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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. When guys here on the Message Center ( or when you read about it elsewhere ) talk about eyes rolling to the back of their head, etc., etc., etc., it seems to me that they are usually bottoms. Now don't get me wrong. I like topping. And it feels good to top. But I don't think I've ever seen stars from topping. What feels even better than topping to me usually is receiving oral. And even then the earth has never moved. Kissing is good too. But I can't say the earth ever moved for me from kissing. But it has made me hard as a rock. Gman
  2. Austin was one of my last hires. So this was sometime back. I don't think he charged more as it was for an overnight. And he knew I wanted to top him beforehand. Sadly while he was a reasonably pleasant guy to be with the meeting didn't go that well. He could only stay part of the night due to having dog responsibilities-but I don't think he told me that beforehand. On the other hand he was with me until around 2 or 3 AM to my recollection. Unfortunately I was so horny that I came during foreplay, so I never got to actually top him. As my meeting with Austin was a long time ago, I can't definitely refute your claim. Plus I'm always handicapped by the fact that I never have a ruler or tape measure on me at critical moments. ;)But I'm only 5 inches. And my recollection is that he was much, much larger than I am by more than an inch. I would have thought at least 7-1/2 to 8 inch range. He was wearing a cockring. But I've never heard that could increase length. Could you have been distracted by his height making his tallywacker seem less impressive to you? Gman
  3. I was with him once years ago. He definitely doesn't have a gherkin. I'd say he was well-endowed. I mean he's no 10-incher. But he was definitely above average. Gman
  4. While not a member of the Mile High Club, and likely never will be, I am a proud member of the 80 Mile An Hour Club (think Amtrak)!! Gman
  5. We interrupt this thread for a musical digression inspired by @Bearofdistinction's post. Don't watch, @Bearofdistinction, just believe!!! We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread already in prog... (er I mean) with hopes the thread will progress. Gman
  6. Is Austin still advertising? Gman
  7. Sherm appears to have left the building (or changed his name). Gman
  8. Do Your Eyes Roll To The Back Of Your Head While Topping? We've all heard guys express these events happening when they are describing great sex with someone. But, and I'm probably wrong, it seems to me when I think about it that (the majority of) guys who talk about this are either having their prostate stimulated by a top (ie someone bottoming) or someone receiving incredible oral. Gman
  9. Can you tell if said model is situated here in the United States or visiting? Gman
  10. All I can really say, as has been noted for years here on the Message Center, is de gustibus non est disputandum. Gman
  11. From your own description, the type of guys you like is fairly narrow. I'm luckily, much more eclectic. Gman
  12. Did you ask him why he puts versatile in his ad? Tony Bishop does the same. Gman
  13. Could you offer a bit more information perhaps such as " I've seen them around, and they aren't friendly," Their pictures are out of date," or "They don't appeal to me because...." Gman
  14. Yes, he's very attractive. Gman
  15. I'd just like to say I love handsome, muscular, masculine Asian men. If I could have found one to hire, I would have. But even more it wouldn't have bothered me at all to have one as a boyfriend or f-buddy either. I had an Asian roommate for a while in grad school. Facially he was nice looking but not, if you'll pardon the expression, a Greek g-d. On the other hand he was quite muscular. I don't remember ever really fantasizing about him then (although this was 20 something years ago and maybe I've forgotten). But I think I remember really enjoying it when he would take his shirt off. Not that I could tell him as I didn't want to be gay and was deeply closeted back then. Gman
  16. I dislike seafood. But I don't have a prejudice against fish. Just because tastes are usually culturally based doesn't mean they are the result of racism. People can be allowed to have preferences without the race card being invoked. Gmsn
  17. That's like saying that because you think roses are pretty and peonies ugly you are prejudiced against peonies. Now I'll admit that ideas of beauty are usually culturally based. But to say that because you aren't attracted to a certain type of person is due to racism, seems to me going just a bit too far on the claim of racism. Gman
  18. When I was hiring, I always used to provide a verbal description of myself. I always told them I was fat and unattractive. My saving grace was that the eye in the middle of my forehead was usually closed. Gman
  19. Possibly the reasons why you haven't seen labeled Senior Menus is that you go to more expensive restaurants or maybe the area of the country you live in. Chain restaurants like Denny's or IHOP have Senior Menus. Cafeterias frequently have a Senior Plate of some type too although Luby's, probably to get away from calling it a Senior Plate, calls it a Lou Ann Plate As a point of information, at my former IHOP in the city of Seatac, Wa, you could get a Senior Discount on the bill even without ordering off the Senior Menu. Gman
  20. But it's not until next week, right? Gman
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