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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. While not trying to get too graphic, I have IBS. I normally buy the 6 or 12 roll package. And I was getting low. Plus I'm living in a rooming house situation with 3 other guys. I think I probably, at least at times, have to use the facilities more frequently than the other three guys. So I was supplying paper to our communal bathroom. I'm pretty sure I supplied the last two-maybe three rolls. I stopped being the paper-guy either yesterday or the day before. I've decided, as much as I'd prefer not to, that until things improve, it's going to have to be every tuchus for itself. Who needs Russian Hackers to cause civilization to fall-the TP scarcity could do it all by itself. And where's the darn Sears catalog when you need it? Gman
  2. I've been at Walmart several times over the last few days, and I wasn't able to find things. I couldn't find any at a Kroger the other day either. I just went to CVS. They had them behind the counter under lock and key. (Ok I'm kidding about them being locked up.). One package to a customer. I bought the 12 roll pack that's equal to 48 regular rolls. As I don't want to endorse a brand here, I'm not going to mention that it's Charmins-!! I have an unopened 6-pack also. I'm feeling pretty good, and, if you'll pardon the expression, sitting pretty-or at least I will be!!!! Helen Reddy didn't have anything on me when she sang, " I can do ANYTHING!!!" Gman
  3. How coincidental you mentioned this. I recently looked up Montel Williams on Wikipedia. Don't ask me why as I don't have the foggiest notion now. The article mentioned that she was a frequent guest. Gman
  4. The second to last review from February 22 says he looks like his pictures. The one from this month says they are heavily edited. Assuming both are real reviews-I realize it's a judgement call. But I always figured often escorts took pictures at their best. If they didn't look quite as good when I saw them-unless the pictures were totally off-I usually didn't mind. Gman
  5. Unfortunately you are describing me-although I'm not really a train wreck emotionally except to myself. Most people think I'm a pretty caring guy. And I think for the most part I am. Gman
  6. He seems like such a nice guy. If he hadn't been pierced, I probably would have hired him years ago. I know many of you are saying -that's a stupid reason not to hire. But that's me. However from years of being a member on here, I know he's a great guy. Gman
  7. You may not realize it. But under his screen name on the right it says "Score 100". That's his asking fee. It also lists it lower down. Not all ads give a "Score". But many do. Gman
  8. They do allow comments. We just can't read them in the USA-not sure about Canada or other countries in North America like Mexico. To see any possible comments, you have to use a VPN that obscures the country you are in. Gman
  9. Now @purplekow, I'm sad for me that I don't see him anymore and that he hasn't responded to a text I sent him on his birthday (I hope it's just that he has changed his phone number since he now lives full time outside Texas on the eastern seaboard). But I hope I don't think he is miserable. And bringing him up now has made me a bit melancholic because I just realized that this was the exact month that I first met him in 2012. I met him at the Texas Bear Round-Up (TBRU), and that convention is going on right now. I had actually first seen the boy at Starbucks where he was a baristo. I was fairly new to the hook-up apps at that point. And the Starbucks where he worked was where I went for several coffee meeting-ups. As far as I remember, nothing ever progressed further than the coffee. But I did notice a cute baristo there (my future friend). I thought he was straight at the time. Then a few weeks later I saw him drunk in his tighty-whiteys at the TBRU-he and entered the underwear contest and had needed to the alcohol for Dutch Courage. He sat on my lap for awhile before he went to his room with his then current Daddy-Boyfriend. After the TBRU was over, I went to the Starbucks and re-introduced myself as I thought with him being drunk there was a good chance he wouldn't remember me. Several months later I lost my career. He and a few of his Starbucks friends were one of the few lights in my life before I moved back to Tacoma in December of 2012. Gman
  10. I've never been to a circuit party-unless Southern Decadence 2012 counts. But I didn't go to any dances, take any drugs, or get drunk-well I might have been tipsy occasionally. It was a long time ago. And I can't recall. I wouldn't have gone in the first place if a friendly acquaintance that I had lust in my heart for hadn't been there. (Oh and yes we did know each other biblically once during the trip-but it wasn't that great an experience for various reasons that I only partially remember. A few years later we had a few more experiences that went better at least from my point of view. From his-difficult to tell. He was very sub/into puppy play. I can be a bit dom. But I'm not sure I was dominant enough for him. He left the state to live with some Dominant Daddies and be one of their boys. I miss him. But I hope he's happy there. ) Gman
  11. Unless someone has hijacked his RentMen account, the join date is probably consistent with Alam's previous ad. Gman
  12. Not only could this guy eat cookies in my bed, but if he came to Texas, I'd sell a kidney on the black market to see him. I wonder if he'd wait for my recovery ? Gman
  13. The link no longer leads to his ad. Gman
  14. That's what it would seem like to me. Emails in their old system-seemed to me less pushy and less intrusive. Gman
  15. Is the "AC" anything like the "OC?" Gman
  16. He must have an inner thigh holster to carry the tallywacker around on a daily basis. Otherwise I don't think it would fit inside most pants. Gman
  17. Latest up-to-date method for controlling the spread of Covid-19-- Gman
  18. I saw Darius when he had only been advertising a few years. The ad was on M4RN. This was probably around 2007. I'd say he was in his early to mid-20's at that time. He advertises as 33. I'd say he's probably mid to late 30's. Gman
  19. Should I know who Singer Sargeant is? I'll look him up. But as of now, unless reading something jogs a memory, I got bupkiss. Gman Addendum: After reading about him, I have heard of him before-mea culpa. He wasn't a memory I could easily recall without a bit of jogging.
  20. I don't know about the Corona Virus and Hot Tubs. It's main way of spreading I thought was droplets and direct touching of virus from someone's secretions and then touching your nose/face/eyes. Gman
  21. Well thank gosh, I'm safe then. I only turned 59 two months ago. Of course that means I'm in my 60th year. I hope that isn't what he meant. Gman
  22. It seems awkward. I wonder what made them change it to this; and whether complaints can make them revert back to having email. Gman
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