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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I'd say if you read his ads from both Sleepy Boy and RM, the general gist of what he offers is fairly clear, and taken together, reveal he doesn't go very far. His ads seem to me to be fairly typical of a guy who is straight, knows he's hot, and decided to make some money off of gay men who'd drool at his face, physique, and tallywacker. Now not having met him I could be wrong. And it's possible, but probably not probable that, that he's more interactive in person than his ads indicate. But to paraphrase Glinda from the musical Wicked when speaking of Madam Morrible, "I doubt it." Gman
  2. While I think I could get used to injecting myself as I used to inject testosterone, here's a video that talks about a Trimix Gel. I doubt it's as effective as an injection. But it also wouldn't lead to scarring. http://trimixgel.com/how-to-use-trimix-gel/ Gman
  3. I can understand feeling that way. If I get the stuff, I probably will too-with the proviso that my Myasthenia will let me. It's been affecting my diaphragm. I get short of breath very easily. Still slow and steady wins the race, doesn't it? When I received the antidote in the doctor's office, it was another shot. While I wasn't fond of the shot: I wanted to relieve the erection as fast as possible. So I'm sure the injection was faster than oral Sudafed. How many doses for the $275, @Keith30309. For me to have sex the following conditions have to be met 1. The guys have to like chubby daddy types. And since I've been on prednisone for over a year, they really really have to like chubby daddy types. 2. While I know beggars shouldn't be choosers, I do have to be attracted. 3. They need to be able to host. The odds of all three of these things occurring simultaneously is fairly low. So @Keith30309 if you are having trouble using up a vial- mine, if it stayed potent, might be able to last for a year. It's too bad it has to be refrigerated and has a short expiration date. Gman
  4. Yes, when I tried it the actual erection hurt/ached. I realize it's not a fix for my libido. But if I get some trimix, and some cute/handsome bottom is actually 'into me' I could most likely be convinced (by myself ?) to take one for the (my own) team. Would y'all say sex feels good with a trimix hardened penis ? @Keith30309 or @hypothetically -have either of you used the antidote to terminate the effects early? What, if you don't mind me asking, do y'all pay for the Trimix? Gman PS I'd love to hear anyone else's experience. PPS i hope y'all notice it's such a serious subject I haven't even used the word tallywacker once.
  5. I totally missed this thread. I'm hoping your recovery is going well!! As for neuropathic pain-about 5 years ago when I had no health insurance I developed this burning pain down my upper arm. The pain was probably a 6 to occ 7 out of 10. This had been preceded by difficulty turning my head -which I had noticed when trying to look behind me while backing up/parking in the car. Because of the no insurance, I went to one of those clinics in the poor side of town. He did regular xrays. As I remember the disc space between some of the vertebrae in my neck looked almost non-existent. I think he gave me some Flexeril or some other non-narcotic pain medication. The pain remained the same or was worse. I did some reading on spondylitis. It said that steroids hadn't been proven to work by studies but were often tried. I went back to the clinic, and he prescribed me some prednisone. After months of increasing daily pain, I was pretty much pain free after 2 to 3 days. Gman
  6. My libido comes and goes. It's partially due to age and being out of shape I'm sure. But there's also the prednisone I've been on for over a year for my myasthenia as prednisone will decrease testosterone production. I can still often get an erection looking at escort ads-but not all the time. And the erections don't last long. And while I've been with a few guys over the last year-it's mostly been oral. I think I've only topped 2 guys over the last year. One went ok-the other even with Viagra was only so-so. It's making me very worried. And because I only manage to meet guys very rarely, every experience is like a new experience without a track record. I tried some Tri-mix years ago at a doctor's office. It was one of those 'Male Clinics'-so the guy was definitely not a urologist. He said he gave me a low dose. And I responded, but the erection hurt. I had them give me the antidote immediately. I most likely won't get it as it's expensive from what I remember. And as few times as I meet guys, it's probably not worth the expense. But I am going to be seeing a urologist soon. So I wanted to hear about experiences. Some questions I had "right off the bat" 1. Does the erection ache most of you who use it or is it maybe common and something that goes away over time. 2. The fact that you stay hard after ejaculation-does sex really feel good with an erection like that? If anyone else has some other thoughts, I'd be happy to hear (read) them. Gman
  7. I have to admit that while I've eaten bagels, I've never eaten styrofoam. I'm going to assume bagels are chewier than styrofoam and much better tasting. If you decide to try, I suggest eating them with butter-or using them for a salami sandwich with mayonnaise. They are (depending on the source and freshness) delectable. On a tangent, I've have eaten English Muffins before, and I'm not a fan. They are dry and tasteless. And Fr. baguettes are ok. But if you want to talk about texture. Even before my Myasthenia Gravis, I found them a tough chew. Gman
  8. Post #3 seems to indicate that he may try to bottom, but he isn't very successful. But I might be misinterpreting the post, or the escort's difficulty might be client specific. Gman
  9. If you are talking about the video, I meant that the video can be faked by copying from someone/someplace else, and then put in an ad as if it were his. Gman
  10. I asked about an escort with a video once and was told they could be copied. Gman
  11. I believe he used to live in Boston. Gman
  12. His website was probably one of the first escort websites I saw. It always used to kill me that he wasn't versatile. Oh the fantasies that man inspired in my early hiring days. Gman
  13. I'm just looking at the ad now. It's for Orlando and the advertiser is African-American. Was this the guy in the the original ad that @dutchal waa talking about? Gman
  14. In my opinion, and I realize it's just my opinion, if a guy just likes the sensation of bottoming or just learns to tolerate mainly for money -or even likes it so much he gets a dildo and uses it off the clock-but would never get with another male off the clock- that's not really bisexual to me. I mean assuming I could keep an erection-I'm assuming I'd enjoy the feeling of a woman stroking me off. That doesn't mean I'm bisexual. But no matter if they called themselves straight-the fact that they wanted to have a regular relationship with you, would, I think, imply that they enjoyed being with you as a person and on some level enjoyed man-to-man sex = bisexual. Gman
  15. Knowing how I would feel about having to have sex with a woman, I just can't get my head around having sex with a guy who proclaims himself straight. Now I think I probably have done it at one time or another during my hiring days. But I didn't do it knowingly. I'll admit though that Rich would def tempt me. Gman
  16. Friend Boy is another escort site like Rentmen. Gman
  17. It seems to me that in the past there have been some Bel Ami guys who have advertised and not lived up to their ad-been minimally interactive, am I wrong about this? I am not talking about these guys whom @tassojunior is hosting. They seem like guys of their word-err ads. Do most of them smoke, @tassojunior? Gman
  18. Oh, now I can see it. But why would anyone want a cat? Gman
  19. I can't really see anything. I even tried enlarging it and still couldn't see anything. Gman
  20. I don't get it unless she was talking about herself. Gman
  21. The Google Account is under an alias. While that's a probability, I really think for all practical purposes, it's an impossibility. I've had this Google number for a long time-probably over 5 years. And while I'm in Texas now (and so is the lawyer), the Google number is from another state. To think a lawyer with my name had the same out of state phone number over 5 years ago really has to be an impossibility for all practical purposes. No I'm sure that somehow from the text he was able to look-up my first and last name. He then googled that and found a 'wrong' me. I don't think I did anything to compromise my identity. I don't have another phone to test it on currently. But I did text my regular number from the Google voice number, and on my phone it comes up as Google Voice. I'm going to assume (if we posit that I didn't somehow do something to reveal myself) that whatever he did isn't very common at this point as I don't think it's ever happened before -or at least no one before has ever called me on giving them my fake name (well really it's not a fake name-i give them my middle name). Gman
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