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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. The derrière is nice. But even though I'm a top, I prefer to look at muscular chests, abs, and arms. I'd really like to see what the front of him looks like. Gman
  2. I've been known to keep emails for years. I just found an email from Dave at Man To Man that he sent out in 2015. Dave claimed that Zach was versatile although I see from the current RM ad that Zach is advertising only as a top. Gman
  3. While this guy is ok, he doesn't make my heart-or parts lower:p-go pitter patter. Gman
  4. "Reasonably" pleasant is all I can claim. Thank you very much for the blessing. I need all I can get. ? Gman
  5. I understand your point. But outside the bedroom I think I'm a reasonably nice guy/good company*-well inside the bedroom too. But you know what I mean. And I'd like the escort to be able to have as nice a time as is possible considering the circumstance-just because I want most people I'm with -escort or not-to have a nice time-because I'm a nice guy-oh wait I already mentioned that. But even beyond that -if the escort is having a pleasant time-hopefully that will lead to an even better encounter in the "boodwar". I mean say an escort is satisfactory with most anyone. But if they are having an actual good time-outside the bedroom -maybe they might put forth an even better effort inside. Gman *In most instances I do think escorts have found me pleasant to be with outside the bedroom. As an example, I recently communicated with an escort that I had seen for a weekend about 5 years ago. We only met that once. He remembered something we did during the weekend that I hadn't remembered. I'm hoping at least part of the reason he remembered was that it was a pleasant time. Of course the remembrance could be due to the opposite. But I'm keeping a good thought.
  6. Finally someone who lists that they are versatile and they kiss. Funny thing is that he doesn't list 'anal' but has pictures and videos of topping and bottoming. Gman
  7. Do they actually get through, or is it the same as on the now defunct M4RN site where the providers were told they had messages but had to renew their ads before they could read them? Gman
  8. Well only if it included dinner and a movie. Gman
  9. Some interesting things about his ad 1. He's changed his orientation from 'bisexual' back to 'Ask Me'. (I wonder if he's reading this thread or someone is telling him about it). 2. Wasn't he always or usually a top in his movies? If so-then it's pretty strange that he has an awful lot of pictures in his private gallery showing his butt. And on position he lists 'versatile/bottom' not 'versatile/top.' 3. On what he's into, he says 'Anything Goes'. If that's true-I just don't know. I mean why would a straight guy-even if on PrEP, want to risk either HIV or other STDs. I'd really like to know what the real Malachi is like. But even if you hired him, there's no guaranee that you could tell what's an act and what isn't. But if he lives up to the ad, and on the other hand if he's really straight, he seems to me to have made some interesting choices on what he's willing to do. Gman PS: I know we should drop this thread. But... #1 The guy is really handsome -although moreso when he was clean cut (but still really attractive); so obviously with my typical gay attraction to physical beauty, I'm drawn to him. #2. The g4pay phenomenon is just so outside my experience never having even come close to having had sex with a woman -I haven't even Fr kissed with a woman. And I don't know how well I could have performed with a woman if I had ever had the nerve to try.
  10. Now that I'm 6 hours or so past my original post I'm having a senior moment. I was re-reading my post in the course of looking at the responses, and I can only think of three guys at the moment. I know when I originally posted, I came up with 4 fairly quickly off the bat. But now for the life of me at 12:49 AM CDT I can't remember who was my 4th example. Gman PS But at 12:50 AM CDT, I remembered who the 4th guy was.
  11. Not to say that you are wrong. But I've hired at least four escorts in the past who were personal trainers when not escorting. (One of them may not have been a personal trainer at the time, but became one a few years later). There may have been more. So it's possible the OP could find someone. Gman
  12. I had always wanted to try one of the Planet Jockboys guys. But a few things stopped me - #1. I'm not into meeting straight guys. And you could never be sure if they were only g4pay or not. #2. I was interested in an overnight or a weekend. That might have included going to a play/musical, museum, or etc. But the ads on PJB concentrated so much on their athletic ability that I was never sure if any of them would have enjoyed that. And while if I had hired them, they would have gone. But I would've really disliked them to have a boring two or three hours. I would always think how boring I might find being dragged to an opera by a friend. Gman
  13. Of course now he advertises as 'bi'. Maybe he's finally letting his true self show?? Gman PS: On another subject, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I'm shopping for a buyer.
  14. At the risk of opening a ? storm, I'll admit to sometimes using the same phrasing on my rare hook-ups. It usually comes up when I'm talking to someone who claims they are bisexual. Gman
  15. They said it would make me put on weight. I'm glad they were wrong. Gman
  16. Derek Pain would probably have been into it. But I don't see an ad for him anymore. Gman
  17. Aside from being straight, his ad is expired. Gman
  18. Most likely Treasure Island Media https://treasureislandmedia.com/ Gman
  19. I'm not obsessing. And while I've known it wasn't a good idea to meet, it was just re-impressed on me two days ago when he signed off 'Love you.' However when sex is concerned the body and good intentions can be weak. Not that it's really a (good) defense-but how many people on here have met escorts that they knew they shouldn't have or endured a session when they knew they should have left. But you are def right JJK-the meeting is a no-go. Gman
  20. He shore is pretty, Ma. Gman
  21. I know it's weird. But with my prospects being so dismal, I'm flattered that he's chosen me. I actually think he's sincere in wanting to meet me. I don't thinks this is a scam. But the entire situation with his history of a severe car wreck, being in a coma, there being most likely some personality changes due to brain injury (plus other changes -he told me it had affected his libido-he's frequently horny and takes him 45+ minutes to orgasm-on the hand he's only 25-the accident was at 17-but the libido could be totally him and have nothing to do with the accident), and saying things in correspondence - like the way he signed off last night with 'love you' when we haven't even met yet make me certain that at least as regards relationships, he's probably not stable. I have to admit that I've had brief houghts of Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction pass thru my mind. All summer he's been 50 miles away-I'm assuming living at home and unable to meet. I'm glad when at school he'll be 100 miles away as it will prevent my little head from overriding my big head's decision not to meet no matter how sexless my life is. And really it's better for both of us. Since I can't see a boyfriend relationship with him, he won't be giving up sex in hopes that I'll change my mind. Gman
  22. My sex tends to be luke warm and yawn inducing. But I'm glad you two had fun. Gman
  23. Ok to provide a bit more info. We've 'met' on Scruff. But haven't actually been able to meet. He's in his 20's about to start nursing school. From the start without even meeting in person he's said he wants to date and marry me. I've said I can't be a boyfriend without getting to know you first. He's said things like, " Will it convince you if we have sex the first time we meet?" He's about to go back to school 100 miles from me, and he says he wants me to visit him there. The kicker -when he was 17 he was in a major auto accident. There's a video online he showed me. It looks like he was in a coma and had to go thru rehab afterwards. He says he has no spasticity or speech problems. But I asked about mood swings-he says they have decreased. In all honesty I'm more than likely not going to meet him. The attention is flattering, or lord knows it would be nice to find someone. But on my part-it's just too weird for him to be that fixated on me without us ever meeting. Last night he signed off and said "Love you." And again we've never met. On his part-in spite of his denials-I'm concerned about some type of organic brain dysfunction causing him to fixate on someone he's only talked to online. In addition, I really couldn't commit to the type of relationship that he wants right off the bat . I'd be using him just for sex (but in a nice way as I'd want him to have a nice time too). And to do that to someone when I know he wants a deeper relationship would not make me feel very good about myself. But I am fairly sex-starved. So I'm glad for the 100 mile distance. It will keep me true (as the night follows the day.) Gman
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