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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I'm reading -well I'll admit to it being a humorous paranormal series. There's a teenage girl in the book who has gotten around her parents' TV parental lock. And she keeps watching the Outlander series. They keep mentioning that in every episode one of the characters is always taking his shirt off to have sex while the teenager protests that she only watches it for the history portrayed. The shirtless actor is Sam Heughan. Here are two representative photos. I started the series before I went to bed early this morning. But this guy hasn't made a shirtless appearance yet. http://cdn02.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/headlines/2017/07/sam-heughan-mens-health-south-africa-feature.jpg Gman
  2. I would think I've met more than 40 guys in 11 or 12 years. But it's hard for me to know. Gman
  3. My first year or two of hiring out of what ended up being an 11 or 12 year 'career,' I would figure up my escort number by counting on my fingers (but as the 1st year progressed into the 2nd I was getting above 20). I long ago lost count of the the number of guys I met. Plus I'd also need to account for repeats-so it would be escort encounters not just individual escorts. In biology when there are too many microorganisms or cells to count, they use the abbreviation TNTC (Too Numerous To Count). That's where I'm at. Gman
  4. I've never met the man although I wanted to. I'm going to hope it was just an off day. But I guess we won't really know until we get/if we get a few more reviews. Gman
  5. He's probably still straight. On chaturbate he says he's interested in women. Gman
  6. He's a Message Center Member -reportedly from Europe-who likes what a lot of us might call Euro types. They have to be on the young side, coiffed to within an inch of their life, on the taller side but a lot thinner than many of us like-or as a shorter description-the more effete-ish model types. He constantly disdains muscular guys in their 30's or older -esp those who have hair showing they are men and not boys. Gman
  7. That's very true. I've noticed in Dallas all the escorts seem to be in one specific area. It's not far from the gayborhood. But not every escort should be in the same small area. Gman
  8. I don't know that that's necessarily true. I masturbated pretty much daily from the ages of 17 to 48. As far as I remember, most of the time I only came once a day. Sometimes I did come twice. But once a day was usual for me. I guess maybe I could have come more often-but didn't usually feel the need to. Gman
  9. Gar1eth


    The website changed awhile back. Try this. https://bjomedia.wixsite.com/website-5/copy-of-template-48 Gman
  10. We shall have to agree to disagree as I'd say it's matter of degree and not apples vs oranges. Gman
  11. Just wondering-do you feel the same way about parents piercing infants' earlobes? And for the record, while I've been with lots of uncut guys-and it was fine, I prefer cut. I'm also glad it was done to me as an infant rather than as an adult. Gman
  12. You have great taste. I wish I could hire Mr. Masseur for a weekend. Please take one for the team with him, so I can lust vicariously!! Gman
  13. It was gone earlier. Now it's back. Gman
  14. I usually agree with that statement. However as the these questions pertain to either sex trafficking-and I'm not being trafficked-or my risks for using street drugs (which I don't)/ having HIV or another STD (and receiving testing, risk reduction strategies, treatment)-but since I'm usually at an STD clinic for this and I know what to ask and have them look for /treat-and they will go over their spiel to begin with -in this case answering yes doesn't get me much. And while I'm less leery these days of it stating that I'm gay in my regular doctor's records and that I might occasionally have unprotected sex-I am less sanguine about it being in my general medical record that I've hired escorts. Gman
  15. I think I've answered yes sometimes and no sometimes. I think I answered yes at Gay City-a Seattle public clinic for gay men. But I'm pretty sure when I answered yes there my file was established under an alias. I can't remember if I've ever answered yes under my own name. Gman
  16. Author Robert Heinlein wrote in one of his works that all women are the same size lying down. I wonder if that goes for men too. Gman
  17. He advertised years ago. And I haven't seen an ad for him for a long, long time. He always used to advertise as a top only, so I never contacted him. Maybe some other long time members will remember more. Gman
  18. He now lists himself as "Gay." Was that the way he was listed originally? I thougt it originally said "Ask Me," or am I thinking of a different ad? Gman
  19. I'm horrible at detecting fakes, and picture #4 looks suspicious even to me. Gman
  20. In the Britcom Coupling when Susan is trying to find out more about a new interest Steve, she asks about him from her co-worker Jeff who is Steve's best friend. Jeff replies they are so close they are 'porn buddies.' Susan asks whether that's code for being gay. Jeff says no. What a 'porn buddy' is is that if Steve passes (or vice versa), no matter how torn up Jeff no doubt will be, his job is to get over to Steve's apartment and remove any porn before Steve's parents get there. Susan asks, "And then destroys it?" Jeff replies, "Well no, keeping it. That's the perk of being a porn buddy." Gman
  21. Possibly it was your jib. Gman
  22. I know nothing about Matan as a masseur. There were some posts long ago about him not providing a great escort experience. Some of those talk about him doing duos with someone who was his partner at the time. The partner wasn't as hot, and reportedly he would get angry when people paid attention to Matan and not him. I found at least one thread on Matan. Here's one post from that thread. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/eli-shalev.83249/page-2#post-746206 Gman
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