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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I'm going to disagree. But it may not actually be a disagreement as I don't usually go for the young hipsters. Usually when I was hiring 25 would have been a minimum age for me, and I preferred guys in their 30's. That doesn't mean I think the older guys would be into me either. But hopefully there's a maturity that the younger guys might not have. As for the the straight guys-I can't get over how horrible it would be for me to have to service a female-any female whether hot or not. If I can't stand that, how can I in good conscience really want to hire a straight guy. One example I can think of-but I probably have more-a Dallas escort I think named Dean-it was 8 years ago. A young guy in his mid to late 20's I'm presuming. He advertised as gay. We were in bed together. And while I'm loath to reveal all my the tricks in my repertoire ?, I was nuzzling/kissing his neck and ears. He was showing some strong physical reactions. But I asked anyway-it's always nice to confirm these things verbally. I asked him whether he liked that. He said, "Yes, can't you tell?" Now he might have been faking. But my recollection is that if he were faking, he was certainly a great actor. I'm not sure a straight guy would have really been that enthused about a gay man nuzzling his neck. Gman
  2. Who knew I'd have something in common with a cute escort? Gman
  3. Maybe it's because he's straight? Gman
  4. Back in the day I tried to only use SW Airlines because the tickets were transferable either to another person or you could get your money back. Nowadays that's all in the past. The TSA stopped SW from letting you transfer tickets to another person. And SW also started saying the tickets aren't refundable if you don't cancel before the flight takes off. I think however that you can still cancel and get a refund on SW if it occurs before the flight takes off. If this is true, and the guy goes silent on you, it provides some level of protection. Gman
  5. Gar1eth


    @Monpix -I don't know if you noticed. But this thread originated 19 years ago. Those were real websites at the time. But not anymore. Gman
  6. In Plano (a northern suburb of Dallas) the lowest I see is 2.339. But if you buy a Walmart gift card, it drops the price 3 cents. Gman
  7. I was thinking $1600 was the mid to upper end of normal and wondering what the OP was complaining about. Then I read @Beancounter 's post and saw the original was from those halcyon days of lower fees. Gman
  8. He doesn't deep kiss-well let me be more specific- he wouldn't deep kiss with me. But unless it was to spare my feelings, he said he didn't deep kiss clients. Now this was probably 7 years ago. So things might have changed. And most of, if not all, the pictures on his ad are very old. Gman
  9. I don't have a password. I'm a member. Gman
  10. I have to say I pity him. I mean it must get so boring knowing you can have sex just about anytime you want it. I'll bet he doesn't appreciate getting to have sex 1/2 as much I appreciate my experiences. Let's see my last real foray was in December. I can't even tell you how appreciative I'd be if something happened soon. Gman
  11. The tallywacker pictures are available in the Private Gallery. Who knows if they are his-or for that matter whether the guy advertising is actually real? I'm thinking the pictures are TGTBT (too good to be true). Gman
  12. Someone just liked the comment I posted back in January. I decided I would take a look at Brett's ad again to see if there was anything new. His ad says he is versatile. That's new to me. I thought he had always advertised as a top over the years. Gman
  13. Keep checking back. There's a good chance it's only expired due to this being the beginning of the month and it being time for the ad to renew ( I base this on 1. RM says the ad has 'recently' expired. I don't think they say that on long-expired ads. 2. He just visited his ad on April 3rd. 3. He has upcoming travel listed. ) Gman
  14. Please remember me, and don't forget to tell all the gang ...:p:p (I couldn't resist.) Gman
  15. But haven't you heard it's better to light a candle than to curse a cruise? Gman
  16. I'm not sure if Grindr follows up on things anymore since they've been sold. It seems to that in the old days, if you reported scammers, they deleted the account. I reported several over the last few months And nothing has ever been done to them. Gman
  17. Years ago they had something called the Norman Rockwell Museum which I quite enjoyed. I tried to see it about 10 years later, and they told me they were no I'll get open to the public. They only dealt in sending out posters and memorabilia. Gman
  18. They definitely can. Gman
  19. With that name all I can think of is Jake Gyllenhaal in Donnie Darko. Gman
  20. Thank you QTR. Most of the hamentaschen I've had over the last few years hasn't been great. They usually have some at my Mom's retirement community. But it's not the greatest. When it's done well, I love apricot and prune hamentaschen. I hope you can get ahold of some of the good stuff (hamentaschen I mean). @BabyBoomer you may already know this, but as an agrarian people (originally) the Jews (or rather the Hebrews) depended on the moon for determining harvest times. So the Jewish Calendar is based on a lunar cycle/month of 28 days (actually 29.53 but what's 1.53 days among friends ). But considering a lunar year would only have 354 days, that's going to really screw things up eventually. For example , unless I'm mistaken, Fall months would eventually be occurring in the Summer. So to keep things on track the Jewish Calendar has lunar months put into a solar year. The corrections involved in this (are beyond the scope of this post;)) are the reason why the Jewish Holidays fall on different dates yearly on the Gregorian (= civil ) Calendar although they always fall on the same date in the Jewish Calendar. Gman
  21. This totally took me by surprise until someone just mentioned to me that Purim begins tonight. In my mind Purim is usually a February Holiday, so I didn't even think to expect it now. Gman
  22. I was a bit weepy the second week of taking the prednisone, but on the other hand due to the myasthenia (or possibly the prednisone itself-in about 50% to 75% of people with myasthenia-prednisone causes increased muscle weakness in the second week of therapy before it starts to help) I wasnt able to hold my head up, had no grip strength in my hands to the point that I couldn't even turn a washing machine knob (I would put both hands on the knob to try to turn it, but they would slip off without the knob turning), I couldn't hold a pen to write-or at least not easily, and eating was incredibly difficult. Plus in addition to my muscle weakness I was having to get rid of 95% of everything I owned-personal things, clothes, furniture-things I had had since college and before to move back to family. So I had ample reasons to be weepy without the prednisone. Other than that period last March, I'd say in general, the prednisone has not affected my mood or sleep patterns. I did notice that everything seemed to taste bland when I was first on it. And I've heard prednisone can cause that. Now my cousin had this weird lung disease that they aren't quite sure what causes it. It used to be called BOOP (bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia). If I understand it, basically your air sacs in your lungs start scarring over, so they can't transfer air into your lungs. He was on a higher dose than I've ever been-my max has been 60 mg. He talks about getting mad for no reason-like road rage although he never acted on it. However, he has a more volatile temper than I do anyway. When my part of the family discussed it, we wondered how much was the prednisone and how much was just Hank as usual. Gman
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