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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Gar1eth


    All I know is I love Mayonesa!! Gman
  2. I saw a guy for two years. For those two years I usually saw him for an overnight or a weekend every two to three months. And we often texted each a few times a month in between our meetings. I knew from the beginning it would end because of my loss of career-and that I would eventually run out of money. Towards the end of the two years when my money for hiring was about to run out, I would get melancholic during our meetings. I think I hId it well. But I'm glad I continued to see him as long as I was able to. I don't think it really brought me any closure. But he gave me a lot of fun -both inside and outside the bedroom-that I wouldn't have otherwise had. Gman
  3. You're wrong, Oliver. I did not initiate the contact. I only responded to tell them I wasn't interested. They were the ones who texted me again after that. I explained why I didn't want only a massage. As I didn't initiate the texts, and only responded to their requests, I don't think I can be accused of being a time waster-well you could-but I'd disagree and would if it had happened to anyone else too. As for the roasting, I'm not the one that went way, way overboard to someone that had done them no harm at all. So I guess I've had my say. I'll bow out of the thread now. Gman
  4. While I've definitely Elsa'd them ("Let it go"), a friend just informed me their original ad is gone. I wonder if they read the Message Center, or someone told them about the thread. And they've changed their name to this. https://rent.men/DallasFourHand Gman
  5. Being a fat uncoordinated youth (and sadly not much has changed except for the youth part),well I think I just tried not to think about it, and if I did, I hoped I'd some day develop feelings for the fairer sex. When I was 25 and I finally came to the determination that I was never going to develop feelings for women, I j made a promise to myself that I was never going to act on being gay. But I never dated women because I was afraid of sex and didn't think I could achieve an erection with them. That pretty much lasted until I was 40-and discovered a gay strip club called the Unicorn in Indianapolis where I managed to masturbate a few guys in the dark corners. Then shortly thereafter I lost my virginity to an escort. Gman
  6. Thank you for your contribution to the thread. Gman
  7. Gar1eth


    I thought it was "AND bring out the best!" Does homemade taste more like aioli? I've only had aioli at restaurants. And while I love garlic, and I like mayo, for some reason, aioli has never really appealed to me. I'll eat it. But if I see it's being offered ahead of time, I'll usually ask them to substitute mayo. Gman
  8. Yes, I've occasionally gotten mad. And sometimes there have been consequences.This is their consequence. But in the long run isn't really a major consequence. It might keep a few clients away, but it also might drive some people to see them. And I'll repeat the same thing I said to your first post. I'm fine. I've let it go-so maybe I am Elsa after all. However although I've let it go, I still think people should see the interaction. Even if I had the money and were a bottom, they never really appealed to me. That doesn't mean I would never look at their photos. I'll look at a lot of guys I would never hire when I'm bored. Gman
  9. On one hand I could respond that my name isn't Elsa. But in actuality I'm fine. I had no intention of ever hiring them. And as they have no private pictures as of now, I can always log out and view their ad non-stop if I should somehow become overwhelmed by lust for either of them. However the level of vitriol they express for simply looking at their profile and not hiring them moves them "beyond the pale." If they are going to react like this to people viewing their profile and not hiring, what might they do if they got upset and you were seeing them in person? Gman
  10. Personally I think clients and potential clients have always window-shopped. I know I have. I looked at ads repeatedly for years, starting with pre-Rentboy sites when I couldn't even imagine myself hiring (and didn't have the money)-->to Rentboy and M4RN days when I finally hired and did have money-->to Rentmen now when I would hire if I could, but I don't have the money. The main difference that I see is that on RM, unless you turn the option off, the escort gets notified of people looking at even their public profiles without the viewer sending a request for, or if a paid member, clicking on the semi-privates. Gman
  11. There were several days between the last two responses. I had looked at their ad between the two responses. But I look repeatedly at lots of ads when I'm bored. Gman
  12. https://rent.men/ParkLaneDallas The following entails my entire message history with them. I didn't even contact them first, and I only replied to their query to be polite as I didn't really have any interest in two tops.. I will admit to looking at their ad from time to time. But I browse thru most of the Dallas ads when I'm bored. And of course posting about them just gives them more publicity which might be increase their business. But sometimes egregious behavior ought be be called out Gman
  13. Gar1eth


    In general I don't think I've noticed Hellmann's tasting different from the past. But it's sold as Best Foods Mayonnaise on the West Coast. )My understanding is the two companies combined a long time ago, and the Best Foods brand was the name on the West Coast. There was an IHOP like restaurant in Washington state called Shari's. Their containers of Best Food Mayo said they didn't require refrigeration. I always thought their mayo didn't taste quite like the same brand I bought at my grocery store. I wondered if it were due to the restaurant's supply not being routinely refrigerated. Gman
  14. I vaguely remember the first time I saw an uncircumcised guy. My junior high was very white bread. If there had been 20 African Americans in the entire school, I would be surprised. There were Asians, but I don't really remember if they were circed or not. But there was this one white guy-he seemed a bit odd personality. Somewhat athletic if I remember correctly but not on the school teams. Also out of all the students listed in the school roster, his was the only name without a phone number associated with it. I remember looking at him in disbelief as a 14 year old when he told me his family didn't have a phone. Gman
  15. In light of some people's concerns (and I'm not denying they could be right -with me having made an error in judgment. It wouldn't be the first time), I have re-edited the pictures. I don't think they now show up in an image search. If @marylander1940 will kindly remove the picture from his post where we quoted me, we should be ok except for our memories. Gman
  16. If hadn't thought the posting was innocuous, I never would have done it. As for someone posting my picture, perhaps they have. I've never looked. Gman
  17. Gar1eth


    I get earworms, but in addition, situations will occur for example in my life, an acquaintance's life, or they'll say something -and it will seem very germane to a song lyric or title. For example recently someone spoke about hiring a lot, and this popped into my mind... Gman
  18. Gar1eth


    I've just started watching the Starz show "Outlander." The theme song is haunting. Gman
  19. His ad says he's versatile. Gman
  20. They made us shower in junior high-at least in 7th and maybe 8th grade. I can't remember about 9th. I was always embarrassed because I was fat. In 10 grade-my last year to take PE in public school-I don't remember ever showering. Some of the athletic guys might have. But I didn't stare at them. Gman
  21. And again the pictures were readily available. I said nothing to their detriment. It might even be advertisement for their businesses. Gman
  22. Their pictures were readily on the web. I didn't say anything salacious about them. And to be able to actually find me from these specific posts out of everyone who lived in our dorm or knew the urologist's then girlfriend (and now that I think about it, while I am 100% sure I knew the girlfriend, I'm only 90% sure we lived in the same dorm at one time), well while it might theoretically possible to discover me, it would take spy level movie skills to do it. Now if someone were to take all my posts over the years, or trace my internet connection from my posts, it would be easier. But I'm going to assume, the majority of people who use the Message Center don't have those skills. And for the few who might, why bother? I'm a middle-aged gay male with a failed career who is living on the edge of poverty. What good would it do to out me? Gman
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