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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Why would you want a straight guy anyway? Gman
  2. Too skinny for me. I like guys who are more solid. Gman
  3. So this escort says he is 135 # (61 kg) and is 5'8" https://rent.men/Kiddo I think he looks nice. But I wouldn't want anyone any skinnier. I'm wondering if [uSER=19303]@europeanman[/uSER]'s friend at about the same weight and 4 inches (10 cm) taller looks a bit gaunt. Gman
  4. My new memories aren't great. I'm glad I'm here in the same city as my Mom. But I keep wondering how long at 84 she's going to be around. Other than that, most things are cr-p. Gman
  5. I wouldn't exactly call myself happy. I'm not actually sure if I can ever be happy. I wasn't particularly happy when I had a career and was making a positive contribution to society. Now that I'm in such a worse situation both financially and health wise, I doubt happiness is in the cards. Don't get me wrong. I don't sit around moping all day. I do most of my moping at bedtime when there isn't anything to distract me. As for hiding, well it might be more difficult to be "under cover" if I had a boyfriend-or if more (anyone) wanted to have sex with me-or if my libido weren't so low from probably a combination of prednisone (it lowers testosterone), being chronically short of breath-the two or three times I did meet someone I could barely kiss due to being short of breath-my age, and general state of health. So if not screaming out that I'm gay is hiding-well none of the others has screamed out they are straight. I've actually thought about trying to sneak someone in. Maybe someday the stars will align for it. Gman
  6. As far as I know, none of us are recovering (drug) addicts or returning to society from prison. So it's not a 1/2 house. Gman
  7. So as past readers know, I'm renting a room in a house. It's in a nice neighborhood. In fact the neighborhood reminds me of where my parents lived before they moved into the retirement community. It's a 4 bedroom house. And the owner has turned a front living room/den into an illegal bedroom. Living here are 1. The Asian owner and his ?girlfriend (or possibly wife but on second thought I doubt this) whom I assume is always here. I say assume because he/they don't ever seem to use the living room. I've seen them prepare/eat meals in the kitchen/breakfast room. But it's usually only in passing. And then afterwards they either leave or go into the master bedroom. 2. Me-an elderly white male (I'm the oldest person by far in the house) 3. African Male -whom I don't see much. But will usually say hello if we pass. 4. An African American male probably in his mid 20's who is standoffish. About the only time he's initiated a conversation is to ask me a few times if I have something. I think the last time was a screwdriver. He looks to be in reasonable shape although in spite of what you might think from the Frat House Porn site, I haven't seen anyone naked. 5. White male -early 30's I think. Former military. About 6'4" or 6'5". He's not really handsome handsome. But I guess he has a goofy to pleasant type face. He's skinny but not skin and bones-maybe a basketballer physique. He's the interesting one. I don't see him often. But if we do we'll say hello. He's the only one that I know-aside from the owner-who brings girls in. Actually #5 is the reason for my post. He's kinky-he's into spanking. He goes to these spanking parties or conventions. He's shown me quite revealing pictures of these girls/women that he's spanked and fucked. I'm under the radar here. So I just act like I appreciate the pictures of nekkid women. He's got a girl in his room now. And I can hear him spanking her. It almost sounds like the flapping noise an old-timey ceiling fan might make. Gman
  8. Obviously the spirit of M4RN continues to make itself felt!! Gman
  9. In some cases I definitely see what you mean. Gman
  10. I won't deny that there was some minor relief in getting rid of some of it. But I don't have a lot going for me in my life. These objects whether crap or not were a part of me for many years. Now they are gone. It was terribly depressing watching my stuff go, knowing I'll most likely never have the wherewithal to replace it. And maybe in some cases it wasn't what the objects actually were but a life and a lifestyle that is gone forever. And I have nothing to replace them with. So now I can obsess over both losses-the loss of my previous life and the loss of my stuff. Gman
  11. I'm not sure we should be helping him. How will he ever learn?? Gman
  12. It's really annoying when you don't provide links. Gman
  13. I don't know about feeling better. But I was forced to give up over 90% of my stuff a year and a half ago when I had to move back home due to being jobless and my Myasthenia Gravis. Yes a lot (the majority) was junk. But while junk, it was my junk. Years before I had already lost a storage unit filled with comic books and books due to not being able to pay for it. I think about them occasionally. Just yesterday I was thinking about my dinette table that I had until last year. It was a cheap wooden thing with 4 chairs. I bought it with one of my first paychecks in my first post-grad job. It made it thru 29 years, 4 different states, and 2 roommates (one of whom had a German Shepherd puppy that liked to gnaw on the legs of the chairs and table) with me. I probably got my money's worth out of it. I still miss it. Gman
  14. Unfortunately I don't. Gman
  15. Thank you. But at 6 feet tall and 132 pounds, I'll have to disagree with [uSER=19303]@europeanman[/uSER]. Unless he's solid muscle like a gymnast, this guy sounds like a twinkish beanpole. As a reference, I just saw a picture of me from high school at what was probably my graduation party. I'm 18 years old and 5'8" to 5'9" (or let's say 173 cm) in height. My weight at the time was probably around 125 pounds ( 57 kg). I look pretty skinny. I can't even imagine what I'd look like at that weight and 6 feet tall (183 cm). Gman
  16. I'm pretty sure I received the vaccine a long time ago. But as an FYI-the original Gardasil covered 4 strains. There is a newer vaccine called Gardasil 9 which covers 5 more strains than the original vaccine. This is the one that has been approved up to age 45. Gman
  17. Actually I'm not sure what your numbers mean. I am not trying to be argumentative. And I realize you very well could be using metric. But what is 20-an age-a waist size-what? Please put some dimensions on your numbers. Also if you don't want to put this guy's picture up, is it possible to post similar guy's picture? Gman
  18. Lean and hungry is one thing. Cachectic is another. In case it's blocked in Australia, @mike carey, it's Duran Duran's "Hungry Like a Wolf" Gman
  19. Someone needs to feed him. And I'm talking calories not inches. Gman
  20. I've loved muscles since I was a child. I've probably loved this scene from the musical "Li'l Abner" since I was at least 5 years old or younger. http://www.briansdriveintheater.com/cheesecake/leslieparrish/leslieparrish2.jpg Why can't you post pictures? I do it all the time. Gman
  21. Try looking at his videos. His face is a lot clearer. Gman
  22. Ahh but you don't like muscle. I do. You seem to like escorts with an asthenic physique combined with haute couture sensibilities. Types that don't usually appeal to me at all. This guy is incredibly handsome and hot. I like his hair too. If I were still hiring and knew he bottomed and kissed passionately, I'd probably be on my way to NYC so fast it would make your head spin. Gman
  23. Massage doesn't usually do it for me unless it's a prelude to s-x. Or for example I have a lot of trouble being with an escort who does everthing I like except kiss. It just ends up frustrating me even though aside from the kissing, he might match 100% of what I like. In the same fashion, even an erotic massage with a happy ending, still frustrates me because I need what I'd get from a full escort experience. I'll admit to considering getting a massage from time to time -and occasionally I've succumbed. But it's been over a year. Every time I think about possibly getting one, I remember how unsatisfying the last one was. As I recall there were always non-massage type photos on ads. Rentmasseur is better than Masseurfinder because it lists whether the masseur performs sensual or erotic massage and there are more revealing pictures available if you become a paid member. Plus I've noticed that around midnight or so, Masseurfinder hides contact info on the guys even if their ads states they take late appointments. Gman
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