurrence. Carol called him out front. He said something like, "I've been waiting for this." He had arranged with the prop-man, and Lyle brought out a small table and chairs-as if he were having a date with the audience member. Carol, I don't know whether she was really surprised or not, but is acting like this is totally out of the blue and finds it hilarious. So Lyle gets the audience woman into the chair. Sits across from her. I think has some fake bubbly in a bottle. Makes a toast with the woman. Says something about what a lovely time it's been. And maybe kisses her on the cheek-then sends her back to the audience. I almost positive I'm remembering this from the original run of the series and not a repeat. The episode has stayed with me all these years probably because of my crush on Lyle. Considering he left the show in 1974, I've remembered this at the very least for 46 years. Gman
  12. Premier just gave up the fort a few years ago. I met a few guys thru them. Once I was at a conference in Baltimore. I was staying at a B and B. I believe it was in the Federal Hill District. There had been a guy I had been looking at on the Premier website for a while-a tall athletic to normal physique with a cute face. He met me at the B and B late one night. I think he lived in New Jersey. He told me he was a chef at a restaurant. It took him about two hours to get there. We spent a nice two hours together. During the last 5 to 10 years, their guys gravitated more to the more twinky side of the spectrum. And if they did have a more athletic/muscular guy he was invariably a top. So I didn't find as many of their guys as interesting in their latter years. Not too many "guest stars" in their last few years. For a while back around 2000, Premier had a competitor for several years called Paramount Escorts. But I don't think they lasted even 5 years. Gman
  13. I hired several guys from Dave. Most were good. One or two were a complete disaster-one I had brought to Puerto Rico for a weekend. I was there on business and had the guy travel to me after my business was finished. Well he got there and was standoffish a bit the first night. I attributed it to being tired. But the second day he said, "I can't do this. ". I flew him back to the mainland early and felt like cr-p. It was I'll admit probably partially my fault. I won't go into why. On the other hand, Dave dropped him a relatively short time later as I wasn't the only person he refused to interact with. I can't remember about the fee. I think the guy was honest enough to give it back to me. But to talk about good guys I saw-there was a guy from Austria who went by Dirk. I saw him 3 or 4 times. He was an incredibly friendly guy. I also saw Matthew Miller who now lives in the UK-but that was after Dave quit representing him. Gman
  14. I was so attracted to both Jeremy and Chris Rockway when they were represented by Man To Man. I was disappointed when I found out they were only tops. But even if they had been versatile, I most likely would never have hired them because I'm not into straight guys. I mean it's possible-that over the years, I met with some gay-4-pay guys. But it would never really have been on purpose. They would have been presenting themselves as either bisexual with strong leanings to the gay side or as gay. I will admit to being really tempted by Alain Deberry from Philadelphia who was straight. I'm glad he quit bottoming around the time I was interested in hiring him, to make the decision not to hire him easier. Plus from going back and reading several of Alain's reviews, it seems that several people may have had the same type of meeting with him that @purplekow describes having with Jeremy Walker. Someone who for some reason gives me a slightly similar vibe to Alain is Andrew Maroc. I did manage to meet with him once. It was a really nice time. I hope he really is bisexual rather than g-4-p Gman
  15. For those who like receiving oral, I'm sure that's not an uncommon occurrence. Even I who am blue star (or is it gold star?) gay man who has never been with a woman, might not mind receiving fellatio from a woman if I could get over the psychological ick-factor of it being a woman. Hopefully I'm not being too crude here, but what is the line in the movie "Scenes From The Class Struggle In Beverly Hills" about "one hole being like another hole"? While that mantra may not apply to me, I might be in a minority. Gman
  16. He doesn't look awful-just not photo shoot ready. I just watched a Randy Blue scene between him and Benjamin Bradley. Pretty uninspired kissing on both their parts. I have no problems at all with thinking he is g-4-pay. Gman
  17. I didn't see this. If I had, I probably wouldn't have posted. Gman
  18. The Carol Burnett show was one of my favorite TV shows (next to Bewitched), and I had such a crush on him as a youngster. Here's a picture for you younger MC members who may not know who he is. He was the first PlayGirl centerfold. Gman
  19. It wouldn't be totally unexpected. A lot of viral syndromes can cause diarrhea. Gman
  20. A relative was having trouble in Austin. She had looked for days. She went to HEB. She was there at 7:40 AM. It opened at 8 AM. She said there were over 100 people in line waiting to get in. She finally found some TP. I was lucky to find some TP yesterday at my local Walgreens and CVS. She said hers had been out. Gman
  21. I am not familiar with the Australian GTPC (Great Toilet Paper Crisis). Would you mind elaborating? I'm not really following this logic. In any case for our purposes, when Sears Catalogs graced the finest outhouses of the land, it was made of newsprint not the glossy paper of its latter years. Gman
  22. My thoughts were-and I could be totally wrong-was that #1 people were afraid of being quarantined and not able to get it, or #2 if society totally collapsed hemorrhoids from rough paper would be the last straw that broke the camel's back so to speak. Gman
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