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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I can make no comments about your vision. But there is no ph number on the ad. Gman
  2. But really a supplementary phone is going to be useful for more than just this one escort. You can find really cheap ones. But just as an FYI-there's a possibility that the physical act of texting might be tougher on a cheaper phone. I had a phone that I used for years as my escort contact phone. But it wasn't a smart phone. Texting was a real chore on it. But even on a smart phone-texting can still be tough for various reasons-one reason being slow screen responsiveness-on cheaper models. Gman
  3. I'm salivating and need more info. I can definitely see why he was your favorite. Should I assume he's either straight or on the straight side of bisexuality? Gman
  4. If he kissed, I'd say, "Come to Papa!!" Gman
  5. Me too. It's a curse I tell you, a curse. Gman
  6. Now how ad says 'former Sean Cody star.' Gman
  7. Looking thru some ancient emails, I was able to figure out who the porn star from Belgium was who wasn't into nature and wanted his three square meals a day at regularly spaced intervals It was Jack van Dean. I think he was part of that set of foreign porn stars-and I don't know for sure-but somewhere around 2006 or so it seems the US Govt started cracking down on non-citizens working in the USA. I mean I know they always have. But I vaguely remember something about they were checking the status of people more closely. And it seemed to me a lot of foreign porn stars quit filming in the USA around then. Handsome as Jack is he was a dud as a weekend companion. http://www.butchdixon.com/tour/faceimages/GIEX_BD_98.jpg Gman
  8. Handsome guy. But who needs a straight top? Gman
  9. It's a breeze on the phone too. I almost never use my computer. Gman
  10. But even for the less Adonis-like the fees have basically sky rocketed. When I first started hiring in 2002, I could probably meet a hot guy for a 2 hour interlude for $250. Now that often won't even cover an hour. I previously had a pretty good career, and I often hired at least two times a month-sometimes more. Even with my old salary and as starved for sex as I was (hiring was usually my only outlet to be with someone), I think I'd have had problems convincing myself to shell out $600 two to four times a month. (I've never really enjoyed one hour meetings.) Gman
  11. In the distant past I've taken escorts to Disney World, Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels, "toobing" down the Guadalupe River , and once to Dickens On The Strand in Galveston. I wish I were still able to hire @VictorPowers. We'd do something fun-outside the bedroom I mean. Funny stories- I hired this porn star from Europe. He was represented briefly by Man to Man. He was from Belgium. Frank something. I took him toobing. He was the only escort I ever took out of probably at least 5 or 6 who didn't like it. He told me he wasn't an outdoor type although I had noticed a lot of nature in his porn films. So after the toobing we were rushing to get to Austin to see a comedy group-Esther's Follies. (I wonder if @Kurtis Wolfe ever saw them). So Frank was complaining about not eating. Now I previously had a job where I had very irregular meal times. So could delay meals if I needed to. But he told me that when we were setting things up, and I told him I was fat-he thought we'd be eating on a regular schedule. Another story also with a Man To Man Guy. He was originally from NYC region. But had moved to Los Angeles. We went toobing. He runs into the sister (and her husband) of a former good friend of his from NYC. The sister now lived in Texas. That was a bit awkward as this great looking guy had to pass me off as a friend. Gman
  12. If you change the very end of the link from dl=0 to raw=1, you can use the the 'picture function' of the Message Forum to actually post the picture. The 'picture function' is located at the top more on the right hand side of the posting box. It looks like a picture frame. It's in between the chain for linking and the happy face. . But I can't actually read what your tattoo says. It's too blurry for me. Gman
  13. It's been a long time. I think the only prevention was we all wore life jackets. And I'm sure the Risk Management Dept of Six Flags was probably glad to get rid of it. There are lots of other rides that have been discontinued over the years. There was a stage coach with actual horses pulling it. There was one of those big slides that I think came out of a giant skull head. There was another slide that I think was circular around a tree trunk or inside a tree trunk. I vaguely remember there being an actual helicopter you could take to see the park. Gman
  14. Extremely handsome man who really screwed up his arms. Gman
  15. Tattoos don't put me in a rage. But -well it's like that woman in Spain who tried to repair a 19th century masterpiece of Jesus. Gman
  16. He and Gunga Din are better men than I. Gman
  17. If someone I was interested in wore clothes I didn't like, there's a good chance they'd change clothes eventually to something less offensive. That's not possible with a tattoo. The ugly thing just remains there day in and day out 24/7. But I'm an equal opportunity disliker. I dislike earrings on men, any other piercings, most watches (although I'm better than I used to be on this), most jewelry on men (and to a lesser extent women), and makeup on men (unless they are in a play). Gman
  18. What's wrong with hearing Helen Reddy (although s according to Wikipedia, sadly she has Alzheimer's Disease now)? And while hearing Helen is not a totally unexpected result of my post, personally I'm hearing Yvonne Elliman. Gman
  19. To tell you the truth, the more I think about it the more depressing it is. On the other hand, ? I've had so many gay therapists before. In many ways, he's just one more.? But while in the past I had considered a non-gay therapist, I can't even imagine going to one now. I have a difficult enough time describing my non-fulfilled relationship needs to a gay therapist. Trying to teach a straight therapist about gay hook-up culture is more than I can handle. Gman
  20. When I was just a little nipper, Six Flags had a non-mechanized canoe ride that you really had to paddle. The park attendants on the ride were these shirtless high school or college guys. They were bronzed from going shirtless in the hot summer Texas sun all day. And because they were paddling a canoe all day, they were in good shape. I can remember really liking to look at them. When I was a little older, I told myself I wanted to be in-shape like them. Well that never happened. But I have my memories of these guys. Gman
  21. I feel about the same as I usually do. During the session I felt a little worse than usual as I could see we were going nowhere. It reminded me of when I decided to quit my last therapist because I didn't think it was doing any good. The difference is I got the feeling she wanted to continue. I'm not sure if he was trying to challenge me to continue-or more likely he could tell from two sessions that I was hopeless (I don't mean as a person just as a person he could help) Now I'm fairly copacetic-ie back at baseline level. Sigh-he was the only gay therapist on my insurance anywhere near me. There's a guy still under supervision near me. He's not on my insurance. And I really don't want to pay, if I don't have to, for therapy that is, more likely than not, not going to work. Plus if experienced counselors don't see much hope, it's doubtful a young trainee is going to get anywhere. So I already have an appt -my schedule is restricted. So I made the 2nd and 3rd appts when I had the chance. I'm considering. But I'll probably cancel. Gman
  22. So I went to a therapist for my second time today. Is asking me whether I wanted to make a third appointment a sign of a solid therapeutic alliance? Why am I asking? No reason in particular. Gman
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