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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. What if you were the last client he kissed? It would be quite a feature in your cap. Gman
  2. He says he's 'muscular'. I'll agree he has muscles but he's not quite what I think of as 'muscular.' Gman
  3. I'm sorry. I didn't understand. Your teacher was one what? Gman
  4. I'm Jewish and was circed as an infant. I prefer the look and feel of circumcised tallywackers. But if for some reason I had never been circed as a child, it would take a lot (ie some major medical reason) for me to have it done as an adult. Gman
  5. Gar1eth

    Arabian_A in LA

    Does anyone think that shot of his backside doesn't go along very well with the pictures of his front? What I mean is that his front side looks muscular, and his backside looks more slender than I was expecting. Gman
  6. I disagree. Without standards/classifications things can't be measured or assessed. Gman
  7. I once told a guy I was chubby, and he blocked me. Gman
  8. There are usually societal standards of both masculinity and femininity. They aren't intrinsically "good". But as opposed to the way some people feel on here, they aren't intrinsically bad either. They also aren't static as they can change over time. Nowadays with the emphasis on self and with media, I'll bet they may be more in flux than in many other eras. But just as the traits themselves are neither good nor bad, liking those traits in a prospective bedmate or partner is not a bad thing either (assuming both partners are of legal age). There can be minor variations in what people feel/think/consider appropriate masculinity/femininity on a societal basis. But unless someone has some problem with emotional perception, I think most average people of a society can at least recognize what the standards are even if they can't consciously recite them. The situation is analogous to the the former definition of porn where the judge may not have been able to define it, but he knew it when he saw it. And then there are those who either consciously or subconsciously have rejected being attracted to the societal standards or who like the standard but have also have broadened what they find attractive outside the standard. Gman
  9. I like what I consider 'normal'. I don't want a guy with a lot of feminine mannerisms. On the other hand I am not interested in an overly macho guy whose every other word is a 'cuss-word' and who is overly abrasive. Gman
  10. I'm sure you'll find some women wanting a softer male, and others wanting someone more assertive. But of course it's not just males. Looking at the other side of things-the 'butch' lesbian comes to mind. Some of these behaviors are probably learned -but there has to be a strong biological component from looking at usual m/f roles in the animal kingdom. Gman
  11. I'll be pissed ? if they take mine. That Swiss Navy is expensive. Gman
  12. Yes, or even a "Hope Springs Eternal" Chest. Gman
  13. For my trunk. I'll keep my lube, cockring, (and in cooler temps) condoms in it. It's not like I'll need to use it a lot -but it's good to have the stuff on hand. When I lived 1600 miles away from family, I kept that stuff in a backpack. Now that I'm back home and doing shopping for my Mom-and just in general around my family more-it seems to make sense to have that stuff more securely stashed away on the off chance I might be getting into the trunk with with them around. Gman
  14. I'm betting the operative words were "weeks before his retirement". He was prob burned out. But that still doesn't excuse it. While I had a great time with Alec, a meeting I had with his boyfriend Ryan was less than stellar. A nice guy, and we did touch-but not very much. Gman
  15. While I obviously want to give Mike his due, I hope we aren't causing any problems for @kaboom35. I know what it's like to not have a good time with someone the Message Center loves. Gman
  16. You've always been very helpful. Gman
  17. Has he changed positions? He says he's a top. But this thread started as being about bottoms. Gman
  18. On our weekends together Mike would often go to the hotel gym in the mornings before I woke. One of the only escorts I think who worked out even more than Mike was ex escort Alec Andrews of sainted memory. I actually obtained a guest pass at the YMCA for him, and he worked out for probably over an hour. Gman
  19. Years ago I had a not very memorable overnight with an escort who was a Forum darling at the time. He was late getting to me,(and we had theater reservations), we had to throw down dinner to get to the theater on time, the escort ordered fish for dinner (not horrible in and of itself-but as I dislike seafood to begin with -I was worried about what kissing him would be like), and later that evening after we saw Hairspray and repaired to the boudoir, he said he didn't know I was interested in topping him and he wasn't prepared even though in our initial emails setting things up, I had said I was a top. He didn't even offer to 'prepare' himself, and we had all night. I wasn't brave enough to admit all this on the Forum as I feared the responses. So again I'm sorry it didn't work out. But I applaud your courage. Gman
  20. I'm sorry y'all weren't a good match. Gman
  21. In case you couldn't tell, the general consensus of us here on the Message Center (along with his two hundred and something reviews on Rentmen) is "Do Not Pass Go. Collect $200 from your ATM (or whatever Mike's current fee is). And HIRE HIM (assuming he's your type of course). I probably haven't seen him in 3 or 4 years. But just as an example of what a nice guy he is-we were doing a weekend together. I was planning on taking us out to dinner at this place. https://www.schwartzbros.com/locations/daniels-broiler-lake-union/ I was describing the place to him. He said something like -it sounds expensive. We ended up, if I remember at Claim Jumper- a nice place but definitely not as fancy/shmancy as Daniel's Broiler. Over my 14 years of hiring with a preference for weekend and overnights, I can't remember very many escorts that seemed concerned about my bank account. Gman
  22. I've never met him. But another escort that I haven't met recommended him (along with Mister Mister) as guys who bottomed. Gman
  23. They may have liked rimming. But I'm not fond of giving. So they may have left disappointed. Gman
  24. Well not knowing anything about them but their ads, I'd go for Ronnie. He's more muscular and lists 'kissing'. Gman
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