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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. @Scorpio, I get the vague idea that there's a hidden meaning to your last post. But I'm probably just imagining things. Sorry. Gman
  2. Really?!!! If $7500 were the going rate, I'm sure there would be a lot less weekend hiring. I'm betting $7500 for a weekend is outside the budget of a lot of people on here. I often did a Friday to Sunday or Monday and probably -aside from plane fare, hotel (I always stayed at a hotel for weekends), and outside bedroom activities-never paid more than $2500. Gman
  3. I realize there's not really anything I can do. But my heart goes out to you and all your family,@pdxleo. Gman
  4. A woman I worked with in grad school committed suicide. It only affected me peripherally as I wasn't a close friend to her, but I had known her for 4 years. The year before she did it her husband was killed in a motor vehicle accident by a drunken driver. I was told she did it on their anniversary a year later. While I wasn't close to her, I still think about her from time to time and feel sad, and it's been 28 years. Gman
  5. Did he list kissing in a prior incarnation of his ad? Gman
  6. I'm not a jewelry guy. I've mentioned this in the past. But even if someone didn't remember me saying it. They might already have figured it out from my comments on not liking watches. I was thinking about this thread and my particular dislike of watches as child on men that I thought were handsome. And I remembered something else I never liked to see-that spoiled guys' looks for me. Back in the 60's I hated seeing ID bands on guys' wrists. And now if we proceed into the late 60's early 70's, I also disliked seeing guys wearing choker necklaces. Gman
  7. This used to happen sometimes in the past on the sites that had a lot of women but only an occasional male escort. We were never quite sure what it meant- whether it meant the ad was fake, or whether the male and female were a couple/ or possibly just friends, or maybe they both had the same agent. It didn't usually occur on the more reputable sites like Rentboy or Men 4 Rent Now. I'm not saying it has to be a scam. But I'd exert extra caution if you feel you have to meet someone with a questionable phone number like this. I'd start by seeing if the escort could give a reasonable explanation for the phone number. Gman
  8. My two 8 year old great nephews have just been given special smart watches. They have GPS so their parents can keep track of them, they can alert their parents when they are finished with things like sports, practice. The watches are big and ugly. But I'm in favor of them from a safety basis. The watches have limited phone capabilities with only being able to call numbers their parents program into them. The other day my mother received a phone call from an unknown number. She normally wouldn't have answered, but for some reason she did. It turned out to be one of my nephews. My mother asked whether it was a school day or not. My nephew said it was. She asked him whether he was allowed to make calls at school. He said he was in the bathroom. ( It might have been a butt dial.) Gman PS I was just informed by his mother that he was fibbing and wasn't at school.
  9. I met with AJ years ago. I'm 5'9". While I'm horrible at estimating, I think I would remember if he were 5 inches shorter than I was. I'm thinking he's more like 5'6". Gman
  10. I've been looking at the Dallas ads for close to two years. He's had face pictures for over a year. Gman
  11. I had to go back to December for you. But here it is. https://www.daddysreviews.com/cruise/2019-12-23/jc_la For reference @Hotexec43, to post a link to a specific escort you need to get to the page where it lists the escorts over to the left. Then hover over the escort's name. A link should appear. Copy that link as it's the link to a specific review. Gman
  12. We will have to agree to disagree. I think I mentioned that when I was a child looking at handsome guys-and I'm talking about when I was as young as 6 years of age or younger, I thought watches were ugly. And I think I remember actively thinking that I wish that the various handsome guys I saw weren't wearing a watch. Even today I sometimes think that about watch wearing guys-particularly guys wearing a gold colored watchbands or guys with those square smart watches. Gman
  13. Thanks. I appreciate it. You know assuming this guy isn't really only buy-sexual, and actually wants to be with guys privately, I can't even imagine his life. I mean while he's not drop-dead handsome like ______(insert the name of the guy you think is the handsomest porn star or Hollywood actor here), he's incredibly attractive. I'll bet he doesn't have too many lonely weekends. Gman
  14. I didn't see a #300 in the ad. Am I blind -wait don't answer that, or did he change his ad? Oh and while he's a very cute guy, I'm not sure I believe him when he describes himself as muscular. Gman
  15. I like the fact that he says he's up for going to dinner and a show. If I were still hiring and in NYC, that would put him at the top of my list to consider hiring. Gman
  16. I used to report things. But I noticed that these people's profiles weren't deleted after I posted. So I've pretty much stopped reporting. I don't know if this non-action on reports started with the Chinese company takeover of Grindr or not. I had thought that under the old management when I had reported scammers, the profiles were deleted. But I might be misremembering. Gman
  17. I was wondering if there has been a change by the FDA. Do you know when it occurred? I think both bottles would have been bought in the last 18 months. Their years of expiration are both in 2021. I had been wondering if that were the case also. Still it makes good sense to look at labels. Years ago a relative of mine bought some ice cream that said on the front 100% Natural. On the back it listed "artificial ingredients." He called company. It turned out they had (supposedly) printed the labels up using the wrong template. They sent him coupons for free ice cream. Gman
  18. So you'd think it was the same product. The labels are similar too. But even though the one bottle on the right says the tablets are petites, they are longer than the ones that were in the bottle on the left. And the RDA's listed are different. Each bottle supposedly contains the same amount of calcium and vitamin D, but the bottle on the left says that amount of calcium is 40% of the RDA. The bottle on the right says it's only 31%. As for the Vitamin D. The bottle on the left says it's 125% of the RDA. The right bottle says it's 63 %. Weird -hunh!! Gman
  19. Well if you decide to go for it, definitely don't prepay him. Gman
  20. While I haven't been in there in 8 years (I moved away, and since I've moved back, I don't really have the need anymore), I occasionally used Club Dallas as an assignation place with escorts . I don't know what they have available now. But back then they had one nice room in their room area with a full or maybe a queen-sized bed. I would pay for the escort's entrance fee as well as for a locker for them. The cost probably comes out the same as a cheap hotel room. And if you are nervous about getting a hotel room, The Club is another option. http://www.clubsaunas.com/club_dallas/ Gman
  21. I am not familiar with this guy. But he has older review on Massage Fonder from Nashville and Columbus. So I'm betting it is the same guy. Gman
  22. I believe, if you are signed in, there's supposed to be an anonymous viewing mode. Gman
  23. I've been blocked occasionally. But it's never been because I've been disrespectful. The most recent block led to a fairly recent thread ?. One escort in Dallas blocked me, but I don't remember interacting with him other than looking at the profile. Possibly I asked to look at the Privates. But I'm not sure. The block occurred months ago. Suddenly out of the blue a few days ago, I get a message that he's unlocked the Privates for me. I thought he must have unblocked me. I go to his profile. And it's still blocked. I try to send him an email about it. And it won't go thru. So it seems if an escort blocks you, they (or an automatic website generated message) might still be able to go through. But the reverse isn't true. Gman
  24. I never knew exactly what 'guest' meant. Is it people looking at the site but not signed in? And can they post? It seems to me that I've seen posts where 'guest' is listed under their screen name. But I thought you had to be signed in to post. Gman
  25. I was just re-reading your last post. It may have been on purpose. But you still didn't really say whether you'd prefer an escort who is a top, one who is a bottom, or one who is versatile. Of course if you don't think you'll be into a**l, then it doesn't really matter. But if you are interested in a**l, then it does. Gman
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