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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Who is Scotty Marx? Gman
  2. The loss of libido is due to the suppression of testosterone. Gman
  3. I'm most likely not going to be having anyone over. I don't think the owner would like it. And while my usual form and figure is not really the type to inspire lustful fantasies in most guys, it's even less likely now that I'm on prednisone. My face is round enough to be a full moon, my jowls have been supersized, and the line from T'was The Night Before Christmas about the stomach jiggling like a bowlful or jelly when he laughed was obviously inspired by me. Since I am broke and can't hire, there's most likely not going to any action unless a handsome muscular feeder sees my picture on hook-up app and falls head over heals. As likely as that scenario isI don't think I'm going to be holding my breath until that happens. Gman
  4. I'm probably going to have a computer, TV, passport, and a tablet in there. Gman
  5. Thank you for your input. I haven't rented a room before. It seemed to make sense. But I wanted to bounce the idea on the collective wisdom here. Gman
  6. Currently there is only the owner and myself. But he has another room to sublet. I'm wondering if once there is another person, if I'd be out of line to ask about getting a keyed lock for my door. I mean it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to get one with just the owner being there as I'm assuming he would need a key to the lock too. Gman
  7. There are two types of treatment for myasthenia gravis (for newcomers who didn't read my posts starting in 2017-myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune muscle disease that I was diagnosed with in 2017). One is purely a symptom medicine called Mestinon that most people are started on. It doesn't really affect the course of the disease. But it can counteract some of the symptoms of muscle weakness. However there often comes a point where Mestinon no longer works because the disease is 'too active'. In that case the person has to be on some kind of treatment that either modifies or suppresses the immune system as the problem in the disease is that your immune system is attacking your muscles. So I was diagnosed either September or October 2017. Mestinon alone worked until December. I resisted treatments with immunosuppressants until I couldn't fight it any longer and was started on high dose prednisone -60 mg -last February/March (My jaws and swallow were so affected it was taking me 3 hours to finish-or not finish as was often the case a Whopper from Burger King. In addition sometimes I was having trouble holding my head up or keeping my eyelids open) . I was doing well enough to be weaned down to 15 mg by October. But due to an exacerbation of my symptoms, I've been back up to 50 mg since January. You can tell too. My face is round enough to look like a moon. And my tummy which wasn't small to begin with could now cause me to be mistaken for Santa Claus' cuter younger brother. But the interesting thing is that last year when I was on the high dose prednisone my libido was in the toilet. It was very hard for me to get a "stiffy". I did some reading and found that high dose prednisone can suppress testosterone production. It can literally shrink the size of your testes just like taking supplemental testosterone can. This time around though, while my testes have still shrunk , I'm occasionally waking up with a morning stiffy which actually hasn't happened on a routine basis for years. And I also get easily aroused looking at the guys on Rentmen. Gman
  8. Scott at the time I called him-would probably have been around 1999-was very nice and polite on the phone. Gman
  9. I didn't know KC had died. I just thought he had retired. I thought I remembered someone saying he had moved out west to Arizona or somewhere. So I'm guessing if you dated, and he had a girlfriend, he was bi? I actually called Scott Klein. This was before I had ever hired an escort. I thought I would never be brave enough too. It was kind of way for me to push my boundaries and see what an escort would say. I told him if we did meet I was going to be a top-I was a total virgin at that point. I had had a few dates in my life with women. But we are talking maybe 10 if that many-and that includes junior high and high school. I hadn't even ever French-kissed anyone. But in spite of my inexperience, I knew even then I wasn't interested in bottoming. From what I remember, Scott was basically straight-and at least in our conversations -said he didn't bottom. I might have spoken with Androkid too at some point, but I don't remember. Gman
  10. Well I had the meeting. I didn't actually say I was gay. But I did ask him if he were comfortable prescribing PrEP. He asked what that was. I said HIV prophylaxis with TRUVADA. He understood that better than me saying PrEP. He was willing to do it. I told him I had been on it before several times but had stopped due to insurance reasons. He asked me if I used the 200-300 dose. And he said we could get the follow-up labs every 3 but then said 6 months which I don't think is correct unless the protocol has changed. Even with him possibly not being up On the protocol, I had a recent negative HIV test as of two weeks ago. And it's been longer than three months since I had anal intercourse-could be 5 months- and we played safe. I have had oral. But even that was in December before Christmas. My liver function tests are normal. And I've been vaccinated for Hep B and A years ago. Hep C is unlikely. And my last syphilis test was negative. So I've had basically all the tests except a Urinalysis. I actually have an unexpired unopened bottle of TRUVADA which I obtained about a year ago as my last prescription. I didn't ever take it as I knew it was going to be a long time, if ever, before I could refill it. And I knew partners were going to be scarce to non-existent-so no real reason to keep taking a nephrotoxic drug. I'll probably throw that old bottle out. I think it's been kept in the proper temperature. But no reason to risk it having subpar potency. Oh and I signed up for the Gilead copay Assistance program today. Did anyone hear that TRUVADA had gone generic? Is anyone on generic Truvada? Gman
  11. It's not a gay practice for one thing. And the blurb on the clinic website says he's married with three daughters. I realize none of that definitely says he isn't gay. But to me it's suggestive enough that I'll consider him straight until it's proven to the contrary. The last time I lived in the Dallas area 8 years ago, I went to one of the more popular 'gay practices'. I'd like to go back to them. But their office is about 25 miles from where I'm living now. My neurologist is also about 25 miles away. I don't mind (as much) the neurologist being so far away because those are scheduled visits. But I'm more likely (mainly) going to be seeing my internist if I'm not feeling well. And if I'm not feeling well, I don't really want to drive 25 miles to get care. As for letting him know I'm gay, it's a big step. As I said in the last post, I've let some physicians know in the past. But I think the only ones I've seen on a routine basis that I've told were all gay. The others were just occasional Urgent Care docs. I realize this is a no-brained for most of you. But when you've been closeted most of your life, this is a big deal. As of right now, I'm not exactly closeted. But I'm not really out. My closest relatives know. A few people from high school and college know although I'm not really in contact with them very much at the moment. And just about any social contacts I have currently have been thru the hook-up apps, so they are all gay or bisexual. And there haven't been many of those. I've probably met 6 guys since moving back to Dallas a year ago. And only one of those have I met a second time. And with that guy, the first was at a restaurant bar. The second time was at his house a week later. I think he was expecting sex. But my myasthenia gravis was acting up at that point (basically I was ill most of January and February). I was extremely short of breath due to the myasthenia affecting my diaphragm. Even talking in short sentences was making me breathless. I almost went to the ER three times for respiratory distress. But I improved enough each time, so I didn't go. The last episode where I thought I might have to go to the ER occurred while I was at his house. I left his place much sooner than either of us expected. I haven't talked with him since. So while I'm not completely open, due to my social circumstances, I'm not hiding from a lot of people. Gman
  12. I plan on asking him about PrEP. I've been on it several times in the past depending on my insurance. But I don't think I've ever really talked to a, I'm presuming, straight primary care physician who will be seeing me on a regular basis. I mean I've told Urgent Care Doctors occasionally. And my original primary care internist who 1st put me on PrEP was gay as well as the one after him. My last primary care person to put me on PrEP was a nurse practitioner who was a lesbian although I didn't know that initially. I found her by looking at a list of caregivers who prescribed PrEP in the Tacoma, Wa area. So this may be the 1st time I also admit to a non-gay physician that I'll be seeing routinely that I'm gay. I'm only 58, but I guess it had to happen sometime. Gman
  13. KC was one of the escorts who got away from me. I remember there was a lot of talk about him. I might be misremembering but it seems to me I remember a lot of people weren't sure how honest an escort he was. I lived in Madison, Wi during 1997 to 2001. I think that may have been where I first came across Hooboy although I had been looking at escort sites for years. Does anyone remember the old Escorts4you.com? I think that was the name of the site. It predated Rentboy. I never thought I'd be able to/be brave enough to hire an escort. But I had looked at KC's website (I think it was on AOL) for years. I've always been attracted to handsome muscular guys. And I decided I wanted to try to meet him one time when I was on a weekend visit to Chicago. So I called-this was probably 1998 or 1999- he said he was shopping with his mother. He called me back later, but I missed his call. It would take another three years before I got up the courage again and actually met with my first escort. Gman
  14. I don't realize that Ace didn't run it anymore. I guess that explains why it's so bad. I probably haven't looked at it in at least a year. Gman
  15. There was a bodybuilder, surfer dude years ago who advertised on Rentboy in Florida. I can't remember if he had any reviews. But I had lusted over his pictures forever. He had basically checked every option about what he was into. I hired him for a weekend. We weren't even 1 hour away from the airport and from the way he talked I figured out he was straight. I finally asked him if he was more into guys or women. He said women. I really don't think he was even bi. He wasn't into kissing even though he had marked it down. I asked him why it was marked down. He said someone had told him he'd get more clients by marking all the options. The strange thing was all during the weekend he'd ask me if I was having a good time. I'd think to myself, "Well I'm having as much fun as I can considering I'm paying to spend time with a straight guy which is not what I'm into at all. " The other thing I found strange was that he would ask me if I wanted to try to top him. By that point I was disgusted with the whole thing. Plus I doubted he would have been able to relax enough. And I lose my stiffy against closed holes. So I didn't even attempt it. Gman
  16. I think I can express my feelings about this ad best in a song. Or two Gman
  17. One thing to consider-if you have surgery outside where you normally reside-surgeons really don't like taking care of other doctor's surgery patients except in emergencies. If you did go outside the country, check and see whether they might have an affiliation with someone stateside. Gman
  18. I just read this thread. I don't have any suggestions. But I wanted @FreshFluff to know I'm sorry about her having to have surgery. And I wish her only the best!! Gman
  19. Sorry, I couldn't resist. And in reference to the spunky ad... Gman
  20. I always wanted to hire him. I spent a lot of time on his website when I was first looking around at possible 1st experiences. Unfortunately he's a strict top, so we never met. Gman
  21. It says he's only been a member since January a year ago. I could have sworn he's been advertising for years. It seems to me I talked with him once. He didn't seem to be into kissing-or at least wouldn't promise it without 'chemistry'. And I notice it isn't listed on his list. Gman
  22. Not by me they don't. Gman
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