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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I'm not understanding? Do you cum so violently that you'll tear the paper towels at the division during the moment of Le Petit Mort? Also I'm pretty sure that even the smaller division would be more than enough to handle me both from a tallywacker size and ejaculate amount if I didn't traditionally jack off into the porcelain god. Gman
  2. I think Brendon needs to update his pictures. Sorry for the change in subject. Gman
  3. (Note: I'm not trying to be frivolous with this posting. I know the majority of you have had much longer/deeper relationships with loss than I have ever had. But you can only go with what you know. And unfortunately as little as this was compared to what most of you have experienced, this has been my deepest-or at least my second deepest relationship. I have nothing else to compare it to. ) I was in (for me) a deep f-ckbuddy relationship for a year or a little more with Thom (a nom-de-f*ck) before I moved back home 17 months ago. It was easily the 2nd most intense relationship I've ever had ( the 1st occurred about 25 years ago in my 30's with someone who lived with me intermittently but with whom I never had sex because #1 he was (probably) straight, and #2 I had made a vow 8 years before in my early 20's when I realized I was never going to develop feelings for women that I was never going to act on being gay). My fbuddy relationship with Thom wasn't perfect. He lived 47 miles away. He was married (to a man) but in an open relationship. It sounded to me like they didn't have sex much or at all. (I was a bit leery but still jumped in because I really liked the guy. I felt a lot better when I found his partner's profile on a hookup app, so I knew Thom hadn't lied about the open relationship). But we didn't meet that often for sex because neither of us could host. We did see each other usually at least every other week or so-we'd go driving around together. And towards the end we became suckbuddies more than f-ckbuddies. When we first got together he informed me that he was staying with his spouse-a guy much older than him-and had no intention of leaving him. They had been together over 10 years. That was fine with me. I wasn't looking for a husband. I wanted a good friend and sex. Then I moved away. We emailed and texted at first. But it was frustrating as I knew it would be difficult for us to ever see each other again. He did have family in the area. So I thought he might occasionally visit. Finally around the end of December I messaged him but he never returned it. On top of that physically I felt like cr-p for most of December and January due to my myasthenia gravis. I constantly felt as if I had an elephant sitting on my chest making it difficult to breathe. And along with that I was having trouble chewing because my jaws were so weak and trouble swallowing due to a weak tongue. I almost went to the Emergency Department three times. And if I had been just a bit worse, I would have. Because I felt so bad, emailing Thom was one of the last things on my mind. So I didn't try extremely hard to reconnect until just recently. Since then I've occasionally sent a message to see how things were going with him. When he didn't answer I thought-ok he's mad because I didn't send more messages earlier-or he's just, naturally due to the circumstances, moved on. But it bugged me because I thought we had meant more to each other than that. He had seen me thru the death of a parent, cancer surgery, and development of myasthenia gravis all within the space of 12 months (I guess you could call it an "interesting" year for me). Before the move even when we weren't seeing each other in person, we texted all the time. Recently he's sent two short emails in reply to mine. He said things were crazy at work, so he hadn't had much time to email. I thought ok. Then two days ago he emailed me that he and his husband (with whom he had at least a 10 year relationship ) had broken up. And he's in a new monogamous relationship. He said he hadn't been responding to emails because he didn't know how to tell me. I have to admit when I read that-it took the wind out of my sails. I mean I'm happy if he's found someone he loves. But it hurts. Although while we were great at being buddies, I'm pretty sure an actual boyfriend relationship wouldn't have worked. There were areas we weren't compatible at all. But even as fbuds, we cared for each other a lot (unless I totally misread the situation. But I don't think I did). In any case with my move, I knew we would never have the same relationship we had before. (I had assumed he would find a new fbuddy in my place, (but I wasn't expecting him to divorce his husband) I had thought there was a vague chance he might visit occasionally because of his nearby relative, and we could see each other-maybe have sex-or not. But I like this guy. And if he visited I wanted to introduce him (as a friend) to my family. Now I guess I'm a sort-of ex. I've never been one before. And in this case we weren't separated due to the relationship running its course, but due to external circumstances of me moving 1500 miles away. Again I knew we'd never have a real relationship again. And he's obviously moved on. But it's affecting me more than I thought it might. With Thom telling me that his new relationship is monogamous, I'm thinking that he's letting me know that we can't continue to email. I'm not sure how I'd feel if I found out my boyfriend was still emailing an ex. But I'll have to feel this out. And obviously I'll need to not mention anything suggestive if we do continue which may be difficult as some of our best moments together revolves around the physical. I actually never thought I'd ever have a relationship deep enough to be an ex. I guess I should thank Providence that it happened once. As lightning doesn't strike twice (yes, I know that's a fallacy), I doubt it will happen again. And I am glad for Thom. I'm just melancholic over our former relationship. I miss him. Gman
  4. Did success ever spoil him? Gman
  5. Yes, but it was apparently a well-known secret-at least in his later years that he was gay. Are you claiming the same for Romani?? In any case-neither gay nor (especially) straight total tops interest me either. Gman
  6. He could have charms until the cows come home -and he is handsome-but straight guys don't interest me. Gman
  7. I don't know-it just struck me as funny. Gman
  8. It wasn't even going thru the motions. There are two meetings I remember best. One guy-I think his name was David or Dave. He was possibly from Spain-maybe Brazil or Latin America- but advertising out of NYC at the time. He was very popular on here about 14 years ago. He did (sort of) bottom but complained constantly about how thick I was (my one claim to fame as otherwise I'm a shorty). I'm not porn star thick but definitely thicker than average. And he was either naturally so tight or clenching so hard that the condom tore. I'm not sure if I was really inside or at the entrance. But when we figured out the condom tore, he jumped out of bed and ran into the shower. This was in the days before PrEP. Luckily for him I'm was negative. He was so unnerved that ended the nookie for the evening. So the overnight was pretty much a bust. The other guy was a muscled Brazilian represented by Man To Man Escorts for a short while. He was on the shorter side but incredibly handsome and muscled. He wasn't able to let me in even as far as Dave had. Gman
  9. Gar1eth


    I might pay him not to see that. ? He previously talked about being a father in his ad. So I'm wondering if he is only bi-4-pay but otherwise straight as an arrow. Gman
  10. His ad copy is composed very well. If he actually wrote it himself, I'm betting his English is excellent. Gman
  11. If I could afford that, I'd definitely be tempted. But I'd want to make sure he enjoyed bottoming. I made that mistake once or twice before on guys I really wanted overnights or weekends with. #1 I'm a nice guy. I wouldn't like someone 'forcing' me to bottom if I didn't like it-and I don't. #2. If they can't relax their sphincter, I usually lose my stiffy trying to enter a closed hole. Gman
  12. He's one of the only straight guys that I seriously considered hiring. Gman
  13. This was mentioned a while back in another thread. I don't know why he didn't just remove his ad unless he wanted to let possible clients know. Gman
  14. A couple of things. If it's only his appearance you are worried about... 1. Make sure you are looking at Rentmen with a computer, so you can see the dates of when the pictures were added. The dates don't show up on the mobile site. While you won't know when they were taken, you might be able to discern a pattern. 2. Ask him to send you a picture with the current date prominently displayed. I always said I don't need one showing your tallywacker. But I'd like it if the shirt is off. If it's more than his appearance you are worried about ... 1. See if you can have a short phone call before you meet. See if he at least sounds compatible. 2. Try to email some of the reviewers from Rentmen. See what the guys who didn't like him say. Gman
  15. The key is conversation. Tell Nate what you are interested in. "Feel out" your reaction to what he says. And see what he thinks about your plans. There are guys I would have theoretically loved to have hired. Then after talking/correspondence if I found out they really didn't like to bottom-or didn't kiss-I knew not to hire. Gman
  16. Oh he listed as versatile in his ad. That's what I was going by. Gman
  17. It sounds like you only wanted him as a top. I wonder how he'd be as a bottom. Gman
  18. His ad on RM is expired. ? Gman
  19. Here's the link. Basically it says sex is possible. But if it occurs , it's because he is attracted to the guy-otherwise -no go. So I'd stand no chance. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/how-to-scope-out-escorts-on-rentmasseur.151030/page-2#post-1772223 Basically he's the Colby Keller of masseurs. (of course Kenso isn't alone in conducting his massage practice this way.) Gman
  20. It could maybe mean that. But usually only if one is using it in a sarcastic sense. And it would probably be more common in speech where often the tone of voice and body language would show that you mean for 'infamous' to have a totally opposite meaning than the usually negative meaning. And in most cases, I think using it the way you want to use it, most people in the conversation would be acquainted with the subject/person in question and know you couldn't mean it in a negative sense. If I used the term your way, there's a good chance I'd use 'air quotes' when I said 'infamous'. Gman
  21. Sigh, I only wish I could see the new muscle. Have a good time. Gman
  22. But we know you like slender model types. Not everyone is like that. The acronym DILF (Dad's I'd Like To Know In A Biblical Sense) wouldn't exist if we all wanted gelled hair youngsters. While I'm eclectic and have hired younger guys when I was hiring -I prefer older. I've said in other threads that the guys you like seem way over coiffed to me. I'm just a regular, dowdy overweight gay male. I have no real interest in fashion, or interest in hiring guys who are. Gman
  23. You met him in Mother Russia? Gman
  24. I see I'm not the only one to wonder. One poster said the guy looked nothing like his pictures. Another poster said the guy did look like his pictures. The mystery continues. Gman
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