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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. The above link still works. Gman
  2. On a personal note-if it's not a false memory, I think I can remember being attracted to men-at the time probably handsome actors -by the age of 5 or 6 at least. I also have a vague memory-I don't know whether it's true or not-of thinking to myself that a certain boy in my kindergarten class was cute. Then immediately after that thought thinking, "Boys don't think other boys are cute." But I don't know if this is a true memory or not. Other things I've wondered about-I've heard that I was a difficult pregnancy. My Mom was on bed rest for months. I wouldn't be surprised if she was placed on hormones at some point to prevent a miscarriage. Other thoughts-not so much for my older siblings in the first few years of life-but by the time I came along, Dad was a traveling salesman. I know when I was 6 and older he was often away 3 or more days at least every other week. My Mom was the dominant parent in our household. I wonder how much any of this impacted my sexuality. Gman
  3. Would you say he's more on the masculine or effeminate side of things? Gman
  4. They also said at least from the study that genetic influences only accounted for around 30 % of same sex behavior. But one of the people quoted in the article who was not part of the study made a good point. This is not a study on what makes people gay. It's a study about about the influences on people who have had a same sex encounter. From reading the article, a person wouldn't necessarily have to be gay to be included in the study. You could have had a single same sex experience. Gman
  5. @Keith30309 our interests don't usually coincide as I'm not usually into twinks. But occasionally if one is very cute and isn't too skinny, I'll take one out for a spin. This guy was one of those. It's been probably 5 years-maybe more. He was in college at the time. I can't remember if I saw him once or twice. As you know, I'm a fairly vanilla guy. If you like vanilla, at least going by my long ago experience, you'll like this guy. He has a defined to athletic build, a nice sized tallywacker, is a good kisser, has nice personality and is adorable. Who could ask for anything more? Gman
  6. As of yesterday, I can't get it to work in Mobile Safari or Mobile Chrome. Gman
  7. Pretty impossible in my case. We are from Texas. My twin was from Wisconsin. My Dad had occasionally gone to Wisconsin-but it was years ago .... Gman
  8. Another straight guy. Where are all the muscled gay guys? I miss -Nick German from NYC-large muscled German escort from years ago. He was big and muscular with a really large tallywacker, but he still loved to bottom. Gman
  9. About 10 years ago I took an escort on a clipper ship from Seattle to Victoria, BC. When we arrived in Victoria, Canadian Customs separated us to ask us questions. As I recall, the questions weren't particularly invasive-well no more than asking what my purpose was in Victoria and how long I'd be staying. I can't remember asking the escort what they asked him, but I probably did. I've always wondered if we were singled out somehow for being two guys with an obvious age difference (I would have been around 45, the escort was in his early to mid 20's-old enough to drink) traveling together, or if they could have somehow determined that I was the one who paid for both tickets. Perhaps it was just a random screen. Gman
  10. Too bad he's a straight top. Gman
  11. @cany10011 was I'm sure talking about Mr. Draker. He used the term 'muscle from Brussels.' That epithet is commonly used for Jean Claude. So I added my comment. While I can't be sure, I'm assuming @LookingAround was also speaking of Mr. Draker. Gman
  12. I never knew Jean-Claude Van Damme used to escort. Gman
  13. They wouldn't be able to stop a US Citizen from returning home. I wonder if they can require a US Citizen to open their phone without strong suspicion of criminal activity. Gman
  14. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-miamihotguy-and-sandroxx-in-miami.118629/#post-1175409 Gman
  15. That would be nice. But I think for the usual escort/client interaction you are setting the bar much too high. It's definitely possible to be a great kisser without feeling any attraction as my time with escorts has proven. Gman
  16. Sometimes it works for me. Sometimes it doesn't. I use it on my iPhone. I find I often have more luck using it with the Opera Browser. Gman
  17. One thing to keep in mind is that if the reviews were true, then at one time he pleased a lot of guys by performing as a Greek g-d in bed. I'm happy for those guys who had stellar times with him. I just wasn't one of them. Gman
  18. Alrighty-I was going to mention this in my post. But I was just waking up, and I didn't feel like it. To the best of my recollection, I hired Steven for the first time in either 2003 or 2004. I had just started hiring. I thought it was going to be a wonderful time because all of his reviews on Hooboy at the time were stellar. I remember when setting up the visit, he wasn't the easiest person to make reservations for. I was having to fly him to my city. I think I actually had to send him the money for the flight or repay him as part of his fee when he arrived because he didn't want me to know his real name. We had a nice dinner. Then when we retired for the evening-I don't know. The magic I'd read about just wasn't there. He was very -matter of fact. He seemed to want to get the deed done and get to sleep as fast as possible. He was also very particular. Now I'm not saying someone who bottoms should put themselves in pain for the top. But hopefully it's a collaborative effort. This wasn't. So that wasn't a great evening. But over the next two years, he still had excellent reviews. I convinced myself that I hadn't had a great time due to my inexperience. We met again for the second overnight about two or three years later. I pick him up from the airport. We get back the the hotel. He's mildly affectionate. He's pleasant to talk to. We go out to dinner. We have a nice time. He's an interesting conversationalist. We get back to the hotel. He showers to get ready. It seems like he's in there over an hour. Now believe me I understand the need to be "clean". And maybe I was just impatient. But it seemed to take forever. Then when we get into bed. Again he's very demanding. He wants things his way. And he wants me to reach fruition almost immediately. Afterwards he curls up on his side of the bed. We go to sleep. In the morning we wake-no cuddling at all. We dress. I take him to the airport. Later I tried to understand why it was such a blah time with him when his reviews were all stellar. I go back and re-read the reviews. He probably had over 20. When I read them, I notice that either all, or all but one or two, hired him as a top. All the reviews mention what a great top he is. And in a lot of cases I think I remember the views mentioning he was on the dominant side. He did have a purty tallywacker. But the last thing I needed was a dominant top. I have no idea what the experience would have been like with Steven if I had been a passive bottom with a need to be dominated. Maybe it would have been as wonderful as his reviews implied. But with me as a top, it definitely wasn't. Gman
  19. Speaking as one who hired him twice for overnights, you didn't miss much. Gman
  20. Had you asked him prior to the meeting about kissing as he lists it in his ad? Gman
  21. You just described Tony Serrano to a T. Gman
  22. AJ Irons kissed me almost as soon as he entered my hotel room. It's been many, many years. But I still remember. Gman
  23. Obviously Mike Gaite. Gman
  24. There was a thread on the Message Center back in 2015 on throwing away porn. I didn't actually remember the title of the thread. But I knew I had answered a Message Center post with a story somewhat similar to yours. I was able to find my post in the aforementioned thread. The following is the pertinent excerpt from my reply. (Before I start-isn't it funny I could remember a post from 2015 almost immediately? But I might have trouble remembering what I had to eat three days ago) "The only other physical media I think I ever had was a DVD. If I remember correctly it was one of the Trunks series. I had had a weekend with porn star Trey Casteel for my birthday. He was in the film. He inscribed something on the case as a gift for my birthday. Years later I threw the DVD away but kept the inscribed case. After a while I forgot I had kept the case. When I was about to move several years later, I found the case and threw it away. I apparently didn't do a good job at throwing it away. My new job at the time was paying for my move, and I had gotten movers to pack me up. As they were leaving for the day, one of the packers stayed behind as asked to use my bathroom. Now this mover was married (had on a wedding ring) -earlier in the day he had told me how he had just trick-or-treated with his little girl for Halloween. Well he came out of the bathroom holding the DVD case and asked me whether he could have it. I didn't react well-while I'm closeted now-I was much more closeted then. Him having the DVD case just totally shocked me as I thought I had thrown it away before the movers arrived. I told him no he couldn't have it-that it had been given to me as joke. He looked embarrassed too. There we were two closeted guys not knowing how to react to one another. " Gman PS What kind of chicken were you cooking?
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