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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I think I remember lurking for a while. I was afraid to actually join. Gman
  2. It's all sad but especially so because I think I remember in the beginning Killian taking a definite stand against drugs. If I'm remembering correctly, I wonder if that was an act. It reminds me of an escort years ago in Portland. I think his name was Bill. I remember him making a point of saying he was drug free. But in the end I think he died of an overdose. Killian gave a lot of guys pleasure when he first started. And we all know it's not easy being a good escort. I hope he has found his way since the meltdown. Gman
  3. My join date is 2004. For some reason I think I may actually have joined a year or two before that. But maybe not. I def remember the announcement when HB passed. I think I was living in Corpus Christi at the time. Gman
  4. Gar1eth

    Chris ko

    No I was just going off his ad. Gman
  5. Gar1eth

    Arabian_A in LA

    But not as an escort? Gman
  6. Gar1eth

    Chris ko

    Me gusta except he doesn't list kissing. Gman
  7. People may already know this. But I found an ad from someone I know personally (well personally as an escort and a Facebook friend since his retirement) who has been retired probably for at least three years, if not more, and he doesn't even live in the city anymore where Friendboy has his ad. Gman
  8. Just looking at pictures -therightmassage and Logan are not the same guy. Gman
  9. I'm glad he was good for you. I tried to meet up with him towards the end of his escorting time, and I think he was getting tired of the whole thing. I could tell it wouldn't be a nice time. So I told him I hoped he had a good time in Seattle. And didn't hire him. Gman
  10. Is there a reason you asked that? Gman
  11. I'm just admitting/observing what is there. And admitting I like people who for the most part act averagely -both males and females. Not admitting to or denying central tendencies when they are so obviously there is not going to make them go away. And you seem to be changing your statements some. Initially you were, "There is no such thing." Now you are "Ok, it's there. But it's not right. So we should ignore it. " Gman
  12. I'm not disagreeing with most of what you've written. But these central tendencies do exist. In most cases, I'd say, since they are repeated time and time again, I'm assuming they are biologic with an overlay of culture and tradition. And pointing out outliers or how broad the spectrum is doesn't negate the central tendencies. Gman
  13. Let me ask a question out of the blue. You meet a guy. It's a semi formal occasion. He shakes your hand. The hand is for the most part totally flaccid in yours. Assuming you know the guy does not have a neuromuscular disease, how does that hand feel inside yours and what's your mental reaction to that type of handshake? If you've never received that type of handshake from a man, then please state as such. Gman
  14. I don't get the "What's Wrong" remark. It seems out of place to me. Gman
  15. The cross tattoo on his shoulder seems to disappear in some of his videos. Gman
  16. Testosterone is present in much greater quantities than estrogen in normal males. Normal females show the reverse. You persist in looking for the outliers. No one rejects that there is a spectrum. But you ignore the central part of the spectrum as being relevant when a majority of cultures fall within it-and have for a very long time. Gman
  17. I'll agree with @quoththeraven about the disdain. I disdain overly feminine males. I also disdain overly butch females. I don't want either of them as sex partners. Give me NORMALITY!!! Gman PS. Of course I also disdain overly macho males -but I might consider topping them.
  18. And yet testosterone is given to female to male transsexuals, and I believe it's supposed to do more than just change physical characteristics. And likewise with estrogen for male to female transsexuals. Gman
  19. PS After thinking about what I wrote above-I still believe it's true-of course my belief and $3.25 will get you a grande caramel frappachino at Starbucks-what probably would be even more interesting than the original question I posed would be the percentage of prepubertal boys with effeminate traits who grew up to be gay vs those who went on to be straight and prepubertal girls with masculine traits and so on, so on so forth... Gman
  20. Note that I said there were cultural differences. And yes there is a spectrum. But there is a general overarching theme for masculine and feminine behavior. You only have to look at the animal kingdom to see that. It's not really that difficult to surmise that some gay men-apart from any specific trying on their part- considering that all gay men like things that are 'biologically' on the feminine side of things- might have 'qualities' more on the feminine side. And vice versa for some lesbians. I'm not saying all gay men or all lesbians. But the tendency has to be there. It's been noted since antiquity. And I just have trouble believing it's all acquired acculturation of people putting on an expected role-esp considering the animal kingdom. And yes there are outliers. As humans with larger brain power/reasoning, and skills/society, there are lots of times we don't follow the paradigm in the animal kingdom. But it seems to me instead of the fact that there are outliers-which if I'm understanding is your main point-the more important point is that there is a general tendency that we follow the paradigm in broad measures. What I would wonder about -and since these things are society specific I'll talk about middle America-the percentage of effeminate straight guys vs effeminate gay men. Because if there were more (percentage-wise) straight men with these traits we consider feminine, that would do more to support your argument that these traits don't occur more frequently in gay males. Gman
  21. If it was for finding out about your partners, wouldn't you have to dip first to find out? Gman
  22. I wonder if they are really construction workers or if it's just their shtick? Gman
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