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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I'm not sure about LEO being only "gay code." I read a lot of fantasy. I first saw the acronym when I read it in one of my books. I believe the context was a federal agent speaking with someone about local law enforcement officers. Looking it up on Google -the meaning pops up immediately. Gman
  2. Did you mean in conversation with him-because I didn't see that in his ad? Gman
  3. After trying to remember whom he reminded me of-I figured it out. Years ago there was an older, really muscular escort with a large tallywacker named Derek Steele. This guy is not Derek, but his age and muscularity remind me of him. Well to my shock, I just looked, and Derek is still escorting. https://rent.men/dereksteel Gman
  4. Of course he says anything goes, but he doesn't list 'anal' or kissing either. Gman
  5. I'd wonder about scams. There is very little ad copy. Gman
  6. Who knew Ronald was that built? I have a confession to make though. While I love muscular gingers, Ronald might be a bridge too far even for me. Gman
  7. That's an interesting point. I know a retired escort-he was either truly bi or able to fake it on the gay side very well. He related how a chubby female had tried to hire him. He wasn't able to commit. He was able to be with ugly men. But for some reason couldn't see himself being able to be with that female. Gman
  8. But that means you're 70 to 75% more at risk of being punched out as opposed to finding a right circumstance guy. I have enough problems finding gay men interested in me. I think I'll leave the straight guys to women. Gman
  9. I must be bi in a way that means I've never had an erection at the thought or site of a woman (except possibly a partial one once when I was 16 and dreaming. It gave me hope I was developing a fondness for women.) Really I think it's just something gay men want to believe. The same way some women think they can convert a gay guy. Gman
  10. When I tried the link, it said invalid video. Gman
  11. I thought Cary was using, at least as time went on, more a of a Mid-Atlantic Accent although his speech might have been a bit more on the English side of the Atlantic (considering he was English) than most Americans using it. Gman
  12. Is this also called the Mid-Atlantic Accent? Gman
  13. I really don't see it being such an awful post. Yes I did mention a person's, ahem, shortcomings, but I would never mention, or make mark of it in anyway to the person. I possess the same shortcoming myself. And people are frequently talking about Brazilian guys they've met on here either from some place like Rentmen or the saunas in Brazil. From their posts, you'd think the entire male population of Brazil showed evidence of having outsized proportions. And I did say I had a nice time ( in between some occasional not so much fun (non-sexual) heavy breathing (probably my myasthenia)). I hope he did too. He had a nice house too. Gman
  14. I was a bit confused by this remark at first. Then I realized this country referred to Australia. And ABC meant the Australian Broadcasting Company not the American ABC. GMAN
  15. I can sorta see/hear it with "y". But "oo" and "w" seem different to me. Gman
  16. I understand where you are coming from because I have no idea what @bostonman is talking about when he calls the sound of "w" the sound of "oo" as a consonant. Gman
  17. Who is Panti Bliss? It's an "h" without a "u" just a breath of air -sorta. Here's a video on it. I'm sure hwen the teacher explained it, she exaggerated the "h" sound. But I remember thinking that she sounded really weird. Oh and I may sometimes pronounce "human" as "youman." Gran
  18. My speech is -or at least was-fairly neutral. I've lived outside Texas for many years at a time. And while some people have been able to peg me as being from Texas, a significant number of others (including fellow Texans-but also a large number of people from out of state) have asked me why I don't sound like a Texan. When I was 16 and spending 4 weeks during the summer at a National Jewish Camp outside Warwick, New York, in a skit we were doing, they had to pick a non-Texan to play a Texan because I couldn't fake enough of a cowboy drawl. I've always told people that while I was a 4 or 5th generation Texan on one side, in recent memory, my family always lived in large cities rather than in small town Texas. So the mention in another thread of an escort who wrote his copy in the third person made me think of how I didn't understand at the beginning what the teacher meant by 'person,' but that led to the the memory of when I was in primary school-most likely 2nd grade-and the teacher was discussing the "wh" question words. I remember being totally bewildered when she told us they were pronounced as if they were spelled "hw." I had trouble hearing it. To my mind and ear they all sounded as if they started with "w," and the "h" is silent. Looking at Webster's now, I see that it states the "hw" pronunciation is first. But that the 'w' alone is a secondary pronunciation. It seems to me when I hear it, that, at least in Texas, the "w" alone pronunciation is predominant. What about yourselves, and where y'all live? Oh and what's the pronunciation for these words by native but non-American English speakers? Gman
  19. I think we first learned about 'persons' either in the 7th or 9th grade. I was a good student -and good at English, but at first I had no idea what my English teacher was talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAvK7JoCX3s Gman
  20. I bought some chewing gum the other day for the first time in forever. It was Doublemint. My maternal grandmother used to keep Doublemint in her purse, and the aroma reminds me of her. But the gum has changed. I don't think it's as strong a flavor (I looked it up. It's made with sorbitol now) as it used to be. And where the gum used to be grey, it's now white because they are using artificial rubber rather than real chicle. Gman
  21. What about those people in class, at a theatre, or on the plane who keep kicking the back of your seat? Gman
  22. Thank you for your good wishes. Gman
  23. I had a cuddle and stroke session last night with a guy I met off of Grindr. I won't say it was spectacular. But it was definitely a pleasant time. However the guy is Brazilian-and wait for it.... he is probably only about "my size" if you know what I mean (I'm talking down below.). I'm going to hope he isn't a Brazilian ? , or he might have been mocked mercilessly growing up. Gman
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