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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Aside possibly from Aqua Velva, I didn't know there were straight and gay colognes. I don't mind them on others if I like the scent. But I personally don't usually wear them because the lingering scent irritates my nostrils. Gman
  2. Available now means he might be accepting clients right then, or he forgot to turn the 'Available Now' toggle off when he went to bed. I don't know anything about 'BuddyLists.' Gman
  3. I am almost 58-7/12 of a year old and never really had a romantic relationship** For those of you either in relationships now or in the past, or those with a dating history consisting of continuity with a guy and not just one night stands, and before you really got to know the guy, was there something physical that first attracted you to him? Or in a related question-have any of you ever had a significant relationship with someone-who at least initially you weren't physically attracted to-but were drawn to because of their intellect/personality/something other than their physical features? Thanking all of you in advance. Gman
  4. Not to say you are wrong in your opinion of him as an escort, but I've followed his ad a lot over the years because he advertised in Seattle frequently, and until a year and a half ago, I had lived in Tacoma for most of the preceding 9 years. I always thought he was really handsome. When I told him what I was looking for, he told me he didn't kiss. So I have to give him props for being truthful and telling me we wouldn't be a match. The pictures in his ad show the same guy I've always seen although I think at one point he had a boyfriend whom he sometimes duoed with. And the only picture I recognize as being old is the third of 5. The others are new to me. And in my opinion he looks slightly older in pictures 1,2,4, and 5 than he does in picture 3. Gman
  5. Actually I'm fine with that description-well I'd be fine if it said "Lightly Hairy." Gman
  6. Is it possible that we are talking about two different Bens here I'm fairly sure @mike carey is talking about @Benjamin_Nicholas in Dallas. Please correct me if I'm wrong. But I have a sneaking suspicion that you might be talking about Ben Kieran in Boston. Gman
  7. We aim to please. Gman
  8. I've never met him. But you might be in a minority. He has a cadre or devoted admirers. Gman
  9. Tell you what, if you'll throw any such "distorted" gay versatile/bottoms my way, I will gladly do the same for you if I come across any overly coiffed so thin they look like you could break them easily in half over your knee model types. Gman
  10. When he first started advertising, didn't he say or imply he was really more straight? Gman
  11. I maybe should have been more specific in my post above. The main things that kept me from hiring him more often were #1 you could never tell exactly what shape he was in because he would keep pictures that were way out of date up on his ad. And even more importantly #2 he wasn't really into kissing-or at least not with me. I did get him to kiss deeply/passionately occasionally but it wasn't anything you could count on. Gman
  12. I'm not good at story problems. I'm having trouble envisioning this. It seems to me if you've lost weight, the big jeans would be even looser, and the tight jeans loose or just right? ? Gman
  13. Did someone do that to you, or was it a hypothetical? Gman
  14. But did the flight attendant agree to having it put on public media with his face or other identifying information present? Gman
  15. I think he used to sell furniture. Maybe he could go back to it. Gman
  16. I wasn't familiar with Tineye. Thank you. Gman
  17. No, I saw it. I just didn't know whether or not he had enough of a fan base that he could make a living solely from a fan site or two. Gman
  18. It's very weird. The simplest explanations might be that they are friends, and the rentmen guy is letting the masseur guy use his copy and name, or one (both?) of them are running scams. Gman
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