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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Gar1eth

    Tim Kruger

    I wonder in general, unless the top is extremely considerate, how often a 10 inch tallywacker is pleasant for most bottoms. I'm wondering if the dream of a 10 inch might be a lot more pleasurable than the actuality for a lot of guys. Gman
  2. I happened to be looking at Dutch guys the other day. I noticed him. But like all the other ethnic Dutch guys, he was a top. I guess the only bottoms in Holland are visitors. Gman
  3. I'll be spending it at home. And as usual I'm making my famous Hershey Bar Pie!! You take 6 Hershey Bars and melt over low heat with a 1/2 cup of milk. After that you add a tub of Cool Whip, and then pour it into an Oreo or Graham Cracker Crust and freeze -not refrigerate-for several hours or overnight. And this year I'm going to be putting in a 1/4 tsp of Mint Extract. Last year I did an 1/8th of a tsp, and I thought the flavor was too subtle. Wish me luck that 1/4th isn't overboard. As for other news, I found out a week or so ago that in May I'll be a great-uncle for the 5th time!!! I wish all of you the best!! Gman
  4. Could you provide us the English site URLs? Gman
  5. He advertises as a top. But I would have thought from the video that he was the one bottoming. Gman
  6. Don't you remember what Shakespeare said-"Neither a borrower nor a rimmer be"? Gman
  7. Too bad he isn't versatile. Gman
  8. As the guy seems to be more massage oriented, you might get a better response in The Spa section. Gman
  9. Did you try the link? When I tried it, there was no ad there. Gman
  10. And a little bit of white in his chest hair, @rvwnsd. But I agree with you that neither the white in his beard nor his chest hair detract from his appearance in the slightest. Gman
  11. Gar1eth

    My Meds

    But what about the g-d awful reek? If I were taking it, I'd need the capsule-or whatever form Marinol is. Gman
  12. An inch is 2.54 centimeters. 5 ml is a teaspoon. 30 ml is an ounce. (I think it's actually 28 point something is an ounce. But for all intents and purposes, it's 30 ml. ) Gman
  13. Are there still night trains? Thirty years ago, I took a night train from Paris to Amsterdam. A family member who went to Europe recently said they didn't have them anymore. Gman
  14. It's finally hit a point where it's cheaper than taking the 20 mg generic Revatio tablet. I just looked up what getting 500 -of the generic Revatio (equivalent to 100 of the 100 mg tablets). The cost on GoodRx is. $115.17 at Walmart. Gman
  15. I've had medical insurance about a month. I've found some specialists before I had the insurance. Unfortunately two of them are about 20 miles from me. One -my endocrinologistis covered by insurance(although when I saw her in September, I didn't have the insurance). The other, my neurologist, will start being in my insurance network as of January 1, 2019. They are both both in Dallas while I live in a northern suburb of Dallas. I'd really prefer they were closer. As I won't (hopefully) be acutely ill when I see them, the distance to their office doesn't matter as much. But I'm having trouble deciding on a internist. When I lived in the Dallas area before, I went to a 'gay' group in Dallas. Their office was far away from me, but I had more free time then. Currently though I live about 22 miles from their office. And I could consider using that group again, but if I was actually ill, 22 miles is a long way I travel. I could do what I did when I lived in Washington state and I was 35 miles from my gay internist. And that is plan to use Urgent Care Center if I was acutely ill and leave the doctor for chronic medical problems. But on my current insurance, primary care doctor visits are $35. And Urgent Care visits are $75 which would be difficult to afford. I don't know any gay friendly internists here in the northern suburb I'm living in. I looked on some gay medical organization website and no gay/gay friendly physicians turned up anywhere near me. I would hate to get an internist not used to the health needs of a gay male-like frequent STI testing if I ever start having sex again, or even worse an internist who is prejudiced against us-remember this is Texas. I've thought about going to the same group my mother and brother do. But my mother goes to the only internist in the group, the others are family practitioners. I prefer going to an internist. But I'm not sure I should go to my Mom's. And again, I have no idea how gay friendly his practice is. So I'm not sure what to do. Anyone have ideas or if in the Dallas area, know a good internist in Plano? Thanks, Gman
  16. Gar1eth

    My Meds

    It's not really an anti-inflammatory as we think of aspirin, naprosyn, or ibuprofen. It's actually a histamine (receptor) blocker. Histamine release causes other substances to be released which cause swelling and itching. It's not an antacid either. Antacids are "basically" bases. They neutralize acids. Famitodine, Ranitidine (Zantac), and Cimetidine (Tagamet-I believe at one time the most prescribed drug-not anymore due to side effects)are histamine receptor blockers. The histamine receptor when stimulated causes the release of histamine. Histamine also causes the release of stomach acid which is why you take Famitodine, Zantac, or Tagamet for acid indigestion. Gman
  17. I would have thought late twenties. But if I'm wrong, I'll gladly apologize. Gman
  18. Wasn't there an actor on Green Arrow who left the show and came out as gay? Gman
  19. He's cute. And apparently he's bottomed before. But I want a gay man. Gman
  20. He hasn't logged into his ad since 10/20, and now the ad is expired. Gman
  21. He's a handsome guy. But he's one of the oldest looking 23 year olds I've ever seen. But maybe it's the lighting. Gman
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