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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Wow-I hadn't thought of Rentafriend in a long time. Back when I had a career and money I thought about using them. When you are searching for friends on their website, there is an option to say you are a gay male and and are looking for gay males. I'm trying to remember if I actually sent an email to a few of them or not. I have a vague memory that I might have. But I don't think I ever got a response from the guy I was interested in. But then maybe I only thought about sending an email. In any case I don't think this is what you are looking for. I think I finally decided that it wasn't for me. I wondered what would happen if I really liked the guy but was only a client to him. That wouldn't have been really good for my ego. I found the same thing with hiring escorts-the only thing that really allowed me to go thru with hiring was that I needed sex, and hiring was the only way I was going to get it. Also Rentafriend is not a sex site. I have no idea how often sex occurs between people on there. But it's not Rentmen. Gman
  2. Two things come to mind -a statement and a question -- 1) What exactly did you want shaved? 2) You must be hot if Cade wanted you. Gman
  3. Two things come to mind -a statement and a question -- 1) What exactly did you want shaved? 2) You must be hot if Cade wanted you. Gman
  4. I'm not @arlinguy, but I'm willing to share my long ago experiences with you from my vague remembrances of 7 to 12 years ago ( I lived in Dallas twice before -actually four times before. But I didn't hire the first two times, and I can't remember if I met him during Dallas Sojourn 3 or 4. Although the more I think about it, it was probably during Sojourn #3 ) I met him at least twice. If he didn't kiss, I doubt I would have met him a second time. For the massage, I was satisfied but I'm not an expert massagee. I'm pretty sure he had a table as I think we moved to the bed for the after massage part. He was a fine bottom. Personality-wise there seemed a distance between us. I know when I met him he pretty much wanted all the communication to be by text. While that's not so unusual now- it wasn't that common for everything to be by text back then. I attribute all of this to language difficulties. When we met, I don't think there was really any difficulty understanding each other. But I think he feels, or at least felt back then, that he communicates better by text unless it's in person. Gman
  5. I've only figured out 20. I'm not sure I'll be able to get anymore. Gman
  6. While they work, th weren't included on the official list of words for the day. Per the offices rules, the words have to be longer than three letters You subscribed because of this thread, or had you already subscribed? Today's is a toughie for me. Gman
  7. Here's a teaser of Palmer's solo. https://www.waybig.com/video/palmers-solo-406626.html He only did the one video for Sean Cody. It's dated January 2019. I wonder if he's been on other sites. Gman
  8. For me that was a generic link for Sean Cody. It didn't pull up Palmer specifically. This one worked better for me. http://gay.fleshbot.com/8468706/sean-cody-palmer/ Gman
  9. He's not into oral? I don't see it listed. Gman
  10. In fact to my above statement, I definitely have to add, "BABY DON'T HURT ME!!" Gman
  11. if your query is in reference to the video I posted, this performance is too new. I don't think it was ever on 8 track. Gman
  12. I'm in total agreement, @quoththeraven. Gman
  13. The more I've thought about it, the more I've remembered when I first heard about it. It was back in 2011 or 2012. I had never heard of it before. A friend said he had gone. I asked him something about what kind of hook-up had he had. He told me it wasn't that kind of place. I didn't believe him at first. But then he explained about the place to me. Oh and I most likely wouldn't have any problems being naked if I looked like you too, @Benjamin_Nicholas . Don't get me wrong. I know you work out. But I'm here to publicly affirm (and I know I speak for 100's if not 1000's of guys), you look incredible-not that this is news to anyone. Gman
  14. How can you tell. When I see the pictures, they are all in shadow. Gman
  15. Or it's the escort. Gman
  16. He's advertised for years-probably over 15 years. He's generally gotten good reviews. But a lot of his pictures are probably over 10 years old. Gman
  17. Was he in porn then and did he look like he does now? Also was he always a strict top? It's hard for me to believe if he looks like he does now that he wasn't always in demand. And if if he's been in demand for a long time- he could be getting burned out, so only wanting to do the minimum he needs to for when he needs the money, and being wanted that much for such a long time -maybe his ego has imcreased. It would be totally natural. Gman
  18. While not condoning his attitude at all, I'm betting if I was as desired as he is with him probably being able to get just about anyone he wants when he wants in addition to clients wanting him all the time too, I'd probably be just as big a tallywacker as he's being to potential clients. Gman
  19. To me it sounds quite sexy. Personally, I couldn't do it as I would be afraid to sprain something and at my age I stay away from activities that could result in any type of sprain (e.g. back, neck, tongue, etc.). Just a little clarification. In the quote box for some reason it indicates that I said I've done it. I've never done it and don't plan to. It sounds to me as comfortable as trying to do the splits. Now @Rod Hagen who was the one who said he did it often, do I remember him saying long ago he was a gymnast-so probably doing the splits is nothing to him. Gman
  20. I gave you the two hands icon on your post. As I've noted before, technically it's an applause icon. But it looks to me like hands clasped in prayer. I use it for both. In this case, if you meet him, I'm definitely using the ? meaning!! I'm praying you won't need an emergency visit to the proctologist after seeing Ra. Gman
  21. I'd like to know what Brandon actually looks like. Gman
  22. I've done this often. It's quite sexy and a good fuck. This seems pretty uncomfortable for me- 1) I'm not very athletic. I have trouble walking down the street without tripping over nothing. 2) I'm undersized in length (not a problem you have @Rod Hagen) I have enough problems staying inside a nice booty without trying to extend one of my legs to grind someone's face into the mattress 3) Maybe it's one of those things you have to experience the doing of, but even if I were endowed more, it just seems awkward and uncomfortable. Wouldn't it be easier to use your hand to force someone's head into the mattress? Gman
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