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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. It's weird that he'll list his orientation but not his position. Gman
  2. Not that it's any of my business, but I wonder what he's doing for income. Gman
  3. Am I correct in thinking he doesn't escort anymore-or is it just that he doesn't advertise? Gman
  4. I didn't realize straight guys were 'into' cum. I mean I'm gay, and I'm not really into it. Don't get me wrong-I like to 'spurt'. And I like to see the guys I'm with spurt. But after that I don't have much interest. Gman
  5. I didn't used to carry on an auction. But if a guy wanted to know what I was willing to pay, and they were ok with that. Then we met. If he didn't like what I could afford, then we didn't. I don't think anyone I ever ended up meeting gave me less attention because we had a discussion on fees. However I do remember being uncomfortable bargaining in Mexico. Gman
  6. Thank y'all. I wonder if it's beyond a reasonable possibility that it's an autocorrect that he didn't catch. Gman
  7. Interestingly enough he calls himself "cañero." It could mean sugar cane worker. But another slang mean in Columbia is "lying." Can you explain this word, @latbear4blk? Gman
  8. You have incredibly good taste. I'm sorry it didn't work out. Gman
  9. I thought Santa was from a colder clime. Gman
  10. He reminds me physique and body-wise of Eric from Denver who moved to Europe -before he got really into bodybuilding. Also Eric was probably a bit shorter than 5'9". Gman
  11. If I understand what you are saying, then I'm certainly glad he's 'Available For' more than what he lists he's available for. Gman
  12. One rabbi could do it. But considering the size of most professional kitchens it would take forever. As for the acetylene torches, it takes a certain amount of heat/flame to get rid of the bad stuff. Probably acetylene torches are the most convenient portable solution. Gman
  13. I never said an airline had to offer kosher meals. Possibly it's preposterous for an airline to offer them. But that's a decision I'll leave to the airlines. But once having made the decision, then ( as long as it's legal) there's nothing preposterous about the way the people they hire act to fulfill the Kosher mandates. Certain methods have to be used to 'kasher' a kitchen when it's been used for non-kosher items. There are various organizations that supervise 'making things kosher.' I'm assuming they have teams of rabbis who go out to places. But it's not only to goyische owned businesses. They also inspect places like kosher food handling plants. Gman
  14. Why is it preposterous? If you accept the mandates of what makes things kosher, then you don't want it contaminated by non-kosher things. Gman
  15. Article from LGBTQ Nation https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2019/07/newly-discovered-gay-wedding-photos-1957-spark-mystery-hunt/ Gman
  16. The other day I was told I had an infectious smile. And the lady meant it as a compliment not that I was ill.? Gman
  17. https://rent.men/Jhon_Dallas I don't know anything about him. But while his name has been changing lately, I can tell you he's been advertising in Dallas continuously since I moved here a year and a half ago. @Wiredpuppy did he kiss? And would you say he was masculine or effeminate in his passivity? Gman
  18. Gar1eth


    I haven't been with him. But he was in Dallas in the last month or so. Gman
  19. I was wondering whether he was one of those scam guys who often post multiple different ads in a city. Gman
  20. @Romani said they'd be headless unless you paid to see them. Gman
  21. But the new shots will be headless. Gman
  22. My attraction is not limited to looks. But I very rarely even look at an ad for someone I'm not attracted to facially. I'd say it's not irony as I'm not an escort. For escorts it's a main job requirement. Even if I were in good shape and handsome-but otherwise the same-I could never be an escort. Escorts are special in that hopefully they can look beyond a face/fat body-or at least act on the surface as if they have. Gman
  23. Ahh but Peter used to show his face. If he hadn't, I never would have been interested in him. We aren't just a few. There are many people who won't hire a headless escort, and considering how many are out there who do show their face, we won't even bother asking for pictures of escorts who don't. Gman
  24. Mine-much like yours, @Romani -is a strict and permanent exit zone. But I'm not sure if anyone has ever thought it was decorative. Gman
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