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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I did mention attraction being within the bounds of culture. And the same thing happens with many teenage girls here in the US of A and androgynous male teenage pop stars like Justin Bieber. But since we are actually talking about men, and while we might have attractions similar to women, there are obvious differences too. At least stereotypically, men most likely wouldn't need an attraction to someone 'less threatening'. And even women have more attractions than just wanting a safe guy- or is the good girl going after the bad boy whom she can reform just a literary/movie trope? And of course there are guys on here who like more effeminate guys. And when you really think about it. It's not really 'straight-acting'. It's more average acting. The majority of guys act within certain broad limits. And that's what I prefer. I don't like uber-macho guys, and on the other end, I don't like overly effeminate guys either. But I'm not really fond of overly macho women either. Gman
  2. I hope you aren't trying to tell me that all the escorts who say they like older bear-ish types are not being totally honest. Gman
  3. I'm good with the waist up too. Gman
  4. But we like what we like. You could even theorize a biological basis-that as gay men our attractions/desires for men are similar to the attractions straight females have for men. I admit to just supposing here. But if our attractions for men are similar to the attractions straight women feel, then how many women-and I'm talking about in broad society/cultural terms, not individual cases- are attracted to effeminate men? Gman
  5. I was just wondering "how long is long?" I'm not arguing. But I moved away about 15 months ago. And I don't remember him. Of course I could have missed him. Gman
  6. If he does, then both he and @MidwestCoastal would be having the "vapors." :p:p:p Gman
  7. I couldn't find a Wikipedia page for 'Rafael Briggs'? ? Gman
  8. Except that he doesn't bottom anymore. ??? Gman
  9. Be careful with the comestibles. A friend from Dallas came to Seattle and tried some. I don't think he is a naif when it comes to Mary Jane. But he said the food zoned him out for hours. And just as point of discussion, not all CBD has a significant amount of THC. The limited amount of CBD available legally in Texas doesn't. Gman
  10. Did anyone (possibly even me) earlier in this thread mention Jose Canseco back in his salad days? Gman
  11. I wonder if he actually shot 10 ropes or was it due to the magic of "film." I've never shot 10 ropes in one ejaculation in my life. Gman
  12. Yes, you are right -but also wrong. There are general characteristics that most people recognize. And while there might be individual outliers-attitudes within a society/community are usually somewhat cohesive (or at least they used to be before the advent of the internet/easy travel/etc). If they weren't, societies would never have been able to agree on standards of beauty. And again-not everyone in a society may agree that a particular person is beautiful. But there will usually be broad agreement. The operative phrase is again society/community specific. A little off the subject but an escort whose ad formerly stated something similar to " like most European men I'm interested in fashion". The ad has since changed. And he seems to be popular if RM reviews can be trusted. But I don't know if I would have hired him as I'm the farthest thing from being metrosexual/into fashion. Gman
  13. Attracting a mate is apparently a gimmick I know nothing about. As for the straight men who sounded like pansies- did they also act like pansies-and were you sure they were straight? There was that documentary on 'The Gay Voice' where they showed the sensitive guy with a 'gay' voice who was straight (surprise). The fact that he was brought up without a strong male role model was introduced as a possible reason for the way he was. And they showed a macho -more rugby looking guy who was gay. But what if these two were outliers? Outliers wouldn't necessarily invalidate the fem/gay and butch/straight stereotypes if it's true for a majority or even a significant number of gays and straights. Gman
  14. You can't post pictures directly into the Forum. They have to be hosted on another website. Then you can post the URL using the picture icon in the header of the posting box to show the picture. If they are your own pictures that you want to post, you need to upload them 1st to a server like Dropbox. If they are lifted off the web-well I'm assuming if you are using an iPad that your main web browser is Safari. I can't find web URL's for pictures using Safari either. That's why when dealing with pictures, I use the GOOGLE Browser. If you see a picture on the web using the Google browser, usually you can get its URL by holding your finger on it. If you do that on Safari, it usually only gives you the option to save it to your picture folder. Gman
  15. I'm probably semi-masculine. I'm not the butchest guy. On the other hand I don't think a purse falls outside my mouth whenever I speak. I do have a higher voice. But I can't really do anything about that. Gman
  16. The one where he is sitting on the railing? How can you tell? Gman
  17. I've tried Papa John's pan pizza, Papa Murphy's and (I think) Dominos and wasn't impressed. Where they fail for me is that the crust is a tasteless ball of dough. It's been a long time since I've had a Pizza Hut pan for basically the same reason. The best pan pizza I've ever had has come from UNO's as their dough actually has a taste to it. It tastes buttery. It's delicious. ??? Gman
  18. Are you sure about this? In the pictures I've seen, I would have guessed Lucien was not as muscled. Of course he could have started working out. Gman
  19. This is close to 5 or 6 years ago. So I'm struggling to remember. And there it goes-I can't. But going by prior experience with prednisone I was probably on about 60 mg (this is often weight based and as we know I'm a big guy. So smaller people often receive smaller doses.) for a week and then reduced doses over the next 4 days until I was off. The pain went away after a few days. And so far I've never had that pain again or as much trouble turning my head. I do have some problems turning my head. But I don't know if any of that is due to my Myasthenia Gravis or not. Gman
  20. I hired my first escort in 2002, and I had no idea what 'stemming the rose' meant. Of course I've never seen Brokeback Mountain either. Gman
  21. @Caddy33 while totally within your rights as a Forum Member to repost another member's comments without adding something yourself (unless of course Daddy or a moderator say you can't), would you mind explaining to me what you were trying to get across? You aren't the only one who does it. But I've always wondered the reason. And I'm not sure I really remember anyone asking and answering something similar before. Gman
  22. Now he advertises as versatile/top. Was he doing that when y'all met? Gman
  23. In my mind he seems more "BUYsexual" than "bisexual." But while not my cup of tea (get it, he's British:D:D:p), if you like the straight guy/muscle worship/massage scene, it sounds like he'd be great. Gman
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