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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Well I certainly can understand your viewpoint. I was attracted to Lane too. But I think he may have retired before I actually started hiring. Gman
  2. One man's twunk is another man's _____ (you can fill in the blank yourself). I definitely really agree with you that Chelsea is not particularly a twunk. Now I don't want anyone to get me wrong. He's a cute guy. But not what I consider 'twunkish'. I'm even surprised that he listed himself as muscular as I would have called him athletic. I'm also surprised that he listed himself at 160 # as I would have thought him much lighter. But maybe it's his height getting him to 160. Where you (@gallahadesquire) and I disagree is your example of Chad II being a twunk. He's more non-muscularly bulky in my mind. I'm not saying I would throw him out of my bed if he found his way there (from my post here to G-d's eyes). A more classical twunk guy to my mind would be a back in the day Tory Mason. But I've always been partial to gymnast type physiques (or extremely muscular swimmer types -I wouldn't have minded if a young (but legal) Ryan Lochte had somehow found his way to my bed years ago. ). Gman
  3. I'm not trying to be snarky. But I don't really understand how your comment on Chizz relates to a thread on Dallas escort agencies from back in 2000. Was Chizz represented by one of those now long gone agencies? Gman
  4. Is being 'dry' a particularly good condition to be in after a massage? Please expound if you can. Gman
  5. Pardon me for the interruption. But good story. One of my grad school roommates was engaged to be married. I was really looking forward to his bachelor party in Houston. His bachelor party was 2 nights before the wedding. It turned out I couldn't go as my oldest cousin's oldest child was having his bar mitzvah that weekend in Dallas. I had to go to the bar mitzvah -and I wanted to. But if I hadn't wanted to go, I would have been disowned by my mother. But it was still disappointing not to be able to go to the bachelor party. So I get back from the bar mitzvah. At some point I talk with Dan (the groom). It might have been after the honeymoon. Looking at the wedding pictures one day, I notice that Dan has a subconjunctival hemorrhage in one eye extending outward from the corner. I ask him what happened. He said he had had so much to drink at the bachelor party that he became violently ill. While praying to the porcelain g-d, he had upchucked so violently that he tore blood vessels in his eye. I understand his fiancée-wife was furious when she saw his red eye!! Gman
  6. I was 15 when my brother-22- got married. We like each other but have never been each other's best friend. I would have liked to have been best man. But my recollections from my current (42 years past the wedding) vantage point are that I didn't expect to be my brother's best man and was not surprised by not being the best man. About 6 years later my oldest male first cousin was getting married at 25. He picked my uncle (his father) as his best man. My cousin's younger brother (19) was p.o'ed royally about not being picked. He kept saying things like "stupidest thing I ever heard -having your father for your best man." My part of the family was having a discussion about this-joking about my younger cousin's attitude. My brother just happened to say, "Well Gman didn't mind not being my best man." I replied, "Well a little, but I knew I was too young." My brother looked at my quite surprised as I had never said anything. The only chance I might have had after my brother was my best friend from high school. But I probably wouldn't have been as he had 3 brothers-one a year or two older, one a year younger , and one about 4 years younger. Besides his plethora of brothers, he was LDS and was married in their temple in Salt Lake City. So since non-LDSers aren't allowed into the temple, I never stood a chance. My other best friend from high school turned out to be gay. But I didn't actually know that until I was in my 40's although I had suspected since my 20's. We grew out of touch. Plus he died back in 2009 or so without, as far as I know, any partners. So that was probably my last chance. Gman
  7. I was with Darius once before he moved away from Dallas and before he bulked up. In those days he had more of a defined build. This was probably around 2004 or 2005. While not effeminate or anything, I had no problem believing he was gay. Maybe it was the fact that I topped him. Plus there was no tough guy vibe back then. I'm not sure if he had even done any porn yet at that time. Gman
  8. Thanks. I prefer him not so shaved. Gman
  9. Off the subject-but does anyone know whatever happened to Austin's former boyfriend, Tyler Wolf? Gman
  10. He certainly has a large tallywacker. But I can't get a good feel for his physique from the posted pictures. Gman
  11. Maybe you could ask him if he could vape for the time you are together? I saw him once at IML in 2011. He was incredible looking. I was still hiring then, and I called him up a few months later to see if he was ever versatile. He wasn't. But he was incredibly friendly on the phone call even after we found out we weren't a match. Gman
  12. What is the LPSG site? Gman
  13. Gar1eth

    Alex in DC

    I see what you are saying. But there are two moles in picture 3 that seem to match up with a lighter -skinned guy in picture 1 of his privates. Gman
  14. I was weak. I had a hot f-buddy that I wanted so much that I would go bare with him (this started when I think PeP (post -exposure prophylaxis was available/PrEP was 1st available to when PrEP became as common as it is now). We never met that often. Towards the end of our time together I was on PrEP most of the time. He always said I was the only one he bottomed bare for. And he was the only one I topped bare during this period. But I was never sure how much I should believe him. He was incredibly hot with probably an 8 inch tallywacker. He's also athletically muscular (although not in tip top shape) and very handsome. As handsome as he was/is I'm sure he was having sex all the time. I'm not sure why he was interested in me. I'm not being overly modest here. This guy could (probably )literally have almost anyone he wanted. He's probably the handsomest guy I'll ever have sex with. Aside from being handsome and having a large tallywacker, he was one of those guys who could control when he came. He was able to make/let himself cum almost immediately after I did. Initially prior to me being on PrEP I used to worry for months after each meeting. The only thing that gave me slight relief was knowing I was the top. Yes I know that isn't a guarantee of not being infected with HIV. But it was the main comfort I could take. After PrEP became more available, and I wasn't seeing the above guy, I would occasionally go bare. It still made me nervous-both about resistant HIV infections and other STIs. Another downside of going bare for me is that obviously while it feels better, it makes me cum sooner (not that I've ever been Mr. Long-Lasting even when using a condom). As I've gotten older, sometimes getting/remaining hard in a condom (even using Viagra) has been difficult. When I was on PrEP, going bare sometimes made sure I was hard enough. As a top, I used to hate failing someone I was meeting for a hook-up. If I failed with an escort, I didn't feel quite as bad as I knew they probably didn't care if the session was shortened by a client who couldn't perform. Now I'm probably immune suppressed to some extent considering the fact that I've been on prednisone since March. Even though my dose is now down to 15 mg daily, I'd be scared of going bare even on PrEP. I doubt there are any studies of PrEP effectiveness on immune-suppressed people. And at some point I may need to be put on stronger immunosuppressants if either the prednisone stops holding my myasthenia symptoms in check or the prednisone side effects become too much to bear. Gman
  15. Thank you!! Much appreciated. Gman
  16. He was quite popular on here a long time before the discretion incident Gman
  17. You really had never heard of Austin Wolf before? He was quite popular several years ago both in porn and here on the Message Center. Gman
  18. I totally believe you that the pictures are not of the guy you met. So what are we to make of the fact that neither @Lakers1001 nor @mkenneth99 mentioned that the pictures were false-and the fact that they both have numbers in their screen name? And I'm interested. If the guy in the pictures is a perfect 10, how would you rate the, most likely, straight guy you met? Gman
  19. Obviously I have. But I've also wondered what it would have been like to have had sex before I was 41, ever have a boyfriend, or even be straight. None of those are ever going to happen either. Gman
  20. My bottom is an exit only space except when I grudgingly see my urologist. Gman
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