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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Of course anytime is the time for a quote from Napoleon Dynamite. But after looking at this guy's pictures, it seemed like it was an even better time than usual. I need to live vicariously. Anyone know anything about this escort? https://rent.men/Pedro_Ferraz/#sponsor Gman
  2. There appear to be two Leonardo's. Maybe that's where the confusion with Coturedesigner comes from. The original link https://rent.men/Leonardobr leads to a guy in Manila who looks nothing like the guy @Wiley1 just posted about-namely this guy. https://rent.men/leonardobrazil Gman
  3. @Interloper -my mistake. I apologize. I missed the "a" before "Goldilocks," so I thought you were referring to a specific escort. And it's such a common newcomer mistake not to include a link, that I thought that's what had happened. Gman
  4. @Interloper -there are so many escorts (so little time;)) that it's better if you post a link to the ad. That way everyone knows for sure about whom you are talking. Gman
  5. I'd say at least 1/4th if not more of the escorts ( bottoms or versatile) that I hired-and I'm not talking about guys I picked up off the street, but reputable guys I usually found out about here-have used them. That includes both porn star and non-porn star escorts. Lots of hook-ups have used them too. Personally I can't use them as they can kill you if you are on Viagra or the like-but even if I weren't, I don't like the head rush it gives, and it leaves me with a headache. I never liked the head-rush I got the one or two times I used dip or the one time someone gave me a whip-it to try. Gman
  6. When I just looked at his ad, it was expired. Gman
  7. A momentary break in the subject at hand. @GregM, you look adorable with the scruff in your current icon picture. And we now return you to the original subject of this thread already in progress. Gman
  8. The Eagle and The Round-Up in Dallas are the main places I used to go. In the past I knew a few people and going there was fun. Most of the people I've known have since moved away. I've been to the Eagle a few times over the year and a half that I've been back. But it's over 20 miles away from where I live. Driving there, knowing no one, and no one being interested makes for a very long trip. So I don't go very often. I once met a guy online (Scruff as I recall)-this was about 7 years ago. We 'talked' and decided to meet up at the Round-Up. We met, liked each other immediately, and snogged for about 30 minutes. This guy was really handsome-way above my pay grade. The bartender said we were cute together. In addition it was karaoke night in the front bar of the Round-Up. This guy had-I'm sure still has-an incredible voice. We had a few more dates. Unfortunately things didn't work out. I haven't had a lot of dates in my life. This is still one of the better memories of my life. I just wish things had lasted longer. Gman
  9. Forget the chips, I just want towel to fall. Gman
  10. He lists 'Anal' in his 'Services' List although in the Stats Section he has 'Ask Me' for position. Did Jesse have 'Anal' listed? I can't remember. Ryan Steele doesn't. And aren't they handled by the same agent? Gman
  11. Our own [uSER=3916]@xafnndapp[/uSER] wrote a RM review of him. Gman
  12. Twenty or so years ago when I worked in Wisconsin, I walked into the office one day. The husband of one the secretaries was there and asked me if I had been working out the previous evening at the local gym. Since the words 'gym' and 'working out' have always been white noise to me, I had no idea what he was talking about. Ok I understood in general. But I told him no. He said there was a guy who looked like me at the gym. A few weeks later, I actually ran into the guy myself. It was spooky how much we looked alike. Our main differences were that his voice was deeper, what little hair I have is mainly straight, and his was wavy, and he was straight (well I'm assuming he was since he was married and a father-but who actually knows). After this I'd probably run into him once or twice a month. Once I was wearing a shirt with a company logo. A guy walked by staring at me. I took a chance and said, "I'm not so-and-so (I can't remember the guy's name anymore). ". The guy said 'Oh-he had been wondering since he knew my doppelgänger wouldn't be wearing that. Another time I was at the airport. A guy on his way to the gate started talking to me. I realized he thought I was the other guy. It was a quick conversation. For some reason I didn't tell him I wasn't my doppelgänger. I had always wanted to get a picture of the two of us. But cellphones didn't usually have cameras back then. And I wasn't able to. But this guy looked enough like me that if my Mom hadn't been paying attention when she walked up to him or had seen us standing side-by-side-and say she was standing at edge of a building hallway, there's a good chance she might not have been able to tell us apart from a distance. Gman
  13. It's like we are conjoined astral twins but separated by the distance between NYC and Dallas. I'm sorry about your car woes. Gman PS Speaking of twins -this has brought to mind another topic that I'm going to post. Look for it at your friendly neighborhood m4m-forum.org.
  14. Oh and I have a 2002 Toyota Camry. One maximum estimate I've gotten is $1600. It's probably more than the car is worth. On the other hand I can't afford a car payment. So I'll probably have to get it fixed. Gman
  15. I'm sorry you didn't have a good time. I'm always suspicious of moans-as I'm fairly quiet during sex and I know I'm not a good top. But you can't really tell someone not to moan. I mean maybe it's just that their moans sound naturally fake naturally even if they are into it. Gman
  16. I mean sure they might be helpful if you've got something simple like an oil change-or know you need a brake job-but in this case .... 1. The check engine light comes on. 2. You buy a code reader for $19.95 3. The code reader tells you that it's the catalytic converter and/or the O2 sensors. 4. But you can't totally rely on a $19.95 code reader. 5. You take it to an auto place. They charge you for a diagnostic. 6. They give you an estimate. 7. But the car is already broken down-for convenience -might be better to be done there. 8. If you don't have the repair done there-you'd have to get a diagnostic at the new place too. Obviously if you told a new place what was wrong going by the previous repair shop's diagnostic, and ANYTHING WENT WRONG afterwards-they'd just say well we would have found this out in our diagnostic. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Gman
  17. Looking at ZK's Instagram, I'm not surprised about the limited interaction. Don't get me wrong. I have no problems with straight guys. Some of my the best friends I've ever had have been straight. So I don't mind straight guys-well I don't mind them unless they escort for gay men-esp the ones who pretend to be bisexual or gay. Gman
  18. Did the previous 'owner' of the ad-whom I guess we are now calling 'ZK'-advertise as straight or bisexual? This new one says he's bisexual. Gman
  19. The RM ad was up maybe a 3 weeks to a month- possible more. Plus I just saw it either earlier today or late last night. So I doubt that's it. Gman
  20. Gosh I wish he had been advertising when I was still hiring. There's a good chance I would have had at least one-maybe more if he lived up to his reputation-weekends with him. Gman
  21. He advertises as a straight guy. He seemed to be mainly advertising massage. He told me he has a new video on Sean Cody. Gman
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