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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I'm betting with your physique what you expect to occur and with my physique what I expect to occur leads to diametrically opposed expectations. ? Gman PS I was sorry to see your Big Muscle Profile has been deleted.
  2. There's a picture in his privates. It shows a good-sized erect tallywacker with a few coins placed along the length. Gman
  3. I was never really attracted to Randy Harrison on QAF. He was about 23 then. He's now 42-can you believe it? He's cuter now than he was then. Gman
  4. I can't always figure out the pangram. For example on the Jan 29 th one, I can barely even figure out any words. Here's my list that got me genius-oh and I tried annal-but it wasn't accepted Gman
  5. Jeremy Lee still has an ad. https://rent.men/jeremylee Since Tyler never posted a face picture, it's difficult to say whether these are the same guys. But their stats are different. Also if they are the same person, then in the ensuing years, Jeremy has gained a lot of tattoos, and decreased what he is willing to do with a client. Gman
  6. Is this another picture of Tyler? Because if it is, I never would have recognized him from the RM ad. If it isn't Tyler, why has this picture shown up in this thread without explanation? And if it happens to be a selfie of @harey, I want to marry him. Gman
  7. Here's the latest one from today. It never fails. When I first see the puzzle, I think to myself that I don't see any possible words. Then I start staring at for a second. And a few words begin to pop up. I was stuck at 99 points which was a score of Amazing for around 12 hours. I finally figured out one last word to bump me up to 100 points which on this puzzle is Genius level. Today to get 100 points, it took me 25 words. (The point values for each level can vary daily. They depend on how easy it is to make words from the given day's puzzle.) Gman
  8. Not being a New Yorker, I'd never heard of this guy. I was trying to find a shirtless picture of the CEO of Tom's Shoes. I found Baruch Shemtov instead. I think he may have had some facial work done. But I don't care. Are there a lot of gay rumors about him since he doesn't have a known girlfriend? http://baruch.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/IMG_0034-759x600.jpg Gman
  9. I only use it on my phone. I've never signed up for anything. I choose the free proxy option. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. This is one of the times it doesn't. I always wonder if the "not working" will be permanent. Gman
  10. @ericwinters, I'm concerned about your headaches too. When I started out in 'bifocals' about 14 years ago, I started with progressives. I may have had a headache for a day or so, but that's normal whenever I get new glasses. On my last pair when I put them on, initially everything was fuzzy. I could see better far away with the reading part rather than with the distance part. The lady at the vision store said I just needed to get used to the new glasses. But I knew something was wrong. I ended up having my eyes rechecked at a new optometrists. For some reason, the prescription I had just obtained was wrong. I didn't need as high a correction. I don't know if my eyes had been acting funny the day I saw the original optometrist or whether they somehow wrote down the wrong prescription. But after I replaced those glasses, except for the first day with headache, everything was fine. Is it possible that your headaches are due to a wrong prescription? On the other hand, progressives even if you became adjusted to them might not be the answer to your problems. When I bought my first pair of progressives, the optician told me I would still want to take them off to read. And that's been the case. I read fairly close up-probably closer than most people. I don't know if I've always done it-or if I trained myself to do it before I had the progressives (i probably needed them two years or so before I actually got them. Prior to that I had my single vision prescription for my nearsightedness. And I had to take off my glasses to read as they weren't helping.) I also usually take them off for computer work and bring the screen and keyboard very close to me. Shaving and trimming my beard are also problems. #1. It's hard to shave with glasses on. #2. I have to keep angling my head in different ways to get to the part of the glasses I need to see for trimming different parts of my beard. Sometimes I think what I need is a handheld magnifying mirror. So I can see what I'm doing better as I'm trimming. Gman
  11. It really sounds to me like what you need is a professional-and I don't mean escort professional-sexual surrogate. But I don't know if there are any gay ones. And I think the legality of sexual surrogates in most states is problematic. Gman
  12. You just reminded me. Alfred's Deli off of Bissonet and Post Oak closed years ago. Gman
  13. I went to a conference years ago in Toronto. It was 1999. We were carrying posters in those round poster holders. I remember Canadian Customs looking at them very carefully. I'm wondering if they were looking for drugs. Bottom line: I'd exercise caution, keeping nothing on my devices that would come close to be considered incriminating evidence. You've just described me to a T although I have no plans to go to Thailand. Were these flights originating from somewhere in Canada to Bangkok? Gman
  14. Hard to believe he's been advertising since 2014 without any reviews. Gman
  15. Oh another restaurant -it's a chain-but a more expensive one-Houston's. I love the Hawaiian. It's a rib eye-marinated in pineapple-soy-ginger marinade. It's delicious. (And according to their website $40). Their house salad years ago had a hard-boiled egg in it along with bacon bits (don't tell my rabbi). It was delicious with their thousand island dressing. As to places I'm sorry you will miss (as they are now only memories). 1. Fred's Italian Corner-a great little strip mall Italian place. I loved their meatball sandwiches. 2. The Strawberry Patch. Pappas Steakhouse took it over. It had a mean chicken teriyaki. And they would bring by a bread basket with these delicious yeast rolls and blueberry muffins. 3. UNO's pizzeria at one time had a lot of restaurants outside of Chicago. I don't know what they did for most of them to fail as I always found their pizzas excellent in Houston, Dallas, Madison, and Cincinnati. 4. Two Pesos. It was a drive thru Tex-Mex place open 24 hours with small indoor seating and expansive patio seating. The buildings were stucco coated and painted a bright blue. They had apparently stolen the idea from a still extant restaurant chain called Taco Cabana. The original buildings looked almost exactly the same. But Taco Cabana's were painted bright pink. They also had almost three same menu. Taco Cabana sued Two Pesos-and won. Who knew that blatantly copying a restaurant but changing the building color would cause you to lose a court case? Two Peso's after that had to put up a sign saying we copied Taco Cabana and lost. They also had to pay a big fine. Taco Cabana ended up buying them out and either converted them to Taco Cabanas or closed them. Since then the Taco Cabana chain has changed hands many, many times. I don't think most of them are even open 24 hours anymore. But they were great for late/night early morning fajitas after leaving the bars at 2 AM. 5. The Ocean Club. It wasn't really a restaurant. It was a dance club/bar. I thought it was cool. I couldn't dance but I was skinny enough back in 1985 and 1986 that I could actually wear white jeans without looking stupid. So on Tuesdays it had a $5 all you could eat buffet/happy hour. I don't remember what they served. But my college friends and I thought it was delicious. 6. Dirty's-It was a chicken fried steak place. They probably had a few other things on the menu. But I mainly had the chicken fried steak. They were HUGE!! I'd order their salad too. It was a basic green salad. They mainly had ranch dressing and possibly oil and vinegar. It was a no frills place. But I loved it. I could probably think of some more if I gave it some thought. But it's late. Gman
  16. I haven't lived in Houston since 1993. A lot of places I used to go to have closed-imagine that. But look up --- 1. Goode Company Restaurants. They have Tex-Mex, BBQ, and seafood (NOTE: I'm not a seafood eater. So I can't comment on that type of restaurant.) Look for the locations on Kirby. There are several. 2. Most anything by the Pappas Family should probably be good (@bashful recommended Pappasito's. But there are other restaurants from the Pappas family too-their steakhouse is expensive, but supposed to be very good.) 3. A famed Tex-Mex Restaurant in Houston is Ninfa's. The original is on Navigation. It's downtown. Not a good place probably at night. But a great place for lunch. 4. Becks Prime is a hamburger place. It was very good back in the day. I believe the original location was on Kirby. It originally was basically a walk-up with patio seating. I think you they've enlarged it, and enclosed it. 5. Look up one of the locations of Star Pizza. I went to the original on 2111 Norfolk St. 6. There was a Thai restaurant I enjoyed called Morningside Thai. 7. If you like Vietnamese or Chinese food, there's a place called Kim Son. I'm looking at the locations. I'm looking for the original. Unfortunately I've probably been back to Houston less than 10 times since I left in 2003 And the last time was in 2009. So even though I lived there from 1985 to 1989-had a 6 month break in Cincinnati- and moved back to Houston from 1990 to 1993, the memories are dim. I'm pretty sure the original and the one I ate at was the one on Jefferson. But looking at the pictures online, my vague memories tell me they've either torn down the original building or greatly expanded it. I looked up a few other places that I remembered on Yelp. Several had closed?. And the others were only voted 3 stars. So I won't suggest them. Of the places that I remember, these are probably the best. Bon Appetit!! Gman
  17. There was a Polish dance duo called Duo Destiny. They won Poland's Got Talent. The male, if you'll pardon the expression "member" ?of the duo was incredibly handsome. Unfortunately he's straight. Gman
  18. There was a documentary back in 2000 (gosh I can't believe it was from that long ago) called 101 Rentboys. I was thinking I saw it on HBO. But the Wikipedia article says it was shown on Skinamax-errrr I mean Cinemax. Long time members from here may even remember some of these escorts-either met them or at the very least remember their ads. My vague memory from when I saw it was that I was familiar with a few of the escorts from their ads although I don't think I ever met any of them. While Van has no current ads that I am aware of, I am almost 100 positive that one of the featured escorts on this program was Van. Look at Escort 90 on this picture. (Also as an aside-I contacted Van once years ago. I can't remember if it was by email or phone. I'm not sure if I had actually hired at the time. My vague memory is that I was too vanilla for his interests. Here's the URL for the Wikipedia article on the documentary. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/101_Rent_Boys Gman
  19. Gar1eth

    411 ACE Quin

    Did you mean an 'active' profile, as obviously you've posted a link to a profile? Gman
  20. He quit responding to me when I told him I was middle-aged and fat. While if he had told me I wasn't his type it would have been disappointing, but I probably would have felt better in the long run than I did wondering why he suddenly stopped responding. While the heart (or in this case about 2 to 3 feet down from it) wants what it wants, are you really that hot and bothered to meet someone who treats potential clients like that? Unless you are in good shape-and I realize you may be-or crave the possibility of rejection, can you not find someone else who's more client friendly? Oh and for the record, I can easily understand an old fat guy like me not being an escort's choice. But I'm wondering if Jai Wu might do better if he indicated that in some fashion in his ad. Gman
  21. Really?-when I've looked at various Far East Asian countries, I thought I had seen the opposite. Gman
  22. Just to let you know In case you are interested in him--I had messaged Jaiwu in years past about a possible meeting. When he found out I was a middle-aged, out of shape (internet code for fat) while guy, he quit responding. Gman
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