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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Unfortunately diet sweeteners aren't usually very good for you either. I love sodas, and some energy drinks. Plus I need the caffeine too. To reduce my calories, and to avoid all the B vitamin cr-p they put into the energy drinks, I often take caffeine tablets. The tablets are 200 mg. I split them in 1/2 to get about 100 mg. The small Red Bull has about 80 mg of caffeine per serving. So I'm taking a little over the amount of caffeine in an 8.4 oz can of Red Bull. Plus the tablets have no calories. Gman
  2. Do you mind if I ask who was which? Gman
  3. Also now that I'm thinking about it, didn't Zach also work for Maximum at one time? Maybe someone who hired him from there could answer. Gman
  4. My opinion is that someone is using Mr. Brown's photos. The shots showing the face seem to me to be someone with a darker skin tone than the non-face photos. Of course I guess it could be lighting that is making the difference. But the physiques don't look quite the same either. The guy in the face pictures doesn't look quite as toned. Gman
  5. I don't know. I'm not saying some might not get to like gay sex. I mean wasn't there a scene in "Scenes From The Class Struggle in Beverly Hills" where a straight guy loses a bet and has to let another guy suck him off? When he's asked how it was, doesn't he say something like "one mouth is like another." But in general I think this plays into too many gay fantasies about getting the straight guy and turning him gay. Gman
  6. For some of them they probably initially thought they were totally straight. Then the idea of wanting to have sex with guys occurred -so they figured they were bisexual. Then they realized that guys were the only sexual partner they really wanted. Let's be careful here, please. I have no sexual attraction to women at all. (Of course my libido is so low at the moment prob due to medical problems, medications, and some depression that my attraction to men ain't too high at the moment either. But still I have historical evidence towards my attraction to guys) I can only go by an "n" of "1" (myself), but if there's "me" I hope I can extrapolate that legitimately to say there are others like "me." Gman
  7. I'm trying to figure out in the video whether Reba's expression means she is enjoying Adam's performance or thinking she could've sung it better. ? Gman
  8. Of course most of us probably already knew this. Here is Adam Lambert at the recent Kennedy Center Honors Program singing Cher's Believe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgJSid_2xG0 Gman
  9. It started out as a web series vignettes from the College Humor site. I found some of those originally by chance on YouTube. I've only seen bits of the series. I've always enjoyed what I've seen. Gman
  10. I don't really know anything about Peter North-so I'm hijacking this thread. But to prevent the hijack from going further, you could 'conversate me'. On the other hand this question might be about Peter North-I'm just not sure. I think there was a porn star that advertised as an escort before I started hiring in 2002. I think his name was Peter-maybe it was Mr. North. But I thought he looked different from the pictures I see of Mr. North. This guy was tall, muscular, and had an enormous tallywacker as I remember. He prob only advertised as a top. Was this Mr. North or was there possibly another Peter with a humongous peter? Gman
  11. I never thought about this. But you could very well be right. Gman
  12. Deleted Thread-sorry. Gman
  13. He lists kissing in his ad. Of course it might not be accurate. You have to wonder if his body has physiologically adapted to having that size of tallywacker by having a larger blood volume than usual. Because otherwise he'd be at risk of fainting every time he became hard due to lack of blood to his brain. ? Gman
  14. HEAVEN FORFEND!!! I hope he manages to escape soon. For any newbies on here, especially if you are of the bearish persuasion and like athletically muscular men next door type guys who love to kiss, I'd seriously suggest you look into Mike. Two hundred and something RentMen Reviews can't be wrong-well I guess they could be, but not in this case. Out of about 13 years of hiring (2002 to 2015), he's in my top three. And out of my top 5, I think only he and one other guy are still advertising (assuming of course that he renews his ad). Gman PS: The above was a non-remunerated endorsement of Mr. Gaite.
  15. I can envision it happening. Snap Chatting the incident seemed weird. If you could Snap Chat, you could also move away or say quit touching my junk. But if the Chat didn't show anything as @azdr0710 mentioned, I find that more believable. Gman
  16. I'm not discounting the being overwhelmed. But putting myself into the mindset of most straight 18 year old males, I'd pretty much assume that most would react quite stringently to their junk being fondled. And to keep Snap Chatting while said junk is being fondled seems quite strange. You'll notice I said if I had been straight. But I wasn't -even if not out to myself or anyone. So I prob wouldn't have been Snap Chatting as I had no girlfriend. Gman
  17. And again I have to ask if the victim had the presence of mind to Snap Chat, I'm surprised he let it go as far as he did. I mean think about it. When you were 18, wouldn't you have had to be pretty drunk to allow someone to play around with your crotch when you didn't want them too? Gman
  18. While not excusing Mr. Spacey at all, I don't think it's victim blaming to ask why the heck the 18 year old let him do it. Ok so assuming it's true, say the guy was overwhelmed by drink or the fact that it was Kevin Spacey. He then still had enough presence of mind while it was occurring to SnapChat his girlfriend? I mean I'm not disbelieving the 18 now 19 year old. I'm just wondering about his priorities, since most likely, I think if I were straight, I would have told Mr. Spacey to leave my zipper and crotch the hell alone!! Gman
  19. I'm so happy for you, @BasketBaller Gman
  20. At some point when the child asks, they are often told those are Santa's Helpers. Gman
  21. My family was originally Consevative-well it's complicated. My Dad's father's family wasn't that religious. My Dad's mother's family at one point was Conservative. My Mom's father originally went to the Orthodox Shul, but my Mom quit going there because the Rabbi or Cantor used to yell at the kids. In any case my Dad's mother's family customs prevailed and we were Conservative. Then when I was 4 we moved to a city where there was a Reform Temple and an Orthodox Shul. And my parents chose the Reform Temple, and that's where we stayed. And while my family wasn't overly religious, we celebrated all the major Jewish holidays. We lit the Hanukkah candles every year. My mother lit the Shabbat candles weekly. I went to Sunday school. My brother and I had bar mitzvahs. My sister didn't -and I think there was a bit of male preference there. We had just moved, and I don't know what happened. I've heard it said the rabbi of the city we moved to wasn't that fond of Bat Mitzvahs. But I don't really know. But I knew all about the superficial observances of Holidays like Christmas and Easter. I knew all the songs, went on Easter Egg Hunts etc. When you are surrounded by Christians since birth it's easy to pick up. Did you by some chance grow up in a mainly Jewish neighborhood where these things wouldn't have been as common? Gman
  22. (I may have asked this a few years ago. But if I did, I don't remember the responses). The Sun's Editorial to Virgina notwithstanding, I am going to take the position (spoiler alert) that there is no Santa Claus. The reason I ask is that we had a family Christmas dinner on Christmas (part of my family is Christian). Something was said about presents, and I in turn said (with the children being out of the room), "Do Y and Z still believe in Santa Claus". Y and Z are my twin 8 year old nephews. Their father assured me they did. I have to admit to being a bit shocked considering all the info that's readily available to children nowadays on TV, the internet, and books. I think I learned long before the age of 7. A lot of this was probably due to being Jewish. I have a vague memory of being around three years old, going to a neighbor's Easter Egg hunt, and wondering why the Easter Bunny didn't leave eggs at our house. I'm not actually sure if this is a true memory or not. But I remember my mother telling me there was no such thing as the Easter Bunny. I think over time I extrapolated this to patrons of other holidays. A few years later when I was around 5 I can remember visiting Santa at a mall. I remember whispering to my Dad that Santa didn't know we were Jewish. But I can't remember for sure whether I knew about Santa at that point - and thought it was funny that I'd sit on a fake Santa's lap or if I thought the guy was real. I know for sure that either by 1st grade-2nd at the very latest I knew the truth. In fact my mother tells this story (Note: I don't remember this event at all) that when I was in 1st grade some family friend thought it was terrible I didn't believe. Asked my Mom whether it was ok to come over to our house dressed as Santa. My parents gave permission. So one night in December while we were eating dinner, there's a knock on the door. My family probably told me to go answer the door. I was most likely excited to do that because the door was almost never for me that age. So I answered it, and there was Jolly Old St. Nick. My Mom says my eyes became really wide. But I doubt that convinced me for long. I mean I had figured out that the (ANOTHER SPOILER) Tooth Fairy was fake by the age of 5. At that point I still hadn't lost any teeth. But I wanted some rewards like my older brother and sister were getting. So I told my parents that there was a Tissue Fairy who collected tissues. And once or twice I told my parents at my bedtime that I had put a tissue under my pillow. And they played along and gave me a dime or quarter. Gman
  23. Or to translate into English "The angel of the Lord announced to Mary. ..." Gman
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