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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Thanks for all the advice. I did see the internist today. I don't know how they bill (I thought they had to document an exam to bill-although the nurse took my weight, BP, temp, and oxygen level) as he never even listened to me-although he did fill out FMLA paperwork I needed for what I laughingly refer to as my job. Of course work doesn't have to accept what he's written. Anyway he prescribed Tessalon perles. Where codeine and dextromethorphan are supposed to work on your brain. This stuff is supposed to numb the stretch receptors in the airways. As for the pain in my chest-maybe I haven't emphasized it enough-although it seems like it to me-considering it felt like my chest was ripping apart-but everyone must be so concerned about the opioid epidemic that no one has even offered any hydrocodone. I've been in agony for almost two weeks with pain daily. I've taken about 6 Vicodin that I had in th time period. I don't want to become addicted either. But my G-d this has hurt. Gman
  2. You make good sense. But... Basically 12 days ago I went to Urgent Care - three days after that I went to ER- not because I wanted to but because I couldn't stop coughing and was in pain. The ER wanted me to follow up in two to three days with my doctor (I do have an internist, but I've only seen him 2 or three times). I tried to make an appt with him -and he was full for a week. The best they could do was get me in to someone with their group practice in a special Saturday clinic. So I went last Saturday. She did a flu test which was negative, negative rib x-rays, gave me more cough medicine and albuterol. I have an appt with my doctor today for follow-up. As for prednisone, I've been on it chronically for over a year due to my Myasthenia Gravis. I'm on 15 mg daily down from 60 mg last winter. The internist wanted me to go up to 30-more for stress replacement than treatment. The neurologist thought I should stay at 15 if my myasthenia was at stable. So I stayed at 15. As for asthma, I've been to pulmonologists in the past for my cough-I never wheeze-although I know not all asthmatics wheeze. And while my PFT is not normal, it doesn't really change with albuterol-at least not in the past. I've also had negative allergy skin tests in the past. Part of my cough is probably post nasal drip (and I think obesity is also a cause for coughs). But I keep the cough even after the drip stops. I also have fairly significant reflux. But I haven't felt it as much lately on my Prilosec. And I don't think I'd tolerate a fundoplication well. Gman
  3. You were exceedingly nice to get a hotel room for him. Gman
  4. I have had the worst illness. About two weeks ago, I developed a scratchy throat and runny nose. A few days later I went to an Urgent Care for some albuterol and to get a home nebulizer prescription. I've never been formally diagnosed with asthma-in fact pulmonary tests in the past have shown no effect. But often it seems to help with the cough that invariably follows the initial symptoms. Maybe it's all psychological. So about three days later I've developed an occasional cough. Now when I get a cough it can stay for months. So during one coughing paroxysm, I coughed so hard it felt like I popped something in my chest. And boy did that hurt. The following day -Sunday I was basically fine until after dinner when I developed repeated coughing spasms so severe I was developing pain in my chest and my abdomen just to the right of my belly-button. And when I say pain-I kept coughing and the pain kept happening. After I stopped coughing for a while, I had to stay standing (leaning against a chair) for about 2 hours until the pain relaxed enough and I could sit down. Due to pain, not breathing issues, I ended up sleeping semi-upright in a Queen Anne recliner. Monday the coughing fits started again -with the accompanying pain in the abdomen. I called 911 to go to the ER as I was in severe pain and obviously couldn't drive. The ER did an x-ray-no pneumonia. And sent me home with cough medicine, a muscle relaxer (Flexeril), and Augmentin (antibiotic) even though the PA's official diagnosis was a URI with chest strain. Let me tell you though that it wasn't only chest strain-the right side of my ribs felt almost the same as they did a few months ago when I tripped and fell on my chest. My rib cage hurt for three weeks after that. In addition the frequent coughing paroxysms would induce a burning pain in my abdomen in the area over the liver, and could also cause burning pain in my right chest and also very lateral portion of my back. The ER visit was a week ago Monday. My cough has decreased. But I woke Monday night again with another coughing paroxysm, and the accompanying soreness kept me from lying down completely. Last night general right sided chest wall soreness made it difficult to lie down. Today (Tuesday) I keep having spontaneous coughs that cause momentary bursts of fire along my ribs. But I seem to be getting better at last. I have to tell you the pain has been miserable. In the past I've coughed so much that my central (middle) part of the abdomen has been sore. This is the first time I can remember so much right sided chest/abdomen and back pain. I think I must have popped or stretched some ligaments last week with that big cough I had. It's made it so I don't want to take a deep breath because it will trigger a cough-I don't mind the cough so much. It's the burning pain from the muscle contractions. As a side effect-I've coughed so much that my diaphragm feels extremely weak. And I've had problems (TMI here) visiting Nature because I can't push down. I luckily have had some Vicodin to help with the pain, because the codeine cough medicine didn't seem to help at all. And yes I've used the Vicodin very sparingly. Currently it's been 24 hours since my last dose. And I just took one, so the chest pain doesn't keep me from laying down flat. Really if the pain had continued much longer, I was wondering if there was some kind of nerve block they could do. Oh and while binding my chest might have helped give it support, they don't do that anymore because they are afraid if you don't expand your chest, secretions will build up and cause pneumonia. But I was about ready to risk it. So how was everyone else's last 10 days? Gman
  5. I'm glad this part is over for you. One question I have-not that it's really important. But I thought he did have his own place even if he spent very little time there. If he did have his own place, why pay for a hotel? Also wishing you good news for the physical exam. Gman
  6. Not that I can hire him. But gosh I hope he's real and a good guy. Gman
  7. This may be one of those cases where the escort is into more than he writes. He has at least two videos of him "knowing" someone biblically. Gman
  8. I'm not usually one-I don't think-who bends over backwards to make excuses for escorts. In this case and considering how handsome he is, I'm betting he gets tons of emails and texts. I'll bet it's not always easy for him (or anyone) to associate potential clients texts with their emails. He may even need to delete his texts or emails frequently to keep his inboxes manageable. Even when I was only contacting an escort by email, I usually included a quick summary of my likes/our conversations as a quick reminder. I'm not saying this escort had a right to 'throw shade' at a potential client. But we do need to keep in mind how many texts and emails they get. Gman
  9. If the short a pronunciation is good enough for Madeline, it's good enough for me. Gman
  10. I'm not sure if this is true. I speak fairly standard American English. While I'm from Texas, I've lived in several "midwestern" states for significant periods of time. While some people in those states said they could tell I was from Texas, many others asked me why I didn't have a Texas accent. So for the pronunciation of "marry"-I'd say the standard sound is that of "a" in apple, ie a short "a" sound-what I was taught in elementary school as an "'a' with a u-shaped mark above it." For the words "Mary" and "merry," to me they sound the same. Both have a "short e" sound depicted as an " 'e' with a u-shaped mark above it." I can exaggeratedly pronounce "Mary" to sound the same as "marry," but it comes out very nasal. Gman
  11. Didn't he advertise as straight when he 1st started advertising? Gman
  12. Gar1eth


    Sounds more like str8 wanting gay $- not that there is anything wrong with it as he admits to only wanting minimal interaction, and some here on the MC would probably love the chance to jack him off. Gman
  13. I guess it depends, on why you hire. I def want the guys I meet, well I guess I mean met since I have very little money these days, to be nice guys. And while I would never knowingly have met a 'bad' guy, it still comes down that I am meeting (was meeting) to have "relations". And as a top, the relations I wanted to have were with someone who bottomed. But as @Gymowner (I hope I'm not quoting the wrong member here), this is an expensive hobby.And it would not have made sense to meet Tristan no matter how much he would have been able to fulfill subsidiary desires. On the other hand, I have had occasional discussions (by correspondence) with Tristan over the years, initially concerning whether he could ever be versatile, (the answer of course was no-but expressed very politely). The other few times were due to certain events that had happened on the Message Center that happened to be of interest to us both. In these discussions he was always extremely nice. Considering all the paeans given to Tristan by multiple Forum Members over the long years I have been a member and from our correspondence, I have no doubts he is something, rather someone, very special. So I've always been sorry our interests weren't in alignment. And if someone who is versatile or a bottom ever asks me what I know about him, I tell them that while I haven't met Tristan in person, all the evidence I have tells me he's one of the good guys, and they should seriously consider meeting him. Gman
  14. I might be wrong about this. But if this guy used to advertise in the DC area, then he is (or was) the boyfriend of this guy. https://rent.men/silversurferdad Gman
  15. If only he were versatile!!! Gman
  16. Actually no real need to edit. Here's the initial message and his reply: Gman: Hey-Aaron- Gman here. I'm an older chubby guy. Maybe looking for an hour of massage and then an hour of boyfriend experience. I'm a top although sometimes junior doesn't cooperate to top. I like deep passionate kissing, body contact. Oral although more receiving. Would we be a match? Gman: ps -I can make out I think Hakohl Kadosh. But I can't make out the third word of your tattoo. Aaron: It say everything happens for a reason. I’m not Jewish, just like how it looks. I’m not currently taking new clients as I’m booked when not working at the bar. Gman
  17. It's always possible. Here with some very mild editing is our email exchange--- Gman: Hey-Aaron- Gman here. I'm an older chubby guy. Maybe looking for an hour of massage and then an hour of boyfriend experience. I'm a top although sometimes junior doesn't cooperate to top. I like deep passionate kissing, body contact. Oral although more receiving. Would we be a match? Aaron: I’m not currently taking new clients as I’m booked when not working at the bar. Gman
  18. I wondered that too. Gman
  19. Woof!! It's interesting though that in his ad copy he says he's a top. In the list of what he is he says top/versatile. But anal is not listed in his descriptive activities-and neither is oral. Gman
  20. Before I had to spend $600 on a new alternator and $1700 on my car's catalytic converter three months or so ago, I was considering hiring for the first time in years with some money I had managed to save. I contacted him. He said he had so many regulars that between them and his bartending job he wasn't seeing new clients. Gman
  21. Gar1eth

    Mint Boys...?

    On Rentmen or Mint? Gman
  22. He says he's a porn star. Anyone have a link to videos? Gman
  23. Most of my friends in high school and a good many in college were LDS'ers-most of them were from Texas although I know some of them had spent time in Utah at some point in their lives. None of them really sounded like Alex. Alex's voice is definitely on the spectrum of what many might consider the 'gay voice.' On the other hand, I am neither Utahan nor an LDS, and I probably am on the scale too. Gman
  24. While I can't answer for @Jeffster, I'm assuming in a video or interview. Alex is a porn star after all. Gman
  25. @Roberto-- Did you mean to make a comment? If so, it didn't show up. All that showed up was a quote of a prior comment. Gman
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