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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Here is Tuesday's puzzle. It was tougher for me than yesterday's. I'll reveal my answers in a following post, so you can hide them and play yourself. I think I might have them all. I found 18. Gman
  2. Y'all are great!!! I looked at this for hours and never came up with these. Gman
  3. As far as I can remember, we never got the "you need a jock" speech in PE. My vague recollection (this being between 42-46 years ago the memory is kind iffy) is that most of us didn't wear one. We did have to take showers in 7th grade ( I avoided it as much as possible being a fat non-athletic kid), so I would have seen them then. Showers for some reason weren't quite as mandatory in 8th and 9th (still at the same junior high as 7th grade). And my last year to take PE was in 10th grade in high school. I never remember taking a shower there. But even without taking showers, we still had to "suit up," in our gym uniforms, so I probably would have seen if a lot of us where wearing them. Possibly in schools with swimming pools, a lot more of the boys would wear them. My uncle is one of the Greatest Generation. He turned 93 in August (You'd never know he was 93. You'd probably think he was in his 70's. He's as sharp as a tack. Only in the last year or so has he slowed down slightly.) He tells me they swam nekkid as a jaybird (my words) at the YMCA except on Family Night. I came across this little gem on the internet when looking up the subject just now- "In 1885, the Brooklyn YMCA opened America's first recreational indoor pool and required men to swim nude. Wool swimsuits were potential traps for disease and bacteria, and fibers clogged the pool'ssimple filtration system. ... After pools installed more advanced filtration systems, swimming nude became redundant.Apr 26, 2017 Medium › dose › a-brief-humili... A Brief, Humiliating History Of Swimming In Gym Class - Medium" And of course we've talked on here before how millennials and possibly, gen-xers, are even more body shy than we boomers were. Gman
  4. I realized that after I posted, so I edited before your comment showed up. Gman
  5. The illusion that I'd be able to find a boyfriend. Well it's more of an illusion from a gay rom-com. But it's still a gay movie, right? Gman
  6. News to me. But I don't see that on my phone. What I see is my icon affixed to the icon of the person who started the thread on threads I've contributed to. Oh wait. We are talking about the same thing. Yours is a "P"'because that's your icon. Yes, it's done that for awhile. Gman
  7. It comes up as the last item under the Today section on my NYT app. Gman
  8. I just got lard about 5 minutes ago before I saw your post. Gman
  9. If it's Manny, he certainly looks to have put on some muscle from the pictures I can find online. Gman
  10. I had thought about him before I had to get a new catalytic converter for my car. But his newer pictures show him a little less lean. He doesn't look bad. But I really liked his earlier leaner look. And I wasn't sure what shape he'd be in. Gman
  11. Thanks, @Charlie!!! You are allowed to repeat letters. Darn you are good. I started this around 2 AM this morning. I totally missed bridal. Blizzard is a pangram. I had it. It gives you 7 points. Gman
  12. If this is the boyfriend, @jawjateck had a disappointing time with him. https://rent.men/RicanGuy Gman
  13. His arms are pretty big. And looking at his privates, I'm willing to say he's on the lighter end of muscular. It's definitely not a total disconnect from reality like this guy. I might even have trouble classifying him as defined. He's more the borderline of defined/average. https://rent.men/DominicanBull/#platinum Gman
  14. It's been a long since I've seen an ad for him. Thanks to @steve, we know he has a current ad in Barcelona. The ad lists him as a top. But for me to have been seriously interested in him, I'm wondering if he had at one point listed himself as versatile, or maybe I actually communicated with him and asked him whether he could be versatile. Gman
  15. PS-the rules say no proper nouns but for some reason it accepted ILIAD. But in looking in Webster's there is an actual definition used 1st in 1603 for iliad vs THE Iliad. Gman
  16. I've gotten 25 words so far on today's puzzle. But I think I'm stuck. For those who don't play, the rules are-- Words must contain at least 4 letters. Words must include the center letter. Our word list does not include words that are obscure, hyphenated, or proper nouns. No cussing either, sorry. Letters can be used more than once. Score points to increase your rating. 4-letter words are worth 1 point each. Longer words earn 1 point per letter. Each puzzle includes at least one “pangram” which uses every letter. These are worth 7 extra points! Gman
  17. He's a nice guy-except, and maybe it was because he was tired, he couldn't take me for long. It was a late evening appt. And I could possibly see that he might have been worn out from other clients before me. The only other thing I might add is that he was always on the expensive side. An hour was probably around the fee of the more expensive guys, but overnights and weekend were really expensive. All that being said, I always found him adorable and a really nice guy to be with. Gman
  18. Either you read the ad wrong or he's aged a rapid 6 years since September. His stated age is now 36. Gman
  19. Gar1eth

    Retired Zeb

    This is a little off the title subject. But speaking of Las Vegas made me remember that was always sorry I never met Caesar. Or at least I think I am. The determining factor would be whether he was really bi-or just bi-for-pay. Gman
  20. The guy might have been doing you a favor. If there is that great an animosity between you two, it might have come between any message he needed to get to you. Using a neutral third party, meant y'all could concentrate on the news and not the animosity. Gman
  21. Not being athletic, the only times I ever wore a jock were the few times I had a bathing suit without inside netting. Gman
  22. The hand icon I gave you for this post is supposed to represent clapping. It always looks to me like hands being clasped together for prayer. Either is appropriate in my feelings about your post. Gman
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